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The Biggest Troll on the Web, Michael Brutsch...Busted!

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posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 08:17 PM

Originally posted by Argyll

So you don't think it's worth paying attention to perverts who take photographs of school girls surreptitiously and post them on the internet? you really think the way to defeat these perverts is to ignore them?.....and do you really think these kids have a "victim based mentality"?

Where did I say that? I was talking about trolls.
I had nothing to say about perverts because I don't know what to say other then people shouldn't be perverted?

perverts shouldn't be taking pictures of little boys and girls, why do you need ME to validate it?

Could you please tell me how a bloody school girl can " learn avoidance" when she doesn't know some pervert is going to snap a shot of her underwear without her knowing?

Again, I was talking about general trolls.
Perverts are an entirely different paradigm that I wasn't referring to.
That's something parents have to teach their kids.
And kids probably shouldn't have unrestricted internet access? Nor should their underwear be visible?

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 08:40 PM
reply to post by yourmaker

Again, I was talking about general trolls. Perverts are an entirely different paradigm that I wasn't referring to. That's something parents have to teach their kids. And kids probably shouldn't have unrestricted internet access? Nor should their underwear be visible?

If you had read the thread and links in their entirety you would know that this is nothing to do with "trolling" this is to do with a pervert.

What does "And kids probably shouldn't have unrestricted internet access" have to do with anything?

And as for this comment! "Nor should their underwear be visible"....words fail me!......let me spell this out for you....the guy encouraged people to post images of young girls taken surreptitiously, it has absolutely nothing to do with their "underwear being visible"

posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 09:09 PM

Originally posted by Argyll
reply to post by yourmaker

Again, I was talking about general trolls. Perverts are an entirely different paradigm that I wasn't referring to. That's something parents have to teach their kids. And kids probably shouldn't have unrestricted internet access? Nor should their underwear be visible?

If you had read the thread and links in their entirety you would know that this is nothing to do with "trolling" this is to do with a pervert.

What does "And kids probably shouldn't have unrestricted internet access" have to do with anything?

And as for this comment! "Nor should their underwear be visible"....words fail me!......let me spell this out for you....the guy encouraged people to post images of young girls taken surreptitiously, it has absolutely nothing to do with their "underwear being visible"

Actually, it's both.

many of Violentacrez's most offensive subreddits were created just to enrage other Reddit users. At this they were very effective. What happened was, some do-gooder would stumble upon one of his offensive subreddits and expose it to the rest of Reddit in an outraged post.

He used the offensive titles and content to troll for outraged response.

I can see your point tho. The material itself is offensive and yes he would be considered a ped.


posted on Oct, 14 2012 @ 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Argyll

So as long as it follows the "terms and conditions" of the site he posts on, you see nothing wrong with posting perverted images of minors?

your comment that "nowadays too many "normal" people inhabit the internet and bring all thier victim based mentalities with them" is one of the most disturbing things I have read on ATS in a long time.

what is illegal, is illegal.
if he can be charged, then charge him.
otherwise its down to morals, and like it or not, your morals and my morals are not the same.

if you are going to start a campaign against someone because you don't believe what they believe it becomes some kind of Spanish inquisition.

and NO ONE expects the Spanish inquisition.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 02:04 PM
Cue the moral gods of the earth here on ATS sitting on their perch and talking about how horrible this guy is.

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 03:03 PM
reply to post by jude11

I reserve judgement in fear of this person's supporters in this website...

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 05:05 PM

Originally posted by headb
reply to post by jude11

I reserve judgement in fear of this person's supporters in this website...

this is the scariest thing I have seen on ATS for a while.

if you are afraid to voice your opinions, because someone else has a different opinion, you have already lost the game of life.

the world is a varied place. it would be quite dull if everyone was the same.
voice it.
make it loud.
sod anyone else.
its YOUR opinion, and no one can take it from you.

well not yet anyway.

i dont support him, i support his right to engage in activities that... while distasteful to some, are not illegal.
as a responsible adult, you should too.

but if you dont, i would love to know why.

please, dont hold back. voice your opirions,

posted on Oct, 15 2012 @ 07:13 PM
OP, I bet you were a fan of Joseph McCarthy, huh? If he was posting kid porn, then set him on fire. Anything else is not deserving of a public dressing-down and blackballing him and his family everywhere he goes. I hope he deserves this. If not...if he was simply a troll looking to kill the boredom online...then you're an ass.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:01 AM
I created a term for these many years ago on Usenet for these trolls, 'Keyboard Rambo's'.

