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do processor companies supress technology??

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posted on Sep, 20 2004 @ 04:25 PM
there have been studys done in the 18-28 age group they play pc/xbox/ps2/gamecube more then they watch T.V. What is really holding back the gaming industry is xbox/ps2/gamecube... they really need to make them upgrade able. You can really see the diffence between PC games made for PC only and games made for xbox/ps2/gamecube...

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:53 PM

Originally posted by Assassin

Originally posted by Azza
why did they have a Bone Welder at AT&T?

not too sure... but, they have thier hands in more than just communication technology to be sure... as is the case with most big companies im sure.

as for the bone welder thing being a joke... who knows, i dont recall seeing anything but seriousness on his face when telling me things like that.

i'll give him a call in a day or so, just to ask if he was joshin' me.
after all, what reason would he have for lying (to his adult son) about it now?

[edit on 9/19/2004 by Assassin]

well... i talked to the oldman last night. he said, just as i thought he would, that the 'bone welder' wasn't a joke...

posted on Sep, 21 2004 @ 12:59 PM
I don't know if this has already been said or not but current software capabilities are far behind the technology avaliable to the public. There is no need for an 8ghz processor because our software, even games, can't use 4ghz. The main thing is graphics cards!

Since the 1990s graphics cards have gone from a just basically a DAC (Digital to analog converter) to almost a complete computer with its own ram, processor, bus, and external power supply. Processors have take a back burner to graphics card technology. Now its not "I have the new Pentium!" its "I have the new Geforce!" and it will probably stay that way for a while... at least until DDR3 and PCIxpress become mainstream...

[edit on 9/21/2004 by lockheed]

posted on Sep, 22 2004 @ 12:04 AM
with regards to the ps3 "cell" processor, i remember reading about that last year and getting all excited, but what i dont get is if the military and the govt are witholding techonology then one would expect the private companies who do also run the world too when you think about it t also have access to this same techonology. That been the case, why would ibm and toshiba and sony need to invest $400million+ towards the development of cell?

also, say bluetooth has been around for decades, then does that mean 3g has been around for decades too? wouldnt a service provider been in on it too then because it the service provider as well as the phone device which allows 3g to work. Wouldnt someone have noticed all these 3g video calls going around in the 80's? and 3g phones been carried by military executives etc? what is the defn of 3g anyway? i got an xda II which has 400mhz intel chip, windows 2003 and does loads of things but isnt 3g for some reason although i reckon its more powerful than a 3g phone.

great to see so much dialogue going. I still got more to ask and reply to once ive read the posts a few more times

btw, ive got 40gigs of audio, since audio books themselves take up like 100mb per book if its a decent quality and complete and unabridged, plus all the art bell etc audio fiels of decent length are about 16megs+ each.

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