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Timetravel via suicide or death., a personal theory of mine !!!!!!!!!!!!!

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posted on Apr, 23 2016 @ 10:38 AM
I´ve Been Thinking About this a lot in the last few years! I Believe that Life is Just Like the Movie “Groundhog Day”. Although it depicts a man living the same day over and over again, It made me Wonder that Maybe we’re confined to this life and this era we’re living now, for all eternity, but with the ability to, after death, transfer all the Knowledge and experiences we lived in this Life, in This Universe, to another One. Dr Robert Lanza States that After Death, we’ll Wake Up just Like Any Other Day.

I Believe that NOW my Life is "Life Number One". And this is The first One Because We’re Living in a Universe where our parents met each Other and therefore We were Born. Does this Makes any Sense to Anyone?

So My Goal is to gather all the relevant information that I need in this Life, in Order to Have a Better One when I’ll die. I Don’t want to get to know some People again, and I’ll definitely Avoid all the Mistakes that I’ve done… The Only Thing that intrigues me in this theory of mine is “The Checkpoint After Death”.
Will I Wake Up with Seven Years Old in my Grandmother’s house?
edit on 2342016 by VeloceDada because: (no reason given)

edit on 2342016 by VeloceDada because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 21 2016 @ 12:38 AM
I too have been thinking of a theory on this topic.

My thought all started one night as I was pondering after life, ghosts, space, time , God and so on.

First I'd like to say we live in a very organized world. We have governments that set rules and we have individuals that break rules and get punished for doing so. Our world has advanced in the last century faster than any other period. Why has this happened and why am I living in this time?

Secondly, why is it we are expected to believe everything we are supposedly told. Prime example of this is documentaries on old philosophers and writings from the bible. People tell us of history but since I didn't see it or be involved in it my question is did it really happen?

Thirdly, just because I'm told someone is bad or an organization is evil due to being told by the media or government is it really true..the examples of this thought are we are told Hitler was evil yet if I was part of his world on his side I'd truely beleive he was revelutioanry on his thoughts and technology he had access too. Why was he evil? I'll tell you. Because we are told this..

Now on to my wacky adventure I'm about to tell. Religion has been around for what 6000 plus year yet what they say is Earth had been around for billions of years. The Bible teaches or sorry I mean hypnotizes us to beleiving there is a better world. It talks of a place where everything is made of gold and our souls in its best forms can rejoice in eternity to a higher being called God. The rules to get to this place were place roughly 5200 years ago by a guy named Moses. He said such things in a desert while walking thousands of humans for 40 years to not do things like steal,lie,adultry,murder,use his name in vain,worship other gods besides the burning bush, keep his day holy, do not wish on others success or items, honour your parents. That's 9 I beleive...the tenth is just a repeat of the neighbor me it makes no sense. Why would something make us bow down to it..that's pretty much making that thin pretty sociopathic wouldn't you say?

Growing up I was abused, all 3 types..yeah, what God lets this happen. Also, why are there people out there who have been in a worse of state...I mean as bad as I had it or as good as I had it there will always be someone who had it worse or better no matter how bad or good your life is. Is it all a delusion?

Is God real or was it created to scare us. Is history real or is was it just created to mold us and make us beleive in something that has never really happen? Just because something is told to me doesn't mean I have to beleive it. Everything I haven't seen doesn't really exist. Do you see where I'm going with this, Time and past events are just articles. If the tree falls and no one is around to see or hear it did it actually fall?

Moses is a story of the first government being formed. Adam and Eve was the first act of making something evil..come on people..don't you see it?

Now back to my little dark thought. Space and Time are now a part of our world. This world we live we need permission to leave even if we have the resources to do so. There is now a government to control space. They show us pictures of space but since I don't see it myself is it real. They say you can't travel back In time yet they keep showing us the past. Religious figures say the ultimate crime is suicide due if you kill yourself you can't repent you go to hell. What is hell?

Basically yourself is your timeline..your timeline changes for better or for worse. You're always in same 100 or so years for eternity. Its up to you to think outside box..death isn't bad..its just interchangeable in so many ways. Your brain evolves not humanity. You are who you are in the time you are in for eternity..make the best of it. There is no final ending. We all started as something huge it banged and speared outwards. Energy can't die until it forms back into one. If you don't like yourself or life kill will go back to an earlier self with better knowledge and be one better. People suffering in other cultures just haven't evolved yet because they are newer energy. Evolve my friends ...mind over matter...and remember energy doesn't ever die,,,,bye...

posted on Aug, 21 2016 @ 03:10 AM
Replying to ghosts telling the future, I don't think they can travel in time, rather time does not exist there as we know it. It's all thought based, not physical like we know. The sun might shine because the dreamer (the main spirit of that dimension or after life) believes it should because of laws of nature, but those wouldn't exist without the dreamer believing so.

But I believe some spirits are very old and have seen a lot of humanity and know humans nature very well they might also have a lot of information about the (living) world. To such an old spirit our world might appear like a clockwork doing exactly as he expects, based on his knowledge and he might be able to see where things are going with a much higher degree than of an average living person who is still discovering new things in the world.

posted on Aug, 21 2016 @ 05:56 AM
a reply to: alysha.angel

It just seems to me that you are not satisfied and you want something other than what there is - this is the typical human condition!
But there only is what there is. Only words and languge paint a picture of other and then there is an idea that this can't be it - it is wrong - this shouldn't be - it should of been different.
There is much uneasiness around the belief of should and shouldn't beause it conflicts with what actually is.
What is there really?

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