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Foul, Gas-Like Odor Rolls in Off the Ocean in Southern CA - July 25, 2012

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posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 03:41 PM

originally posted by: Nathan-D
a reply to: St Udio
I can understand how it would be unpleasent for people close to the leak, but would it be potentially devastating on a planetary scale? I don't think so. From the articles I've read they seem to be very worried about the amount of methane emitted, but it isn't that much. So far, the leak has only emitted around 150 million pounds of methane.



the people no evacuated yet are suffering bloody noses, that means the sinuses are being ruptured or assaulted by harmful microbes perhaps?

the headaches & dizzy spell are not just unpleasant... they are harmful & dangerous aspects of an attack on one's respiratory system & nervous system.... can we repeat " Concussion Protocol"

150 million tonnes of released gas so far---- but with a 4 month longer anticipated release period...
the globalists with the Climate Warming are likely the perps that caused the released greenhouse damaging gas to suddenly burst forth from a mile deep pipe to the surface (did a fanatic drop a concussion grenade down the well pipe?
So that global-warming could indeed be happening after-all ?
so that the lying perps trying to hornswaggle the public on global warming - creates a major disruption to the atmosphere and allowing some 500 tonnes of pressurized methane destroy the ozone and trap heat that once was not there... making a tragedy a reality

posted on Jan, 6 2016 @ 06:02 PM

the headaches & dizzy spell are not just unpleasant... they are harmful & dangerous aspects of an attack on one's respiratory system & nervous system.

Sounds terrible.

150 million tonnes of released gas so far---- but with a 4 month longer anticipated release period...
the globalists with the Climate Warming are likely the perps that caused the released greenhouse damaging gas to suddenly burst forth from a mile deep pipe to the surface (did a fanatic drop a concussion grenade down the well pipe?
So that global-warming could indeed be happening after-all ?
so that the lying perps trying to hornswaggle the public on global warming - creates a major disruption to the atmosphere and allowing some 500 tonnes of pressurized methane destroy the ozone and trap heat that once was not there... making a tragedy a reality

150 million tonnes? The news articles say 150 million pounds of methane which corresponds to 68 million kg. Methane is said to be around 86 times more potent than CO2 (over a 20 year time-frame). Therefore that 68 million kg of methane would have the same effect (over 20 years) as about 5,800,000,000 kg of CO2. Now that sounds like an awful lot but it works out at only 0.058 gigatonnes of CO2. Humans are emitting about 36 gigatonnes of CO2 every year. So that 150 million pounds of methane is only equivalent to about 0.16% of our CO2 emissions in 2015 (i.e. 0.058/36).

posted on Jan, 21 2016 @ 02:49 AM

originally posted by: GoShredAK
a reply to: St Udio

Not arguing, and id like to hear more accounts cause my sister in law is kind of a lil brat, still I love her and shes pretty smart and an awesome person, so I trust her opinion.

After reading about the leak this morning I had my wife contact her family near LA.

I changed the names but here is their conversation for what it's worth. Possibly this is being exaggerated?

Bryan was at the lease when that happened. He's there right now. ... It's natural gas and has no side effects everyone's stupid
9 minutes ago · Sent from Messenger

Really? No nose bleeds ?
8 minutes ago

They're trying to get it under control but they're having a hard time finding the 7 inch leak. The well was made in 1940s and that where so cal gas stored the natural gas over the years and they had a blow out which is normal but this won was huge and are having hard time getting it under control. But they're already close Bryan's there right now cementing pipe in.
7 minutes ago · Sent from Messenger

No no nose bleeds ! Bryan's been on the lease working on the rig with so cal gas moving all there supplies and if anyone should have side effects it would be Bryan and there crew because they're there allllll day and night
Everyone's dramatic
6 minutes ago · Sent from Messenger

Mama shred
Well that's good! Ill tell mike he was concerned about u guys
5 minutes ago

He's been there for the past two months. Tell mike he'd be interested. It's all a news story for no reason......

Going to have to redact this post, I jumped the gun yet again.

My mother who has been going to college for some time now, she's an environmentalist and crazy smart, she's an inspiration to me in the way you can continue to learn your entire life.

She explained this to me very well and is calling it a disaster. Sure were not seeing the effect immediately but down the road this could be catastrophic. That's the understanding I have now anyway.

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