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Voting Is Pointless | All Hope Is Lost

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posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:25 AM

long video but better then reading a wall of text i still like ron paul and agree with him on most everything but saying # like this is stupid and only turns people off to him
edit on 3/11/2012 by MrSmokeydogg7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:29 AM
Even if the system is corrupt, there is always hope in an honest citizenry. One willing to stand up for itself, and the greater good. By setting an example through deed, we can overcome any system of oppression.

How this is done is up for debate as everyone holds a diffrent, unique perspective. But with genuine heart and positive ideas of how to build up instead of destory, we will over come.

I personally believe that one of the many fine examples Christ taught us.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:39 AM
Dear OP,
In the first few seconds I gave your vid a thumbs down.
Apparently you are not a homeowner and it is hard to learn about the world from your folks house.
If you are buying a house you must have insurance, if you own a house, you should have insurance.
Now if there are certain things your insurande does not cover, you should be shopping.
The fed should not be paying our bills.
Now if voting is so pointless, maybe you should move, shutup, or start the revolution.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:40 AM

Originally posted by Lasr1oftheJedi
Even if the system is corrupt, there is always hope in an honest citizenry. One willing to stand up for itself, and the greater good. By setting an example through deed, we can overcome any system of oppression.

How this is done is up for debate as everyone holds a diffrent, unique perspective. But with genuine heart and positive ideas of how to build up instead of destory, we will over come.

I personally believe that one of the many fine examples Christ taught us.

sorry but we are too far gone if their is a god he should hit reset

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:42 AM
reply to post by MrSmokeydogg7

Actually it is not pointless. Voting may not count but that doesn't make it pointless.

Why? Because it is the illusion of voting which will eventually wake people up. For the recent past the voters have thought they were electing their presidents. Since the candidate they voted for won, or they were told that candidate receive the most votes, they accepted it. The media normally controls the voters perception of the election pretty well so even if their candidate loses they normally accept it because the media tells them it is fair and that is just the way it is.

But, the voters have seen a couple of instances where a candidate had more votes and still didn't win. This didn't wake them up but it did jostle them in their sleep. Since then there have been other irregularities. Most recently we have seen the blatant fraud in the republican caucuses and primaries. This has actually shaken many awake.

Not enough have woken up and realized that they are being fooled, but they will. But, in order for them to figure it out they are going to have to go and vote and realize that the outcome isn't normal. They have to take the action they expect will yield a certain result and find that the result is so wildly different that they can only come to one conclusion; that they have been fooled all this time.

So, the vote does have a purpose. Its purpose is to wake everyone up to the fact that it has no purpose. Only then can we begin to fix it.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:42 AM

Originally posted by g146541
Dear OP,
In the first few seconds I gave your vid a thumbs down.
Apparently you are not a homeowner and it is hard to learn about the world from your folks house.
If you are buying a house you must have insurance, if you own a house, you should have insurance.
Now if there are certain things your insurande does not cover, you should be shopping.
The fed should not be paying our bills.
Now if voting is so pointless, maybe you should move, shutup, or start the revolution.

im 25 years old married with 2 kids the feds dont pay my bills nice job asshat your part of the problem lmao my folks house i moved out when i was 18 try watching the video before commenting you look silly and realize not everyones rich and able to afford insurance and that doesn't make them worthless losers who don't deserve help or a nice life alot of them work their ass off at their job and get jack # in return
edit on 3/11/2012 by MrSmokeydogg7 because: (no reason given)

edit on 3/11/2012 by MrSmokeydogg7 because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 12:55 AM
reply to post by MrSmokeydogg7

Well in truth, I had not seen the whole vid at that point as I have to take breaks to wash the filth from my ears, you have pottymouth.
I understand you have 2 kids and work 25 hours a week, that is fine.
Try to get out of your pajamas and put some day clothes on and look for another job.
I am rich by no financial stretch of the imagination, but I did raise my 6 kids with no college behiind me other than a couple of years of psychology.
But that did not help my plumbing business.
You just need a positive attitude is all.
Well, that and a comb.
Go get em tiger!!

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 01:11 AM
Did the OP get banned cuz of this thread? What happened here?

Nvm, I just read his last post

edit on 11-3-2012 by Swills because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 03:30 AM
The gentleman in the video could clean up his language a bit, but otherwise he raises some genuine concerns that MANY folks are feeling right now.