People with massive ego's and a rubber back bone, they live for the adulation of their minion followers and the response from their chosen bait.

Do the two things they hate, ignore them and if possible take away their voice..

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 04:40 AM
Some people are just in need of a passionate ass kicking, just because you can hide behind a monitor doesn't give you the right to be a scathing douche bag w/o any sort of repercussion.

Now he wants to be a mole, where does the douche baggery end?

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:24 AM
reply to post by jude11

Good post. You added to the information I knew about this story. From what I heard before it did sound like he was an unsavory character, but I didn't think it was right that he was outed and lost his job because of it. Having learned more about what he was responsible for and given that he acknowledged his intentions to rile people up, I say he got it karmic come-uppin's.

Too bad for his wife and children. His wife evidently is a very poor judge of character. Oh well. Maybe this guy will start a blog in support of universal health care now in order to make restitution to his family. Guess he has but up a virtual charity jar at Reddit for himself and his family, on account of his self-induced woes. Good luck with that.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by okamitengu
whatever he has done, is within the terms and conditions of the site he posts on.

when we can be outed for following the rules because we piss someone else off, we are in for a whole mess'a trouble!

what needs to happen is what used ot happen in teh early days of the internet,

"oh that guy, he's a di**head"

and wander away... nowadays too many "normal" people inhabit the internet and bring all thier victim based mentalities with them.
oh early internet whereforart thou!

*wanders back to IRC*

This guy was responsible for reddit subsites (subreddits, I guess) in which somewhat compromising pictures of underage girls were posted without their permission. It is more than a matter of people just walking away. Appears that a lot of his subreddits were offensive and promoted hate speech, bigotry and misogyny. Seems like he got what was coming to him.

Hopefully this will be an object for other internet sleaze bags and übertrolls.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:33 AM

Originally posted by MagnificentTongue
OP, I bet you were a fan of Joseph McCarthy, huh? If he was posting kid porn, then set him on fire. Anything else is not deserving of a public dressing-down and blackballing him and his family everywhere he goes. I hope he deserves this. If not...if he was simply a troll looking to kill the boredom online...then you're an ass.

Did you see the list of the threads this creep created? It was more than just soft-core kiddie porn. Why is this the only thing that should merit losing one's job. He had subsites/forums/whatever appear to cater to racism and misogyny as well. If employers can not hire or fire people for pictures they put on facebook, seems this guy's employer could fire him for the hate and vileness that this guy promoted.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:35 AM
I have a hunch he is also a member on ATS and will probably be posting in this thread if he hasn't already.

Artists all over the world get paid good money to insult people and "rile" them up.
I don't condone what this guy was doing but people who visit reddit or sites like that are not the type to be easily offended and generally know exactly what they can expect when they go to his threads.

edit on 10/16/2012 by Sparky63 because: spelling

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by okamitengu

Originally posted by Argyll

So as long as it follows the "terms and conditions" of the site he posts on, you see nothing wrong with posting perverted images of minors?

your comment that "nowadays too many "normal" people inhabit the internet and bring all thier victim based mentalities with them" is one of the most disturbing things I have read on ATS in a long time.

what is illegal, is illegal.
if he can be charged, then charge him.
otherwise its down to morals, and like it or not, your morals and my morals are not the same.

if you are going to start a campaign against someone because you don't believe what they believe it becomes some kind of Spanish inquisition.

and NO ONE expects the Spanish inquisition.

This is not an inquisition. It was an outing, from which his employer decided he was no longer suitable as an employee. There are plenty of things to be fired for that aren't illegal, and this would clearly fall into this category.

posted on Oct, 16 2012 @ 07:38 AM

Originally posted by MrInquisitive

Originally posted by MagnificentTongue
OP, I bet you were a fan of Joseph McCarthy, huh? If he was posting kid porn, then set him on fire. Anything else is not deserving of a public dressing-down and blackballing him and his family everywhere he goes. I hope he deserves this. If not...if he was simply a troll looking to kill the boredom online...then you're an ass.

Did you see the list of the threads this creep created? It was more than just soft-core kiddie porn. Why is this the only thing that should merit losing one's job. He had subsites/forums/whatever appear to cater to racism and misogyny as well. If employers can not hire or fire people for pictures they put on facebook, seems this guy's employer could fire him for the hate and vileness that this guy promoted.

I would probably fire him because he is no doubt using company time and resources to post his nonsense, much like I am doing right now. Fortunately I am the boss so I get to do what I want.
edit on 10/16/2012 by Sparky63 because: (no reason given)

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