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Tennessee Law Requiring Climate Change Denial Be Taught In Schools

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posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:25 AM

Tennessee has become the 4th state in the nation to pass an unsettling law that would mandate the teaching of climate change denial in schools. What is even more unsettling is that this law was passed with the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC). Tennessee follows Texas, Louisiana, and South Dakota in passing the bill with a vote of 70-23 despite the fact that scientists overwhelmingly agree that climate change exists and is due to human activities. If this weren’t enough of a blow to our children’s education, the existence of ALEC is. ALEC is corporate funded, and allows corporations to influence state politicians to rewrite laws.

Hello ATS,

There's something about corporate America influencing the curriculum in the school systems that disturbs me. A

I do not teach in Tennesse, so I may not have all the facts. However, this does concern me. I would hope, however, that our teachers would focus on the science behind the claims and allow the students to come to their own conclusions.

What say you, ATS?

ETA: I used as my original source a web site asking to sign a petition. This is a violation of T&C, so I've deleted that source. I have listed additional sources in the post immediately following. Sorry for the confusion.
edit on 27-3-2012 by smyleegrl because: Linked to a petition, changed sources. Having a rough day with posting!

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:31 AM
Additional sources for the bill: ThinkProgress Green
Enews Park

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

You really don't have all the facts. Climate change is a natural phenomenon that has been going on since the formation of the earth. Sometimes we have cooler climate and sometimes warmer. This is not caused by humans.
A large number of top scientists do not believe the Algore's of this world.

It is all about people control. Not climate control.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

Nope, I fully support Tennessee and the other states that haven't bought into the climate change hype. Funny how this farse keeps changing it's name, first we had Global cooling, then when that didn't work it got changed to global warming, that didn't really pan out so lets call it climate change! That should cover all the bases.
Then we've got this here where the scientists were caught fudging the numbers.
Does global warming/cooling happen? Yeah, look back through the Earths history and you'll find warming and cooling periods. It's what the Earth does.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 09:52 AM

Originally posted by dakota1s2
A large number of top scientists do not believe the Algore's of this world.

The Doran & Zimmerman study was done for a master's thesis and involved a 9-question survey. The 2009 peer reviewed publication that followed the study reported on 2 of the 9 questions. The study found, in part, that 96.4% of "climatologists who are active publishers on climate change" agree that mean global temperatures have risen "compared with pre-1800s levels", and that 97.4% (75 of 77) agree that human activity "is a significant contributing factor" in temperature change. The study concludes the distribution of answers to those survey questions implies that debate on the "role played by human activity is largely nonexistent" amongst climate experts

Yes, a large number...also known as 2.6%, or a bit over 600 scientists against tens of thousands

I would venture to guess, if you studied each scientist in opposition, you would find money being funneled to them, or really shoddy science.
Do you listen to the overwhelming global chorus, or do you listen to a couple quacks, plenty of corporatists, and the politicians they have purchased?

About the ops.
I don't mind them explaining the anti-science stance on the opposition, but give the full story. Show the students that no matter how sound the science is, there will be fools that will deny reality in order to push a political and corporate agenda..even if it means the destruction of our species.
These students need to know not only the disaster that awaits the planet, but also the mindset that still exists that pushes it out of either profit, or just complete ignorance.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:10 AM
reply to post by dakota1s2

You sir, are very ill informed. 99% of climate scientists agree that human interaction has affected global climate change in a negative way. Check out Nova's Extreme Ice. It will show you scientific data that proves the burning of fossil fuels is raising the global temperature. All you have to do is look at the data. It's science, not opinion.

oops, looks like that 99% figure is off by a percent and a half... sorry

edit on 27-3-2012 by Cantmakedisup because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:16 AM
reply to post by dakota1s2

I understand and agree that there's not enough evidence supporting global warming. You are right. But that isn't what concerns me. I'm more worried about corporate America using the school system to promote their agenda.

I am not advocating that one view be taught over the other.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:40 AM
reply to post by smyleegrl

The bill doesn't require climate change denial be taught in schools, it just shields teachers/students from being disciplined for critiquing "weaknesses" in the theory.

Here is the bill's summary from the Tennessee General Assembly's website:

Bill Summary
This bill prohibits the state board of education and any public elementary or secondary school governing authority, director of schools, school system administrator, or principal or administrator from prohibiting any teacher in a public school system of this state from helping students understand, analyze, critique, and review in an objective manner the scientific strengths and scientific weaknesses of existing scientific theories covered in the course being taught, such as evolution and global warming. This bill also requires such persons and entities to endeavor to:
(1) Create an environment within public elementary and secondary schools that encourages students to explore scientific questions, learn about scientific evidence, develop critical thinking skills, and respond appropriately and respectfully to differences of opinion about controversial issues; and
(2) Assist teachers to find effective ways to present the science curriculum as it addresses scientific controversies.


AMENDMENT #1 clarifies that the bill would apply to scientific subjects and science courses "taught under the curriculum framework developed by the state board of education." This amendment requires the department of education to notify all directors of schools of the provisions of the bill by "the start of the 2012 - 2013 school term", instead of by "the start of the 2011 - 2012 school term".