Many average folks are sick and tired of being EXPLOITED in life while the biggest SLACKERS on this planet are making all the money. While at the same time, these average folks have to deal with being ridiculed and laughed at by the scum at the top who wouldnt be there without the struggling folks who provide these wealthy bums THEIR wonderful life.

Nearly every single one of these big-shots who laugh, ridicule and exploit the average folk would commit SUICIDE if they had to do our jobs day in and day out, and live our lives day in and day out. Some folks would like a little bit more out of life and WHY shouldnt they??

Many average folks work VERY hard yet have nothing to show for their work other than nonstop struggle and grief. Cant really blame folks for putting out videos where they have no choice but to vent like that. Thats really one of their only options anymore.
edit on 11-3-2012 by HangTheTraitors because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:16 PM
reply to post by MrSmokeydogg7

Mr. Smokey,

I understand your situation and about working hard just to get by. I do not have kids, but I do work full-time while going to college full-time. I work an average of 18 hours a day, constantly, 7 days a week for years now, just to pay for rent and school with absolutely no spending money.

I believe strongly with this point of view:

People should not have to struggle like I do just to get an education. It is intolerable at times and people should not be expected to work themselves to the bone just to get off the streets and not be homeless, as I have been before and during my education.

Also, if someone does not want to attend college, we should have quality, decent paying jobs that have been out sourced to foreign countries. We should not destroy the middle class, which is built upon people with all levels of education.

However, the Federal Government does not have the constitutional right to take tax payers money and give it to other tax payers because they are less fortunate. Before you get upset at this comment, please read on. In America, we should not have our earnings taxed, thus the government would not have as much to spend on helping people. INSTEAD, people would be making more money if their income was not taxed and jobs were not out sourced to other nations. This would allow everyone the ability to afford their own health, house, car, etc, insurances. THUS, they would not need the government handouts.

More so, being back on the gold standard would increase the net worth of people over time, making people wealthier. Combining this with having good jobs and non-taxed earnings, no one should have a problem taking care of themselves.

The Federal Government needs to be much smaller and focus on the constitutional powers given to it. Let them deal with the foreign relations (PROPERLY), support the national infrastructure, maintain a high quality military using only the money made from tariffs and sales tax.

The states themselves should be able to offer this care if they so choose to, but it is not a right of a citizen to be babied by the government.

The society mentioned above is the one Ron Paul wants to bring about. We had it a hundred years ago and were amazingly prosperous and can do so again.

I for one have been working extremely hard and need that extra income taken from my pay check. However, instead of buying an XBox 360, cable tv, going out to eat, or any of the other wastes of money, I have spent my money on car insurance and health insurance because safety net is more important to me than some video game or restaurant food. IF someone else chooses to pay for cable tv every month instead of health insurance and they get hurt, I should not have the obligation to pay for their bills. THEY could have budgeted their money better by sacrificing amenities and luxuries for what is really important!

By cooking all of my own food I not only save money, but I also eat better leading to better health. This is another topic entirely, but is justified in this argument. People need not rely on Kraft Mac&Cheese but by their own noodles and cheese for a much lower price, thus saving money and eating healthier.

All on all, everyone makes a choice. If they feel that insurance is not important enough to pay for then I should not end up being their insurance policy and pay for their misfortunes. I am already working hard enough for God's sake!

I ask you this:

Why should I, someone who makes the sacrifices to pay for my insurances, end up being another person's insurance policy when they instead spent their money on things they did not need or could have spent it better with additional forethought? Do you not think I work hard enough 18 hours a day, 7 days a weeks and have to pay for someone else who most likely bought things they could have fun with while I made the the appropriate lifestyle changes?

If someone is in a bad position, they need to sit back and look at their life and figure out how to get out of it. They need to look at their spending and figure out what they can live without or cut costs on. Then they need to spend the required time to get out of the situation while spending their money wisely. ONCE they are out and in a better position, then they can purchase the luxuries they so desire.

I for one am not for supporting people who have not gone through this process. People need to either man up or woman up and do the actions required of them to be able to have their safety net and desired luxuries.

For people in the process of bettering themselves, church and local charities would be more abundant with the earnings not taxed, thus could find help.

Let me ask you this? Have you watched a TV show, movie, or football game recently? I haven't. If you have, spend that time working for your desired future.

Make yourself.

posted on Mar, 11 2012 @ 02:31 PM
reply to post by Bakatono

While I can unsterstand your sentiment, there's a flaw in that logic. This process has been going on for so long, with the same results and same faulty system. Just how long does it take to wake up? If it takes a nation just about a century to wake up, something is terribly wrong.


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