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NOVA Origins miniseries - 4 yrs in the making

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posted on Sep, 28 2004 @ 09:03 PM
Sorry, just caught the last part of the first installment... next (last) 2 hour segment is tomorrow - well worth watching!! PBS Sept 28 and 29, 8-10pm eastern.

The much-anticipated NOVA mini-series Origins begins tonight on PBS (check local listings for time). Hosted by Neil de Grasse Tyson, an astrophysicist and director of the Hayden Planetarium in New York City, the ambitious show plans to journey all the way to the Big Bang and back again, "blending astrophysics, geology, chemistry, biology and even paleontology to knit together insights about the structure of the universe, the creation of planets and the foundations of life itself." MSNBC has an interesting write-up on the show that's been four years in the making.
(Quoting SeaDour, contributor to slashdot)

Nova | Origins | Pbs

�Origins� takes on life, the universe and everything

posted on Sep, 29 2004 @ 06:56 PM
Part 2 is starting now, if anyone's interested

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