So the way I read that is a teacher can not stop a student from arguing against manmade climate change with the added protection that someone then can not sue the teacher/school for allowing it to happen.

I see nothing wrong with the bases of this. What I do have a problem with is the corporate involvement with the writing of the bill.

edit on 27-3-2012 by OneisOne because: forgot link

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 10:48 AM
reply to post by Cantmakedisup

So, all thses volcanos that pop off from time to time aren't they pumping more gases into the atmosphere? How about other planets in our solar system that are warming?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:25 PM
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would venture to guess, if you studied each scientist in opposition, you would find money being funneled to them, or really shoddy science. Do you listen to the overwhelming global chorus, or do you listen to a couple quacks, plenty of corporatists, and the politicians they have purchased?

Are you freaking kidding me? Like all the money being made off of climate change , ISNT being funneled to the other scientist pumping out bogus information?

Do you NOT remember the memos that were leaked?

what about all the BLATANT lies about climate change and made up numbers?

What about all the scientist who have come out and flat out said they were being "pushed" to come out with phony info?

How bout the whole green energy debachle with MILLIONS of dollars being "lost" to fund programs that myseriously go under and NONE of the money is recovered?

Give me a break man, the scientist pushing this agenda are making money hand over fist!
edit on 27-3-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:36 PM

Current theories of the causes and impact of global warming have been thrown into question by a new study which shows that during medieval times the whole of the planet heated up.
It then cooled down naturally and there was even a 'mini ice age'.
A team of scientists led by geochemist Zunli Lu from Syracuse University in New York state, has found that contrary to the ‘consensus’, the ‘Medieval Warm Period’ approximately 500 to 1,000 years ago wasn’t just confined to Europe.
In fact, it extended all the way down to Antarctica – which means that the Earth has already experience global warming without the aid of human CO2 emissions.

The global warming religion has no place in our schools. Separation of church and state...remember?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:48 PM

Originally posted by dakota1s2
reply to post by smyleegrl

You really don't have all the facts. Climate change is a natural phenomenon that has been going on since the formation of the earth. Sometimes we have cooler climate and sometimes warmer. This is not caused by humans.
A large number of top scientists do not believe the Algore's of this world.

It is all about people control. Not climate control.

At the same time, anti global warming rhetoric such as yours is used to justify the further
destruction of our environment. This is the first time in Earths history that a creature on
the Earth pollutes and disrupts the chemistry of the atmosphere with non biological processes.

Your position is just as much about protect unbridled profiteering and controlling the status
quo as Al Gore's position. In this case it is to maintain mankinds dependence on fossil fuels,
instead of shifting to new modes of production.

Your position is about as intelligent as thinking the AIDS virus cannot effect a human being
because it is too small

edit on 27-3-2012 by braindeadconservatives because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Chance321
reply to post by Cantmakedisup

So, all thses volcanos that pop off from time to time aren't they pumping more gases into the atmosphere?

How about the fact that Volcanos are physically attached too and apart of planetary bodies.
Volcanos are as natural as Hurricanes, burning 20,000,000 pounds of coal a day is not natural.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by braindeadconservatives

Originally posted by Chance321
reply to post by Cantmakedisup

So, all thses volcanos that pop off from time to time aren't they pumping more gases into the atmosphere?

How about the fact that Volcanos are physically attached too and apart of planetary bodies.
Volcanos are as natural as Hurricanes, burning 20,000,000 pounds of coal a day is not natural.

Your leaving out the point that theres no way we can produce as much output as these natural occurances do on a regular basis!

yet somehow man is responsible for all this climate change and global warming!

Im all about conserving energy and not wasting things, and picking up our trash and watching how much crap we polute with and put into the ground and our water......

But the fact is EVERY PLANET in the solar system right now is experiencing climate change......

I suppose thats our fault too right? Well......maybe .......with all the CO2 output from these bogus scientist

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by braindeadconservatives

Originally posted by Chance321
reply to post by Cantmakedisup

So, all thses volcanos that pop off from time to time aren't they pumping more gases into the atmosphere?

How about the fact that Volcanos are physically attached too and apart of planetary bodies.
Volcanos are as natural as Hurricanes, burning 20,000,000 pounds of coal a day is not natural.

Coal is here on earth naturally, as are human beings. What is so unnatural about human activity?

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:38 PM
Republican wish to keep there populations dumbed down.

Education and Voting Habits Each states' votes in the last four Presidential elections (1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008) correlated positively 71% with the state's high school ranking above or below average. (Most statistics herein have a margin for error of +/-4%.) States having above-average high schools voted Democratic 64% and Republican 24%; states having below-average high schools voted Republican 78% and voted Democratic 22%.

States with high schools in... Rep Dem Swing
top 25%............. 8% 75% 17%
2nd 25%............ 39% 54% 8%
3rd 25% ............ 75% 25% 0%
bottom 25%...... 82% 18% 0%

These strong statistical correlations suggest that our nation's most poorly-educated people vote Republican, and that blind loyalty to either party decreases as levels of education improve.

Educational Rankings of the United States...

It doesn't surprise me at all.
edit on 27-3-2012 by LDragonFire because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:42 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire
Republican wish to keep there populations dumbed down.

