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Acceptance ((A Poem))

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posted on Mar, 2 2012 @ 07:59 AM
The pain that stirs within my heart. The sacrifice that tears me apart. The hatred that rips my soul apart. I have done the unthinkable... and allowed destruction to awaken within my soul and heart. Hold up... oh no.... why did you let that into your soul? It is apart of me... and yes it... affects the way I see. There is.. no easy way to protect the ones I love. If I am weak and choose to only protect through the righteous teachings from above... I leave myself open to those that can kill and get the best of me through ill will. Yes I still fight... with righteousness and might. But it is to kill... if they touch anything that would harm a child of light... and even a child of the night. But why can't you see? That life is more than just peace and the harmony. War must survive... to teach others to carry on the signs of the light. To bring the peace.... and allow all to become one. So I made the sacrifice.... I cried my share of tears... I plan to protect... what others would assume to fear. I am friends.... with a truly awful man, his deeds aren't kind... and he has broken me in half. Am I wrong? To love him... for showing me my flaws? Am I wrong to wish for peace... when all he see's is the war? War is inevitable and shall always be here.... so why not accept it and learn to embrace it? Make it as one.... and one is as all. Make my peace with the war... and my destruction my tool of protection and ever divine love.
edit on 2-3-2012 by Rishiana because: Needed more info

edit on 2-3-2012 by Rishiana because: Changed letter to uppercase in title

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