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Muslim Woman Asked to Remove Headscarf in NJ Mall

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posted on Jun, 17 2012 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by habitforming

Did you read the fact that I live and work all day everyday with neighbors, store owners and citizens I treat for emergencies here in Terry Jones most hated land "DEARBORN MICHIGAN"?

I was speaking to that with an educated response from someone who deals with this day to day: me. Its only an issue for everyone dressing culturally this way in accurate identification. The nationality and cultures should not matter.

So if your question was..."And why do you all keep just assuming a Muslim is from a Muslim country? All the ones I know are from America and Canada"...look up DEARBORN....and that should answer it for me.

Freedom and safety for all...respect for all cultures. We have to find a way...Peace

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 04:33 AM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
reply to post by habitforming

Did you read the fact that I live and work all day everyday with neighbors, store owners and citizens I treat for emergencies here in Terry Jones most hated land "DEARBORN MICHIGAN"?

Last time I checked, that was in the US. You are telling me you have yet to meet a Muslim in Dearborn that was born their?

I was speaking to that with an educated response from someone who deals with this day to day:

me. Its only an issue for everyone dressing culturally this way in accurate identification.

So you have a hug problem with wigs and hats right?

The nationality and cultures should not matter.

DING DING DING we have a winner. Now maybe you will better understand why I have not brought up nationality or race. I responded to it.

So if your question was..."And why do you all keep just assuming a Muslim is from a Muslim country? All the ones I know are from America and Canada"...look up DEARBORN....and that should answer it for me.

Actually I know quite a few Muslims from Dearborn and they tell me that Dearborn is still in the US. How many Muslim children do you see in Dearborn? They all constantly being unloaded off boats?

Freedom and safety for all...respect for all cultures. We have to find a way...Peace

Not sure I ever argued against any of that.
I was simply responding to all the "If we were in her country" bull#. America is her country. I am sick of Americans wanting America to lower itself.

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 04:45 AM
reply to post by mysterioustranger

Man or woman?

How many of them were armed?

posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 06:46 AM
Yes, this last weekend I worked 20 hrs at the Arab Festival at the 1st Aid-Command Center. No problems, everyone was great, and friendly. I enjoyed working it.

Whether born here, there, converted or point was not understood here no matter how Ive tried.
No matter WHO you are and where youre from...we need some clearly defined way that is culturally respectful.

When a EMT in a heavily Muslim city of natural born America and "home-country" immigrants cannot get a simple point of "I approve and accept all and show no disrespect to any..." across, then Im quitting trying.

Ill end here by saying...again...we have to find a mutually beneficial, accurate and culturally respectful way of properly identifying EVERYONE.


posted on Jun, 19 2012 @ 06:49 AM
reply to post by habitforming

Well, if we go on the premise that we need to find a way to respectfully and accurately identify everyone we need too....we should get her to take off her clothes.

This is America afterall. Whats right for one....

posted on Jun, 20 2012 @ 08:45 PM

Originally posted by mysterioustranger
reply to post by habitforming

Well, if we go on the premise that we need to find a way to respectfully and accurately identify everyone we need too....we should get her to take off her clothes.


This is America afterall. Whats right for one....

What the #?
I have no clue what you mean.
Who is going on that premise? You? It was not my premise. How is the result you needing her nude? What is right for one...what? What the hell?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:47 AM

Originally posted by buster2010
Maybe you should take your own advice and grow up as well. And while your at it read the constitution she has the right to wear it.

Where in the constitution does it say that?

posted on Jun, 21 2012 @ 06:57 AM
reply to post by habitforming

How did you not get that? It was a "tongue in cheek" remark. "Whats right for one..." refers to the fact that we cant treat anyone any different no matter their culture or beliefs. We all have equal rights, and have to abide by the laws of this country equally. Agreed?

It this newer world of death, destruction and terrorism, when an issue prevents adequate identification or refusal to identify...its becomes a greater issue of safety.

For everyone, all the time, regardless of THEIR customs, beliefs and long as they are in a country where it was good enough to move to, work in or visit..we have to have SOME way to uniformly protect everyone while respecting all parties beliefs in all ways possible.

So..."whats right for one..." meaning adhering to laws and applied...we all should have EQUAL rights and freedom under the laws of this country.

I have no clear answers...just that "Whats right for one...." regarding laws and rules should be upheld in this land of freedoms.

We have to find a way to do this.

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