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Learn How to Narrate

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posted on May, 18 2012 @ 06:13 PM
This is something that's difficult to do if you don't have any knowledge of how to tell a story, something I'm in the process of learning how to do. Although practicing how to use functions on ATS is important, being able to narrate and put information together to formulate a positive and intellectual view can be daunting. So my advice to new comers is take the time, if you plan on being a member for awhile, and learn how to narrate.

This is very important and can be helpful for yourselves and others, and will more likely provide further discussion on your topic, if your threads are well narrated. Also try your best to stay nuetral and be non-biased, this will help a lot, and will encourage others more to discuss your thread.

IMO this is one of the most important things you can do to be a positive and productive member here, example: let's say you post a thread and it's a good one, and you rub people the wrong way by how (opinion) you tell your story, you may find it gets no response. But on the other hand, you may see someone else post the exact same news and immediatley people start to discuss it. So in essence your losing out because you lack the skills necessary to tell a good story... So take your time, it's a challenge, and learn how to tell stories, which essentially would be your opinion mixed in with the news your posting, so others will be more apt at engaging in conversation.

Hope this helps...Peace....

posted on May, 21 2012 @ 04:29 PM
I'm going to add this to the thread and highlight some critical things which may help us to become better thinkers, as better thinking will promote better thoughts and provide a basis for becoming a better narrator.

Below are just some of the referenced ideas, not in specific order, but stuck out to me as I try and develope and further my own skills, and hopefully you find them useful as you begin your journey. Some of the points are for everyday life, but non the less useful. So here are just a few ideas I pulled from the article.

Top 10 Thinking Traps Exposed

Remember that your starting point can heavilty bias your thinking: initial impressions, ideas, estimates or data “anchor” subsequent thoughts.

What can you do about it?

Always view a problem from different perspectives. Avoid being stuck with a single starting point. Work on your problem statement before going down a solution path.

Think on your own before consulting others. Get as much data as possible and explore some conclusions by yourself before getting influenced by other people’s anchors.

Seek information from a wide variety of sources. Get many opinions and broaden your frame of reference. Avoid being limited to a single point of view.

This one is called conformity, or the "herd instinct" :

"In a series of experiments, researchers asked students in a classroom a series of very simple questions and, sure enough, most of them got the answers right. In another group, they asked the same questions but this time there were actors posing as students, purposefully pushing wrong answers. This time around, many more students provided wrong answers based on the leads from the researchers’ assistants."

This “herd instinct” exists — to different degrees — in all of us. Even if we hate to admit it, other people’s actions do heavily influence ours. We fear looking dumb: failing along with many people is frequently not considered a big deal, but when we fail alone we must take all the heat ourselves. There’s always peer pressure to adopt the behaviors of the groups we’re in.

What can you do about it?

Discount the influence of others. When analyzing information, shield yourself from others’ opinions — at least at first. This is the best way to decide without being subconsciously swayed by popular opinions.

Beware “social proof”. Always raise a flag when someone tries to convince you arguing primarily on the popularity of a choice, instead of on its merit.

Be courageous. Be willing to overcome obstacles and defend your viewpoints, despite their unpopularity. Don’t be afraid to point out that the Emperor wears no clothes.

And last but not least, the superiority complex:

"With few exceptions, people have much inflated views of themselves. They overestimate their skills and capabilities, leading to many errors in judgment."

What can you do about it?

Be humble. Always remember that everyone has blind spots (yes, that includes me and you)! Surround yourself with honest people. If we all have blind spots, nothing better than having honest people around us to point them out to us.

Don’t go overboard. These ‘thinking traps’ are inherent parts of us: they make us human. Applying rigor and rational thinking to our decisions is important, but that doesn’t mean that intuition has completely lost its place.

Don’t get me wrong: I still think that knowing about our own thinking traps is very useful — just don’t get too worked up about them.


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