Education and Voting Habits Each states' votes in the last four Presidential elections (1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008) correlated positively 71% with the state's high school ranking above or below average. (Most statistics herein have a margin for error of +/-4%.) States having above-average high schools voted Democratic 64% and Republican 24%; states having below-average high schools voted Republican 78% and voted Democratic 22%.

States with high schools in... Rep Dem Swing
top 25% 8% 75% 17%
2nd 25% 39% 54% 8%
3rd 25% 75% 25% 0%
bottom 25% 82% 18% 0%

These strong statistical correlations suggest that our nation's most poorly-educated people vote Republican, and that blind loyalty to either party decreases as levels of education improve.

Educational Rankings of the United States...

It doesn't surprise me at all.

No coincidence that many red states also have a high percentage of blacks in the population. Make of it what you will, but it does skew the findings.
edit on 27-3-2012 by Carseller4 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:49 PM

Originally posted by Carseller4
No coincidence that many red states also have a high percentage of blacks in the population. Make of it what you will, but it does skew the findings.
edit on 27-3-2012 by Carseller4 because: (no reason given)

Your blaming the low or poor numbers of the education levels in reds states on blacks?

I'm blaming the elected government for there failure, not a minority.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 01:56 PM

Originally posted by LDragonFire

Originally posted by Carseller4
No coincidence that many red states also have a high percentage of blacks in the population. Make of it what you will, but it does skew the findings.
edit on 27-3-2012 by Carseller4 because: (no reason given)

Your blaming the low or poor numbers of the education levels in reds states on blacks?

I'm blaming the elected government for there failure, not a minority.

Yes, pretty much. Do the same study and you will find that the higher numbers of blacks in the population the lower the education levels. It is what it is. Trying to pin low education levels on Republicans isn't going to cut it without leaving this out of the equation.

posted on Mar, 27 2012 @ 02:02 PM

Originally posted by ManBehindTheMask
reply to post by SaturnFX

I would venture to guess, if you studied each scientist in opposition, you would find money being funneled to them, or really shoddy science. Do you listen to the overwhelming global chorus, or do you listen to a couple quacks, plenty of corporatists, and the politicians they have purchased?

Are you freaking kidding me? Like all the money being made off of climate change , ISNT being funneled to the other scientist pumping out bogus information?

unsubstantiated claim, ignored.

Do you NOT remember the memos that were leaked?

what about all the BLATANT lies about climate change and made up numbers?

Yes, I actually researched them.
For someone who does not understand context, they will seem quite exposing..but should one actually look at the key points, you understand exactly what happened.

What happened was the scientists, presenting evidence decided to not show the temp cooling cycle in order not to confuse the perpetually dumb, but instead show the overall rise.

See the graph, the upward swing? well, look at all the neat points, you see micro fluctuations. If you look in a 10 year scale, you would think..ok, problem solved, the temps are cooling. Scientists don't want you to look at the day to day cycle, but rather the trend.

The leaks were arguing that you need to include the numbers also for the current loss and not paint it as nothing but rising. This would damage the credibility and make the whole thing seem like something was trying to be hidden if it got out
and of got out..and of looks like the whole thing is bogus because there is no context.
It was foolish of them to try and hide the cycle data...they did it to cater to idiotic politicians and not confuse them with science..and of course it backfired.
This does not stop the simple fact that the trend is most definately warming.

What about all the scientist who have come out and flat out said they were being "pushed" to come out with phony info?

Inconsequential. most "scientists" you will find are on the paycheck of big oil.
Most of the scientists in questioned are angry that they were dismissed (often rudely) by their peers for quackery and so are deciding to cash out on a career they themselves self destructed.

Science is a rough sport...trying to debunk accepted claims requires a lot of supporting evidence. If you fail to meet the criteria, you are ripped to shreds and your credibility is at risk..if you are clearly pushing an agenda of belief over fact, you are all but nailed to the cross for the rest of your career and can lose everything you worked for. Its hard, but its necessary in order to progress science..makes a person sure of what they are talking about and do the hard work verses just stopping all science with random beliefs and hypothesis's.

Bitterness does come when people are ultimately dropkicked out of the game...and to some, this makes these quacks seem more truthful if it suits their belief, but in all honesty, it just shows that the person was too lazy or stupid (or purchased) to do any real science.

How bout the whole green energy debachle with MILLIONS of dollars being "lost" to fund programs that myseriously go under and NONE of the money is recovered?

Give me a break man, the scientist pushing this agenda are making money hand over fist!
edit on 27-3-2012 by ManBehindTheMask because: (no reason given)

Another unsubstantiated claim.
Here, read something not put out by oil tycoons and political hacks:
Understanding "Climategate"

Should you read it, you may see what is really going on...but chances are you won't read, if anyone else just sort of lurking around wish to read it, I would suggest...check in on things..see who is making the money...who loses if we are forced to clean up our act.

If 97% of independent global scientists reach a conclusion, its a good idea to go with that as most likely the truth verses the few fringe voices suggesting nothing is wrong, polar ice caps are just turning invisible because of cloaking technology or however they want to frame it.

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