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Open letter to Benjamin Fulford. part 2

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posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:34 PM

Thank you mister obvious….im glad we dont have to go into that stuff and we can focus on REAL issues, like controlled opposition.

You go on to say: ”That’s why I told the Pentagon guys, “You can have a Starship Enterprise future, exploring the Universe and all that kind of stuff. Just work with us.”

Ok, well if you look real close, Star Trek was the Utopic Socialist Wet Dream Future, in Technicolor. Im not really down with that, Ben.

You also stated that you told the guys in Washinton “We’re not going to cut you off. You’re not going to end up like the Soviet Union, where you have a general who is now suddenly being forced to drive a taxi in London.”

No, Ben, those responsible should be held responsible , not allowed to even drive a cab. These people you are talking about will end up in the Gulag with the others, as they have in the past–Under a Socialist World Order, which is what your group sounds like they are aligned with.

Also, your brazen use of rhetoric such as “Chinas October Surprise” and “EVE” have roots in MANY Freemasonic events in the past -so many that all youd have to do is google the phrase “October Surprise” I mean–this goes back for centuries. Dont just take it from me.

I hope, for your sake, that all this DOES go public-or you will have some explaining to do, Ben.

Also, FYI–your statement of the USPS going bankrupt is lukewarm as the USPS is a quasi-governmental agency, more akin to a private company, and hasn’t received tax funding since the 1980s…, not sure about it being a bellwether to total Government bankruptcy or collapse. The bankruptcy of USPS is more likely due to bloated pensions and perks for employees and FedEx and UPS having way better marketing.

And in response to you being sure of mass arrests this year in Govt during a time of revolt–you know this has happened before, like in the Bolshevik Revolution? Where paupers and politicians alike were arrested. You think this would be good??? Hope those arrested are the ones that are FOR secret Govt, and not the ones against it.

I thought this was an interesting statement, Ben:
“But right now, they’re also trying to cut a deal. [The international alliance is] saying, “Hey, look. If you guys will stop the nuclear terror, then maybe we’ll forgive you.” It’s one of those situations where so many people are involved that it is better to have a truth and reconciliation committee rather than a bunch of arrests and beheadings, you know? What I’m saying is that there either will be thousands of arrests of prominent people, starting with people like Henry Kissinger…Or else, they will cut a deal – and appear before a truth and reconciliation committee in exchange for one time of forgiveness.”

—–LOL!!!!! C’mon, Ben. this is funny making. If you think this is how it should be done, than im positive you are a SHILL.

AND you go on to promote your book, and video and you and DW stroke each other for a while…very good…seems very typical of the times…not sure who said it–but they say reading is a form of slavery without critical thinking….

This meeting between the 57 Finance Ministers from around the world that took place on board a ship off the coast of Monaco is BULL#, Ben Fulford. You want to know WHY? Because its SECRET! It aint gonna fly, Ben. Sorry.

I am very suspicious of a sober man, Ben. So are many people.

Points to consider.

Throughout history- there has been a focus on political parties being in opposition to each other. But further research shows there was always a secret element above them, kept safe because of the pyramid structure built into society the world over. Why would right now be any different?

Who are these secret Saviors, anyway?

What is the goal of the white dragon society?

Where have these societies been known to have existed in history?

If this group is interested in controlling the world, instead of the Bankers, why would right now be any different than all the other times in history we have had? If people have had a choice of governance back then, then why dont we live in that good society, now?

The answer, is rhetorical. Until we govern ourselves, we will always choose the choices that we are given. To hell with your White Dragon Society, Ben. You should really learn to think for yourself.

edit on 31-1-2012 by rainbowbear because: oops

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:42 PM
reply to post by rainbowbear

So angry! Grrr!

To be honest, I have no idea what's going on in this thread. I'm familar with the name Ben Fulford, I think recently he has been talking about some kind of secret Asian society, White Dragon, fighting against other secret societies. Why don't you give us some links or sources so some of us can read up on what it is you are talking about.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:47 PM

Originally posted by Swills
reply to post by rainbowbear

So angry! Grrr!

To be honest, I have no idea what's going on in this thread. I'm familar with the name Ben Fulford, I think recently he has been talking about some kind of secret Asian society, White Dragon, fighting against other secret societies. Why don't you give us some links or sources so some of us can read up on what it is you are talking about. anny

This part 1 of 5 of how it all supposedly started... and if correct the Ancient Aliens Theory isnt far from the truth. but not going to hold my breath lol.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:49 PM
reply to post by mytheroy

Well I guess if we're gonna discuss this Ben guy, I suppose obvious sources supporting his stories would be from David Wilcock and friends.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:55 PM
You guys obviously haven't read up on the new guy, Bill Wood, and his claims. You'd be writing a totally different letter by now.

Interview w/ Bill Wood: Transcript
edit on 31-1-2012 by MrUncreated because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:55 PM
OP, why have you started TWO threads on this? If you have a part two, make it a second post in the original thread. You have succeeded in mucking up the entire issue. There's still time to fix it. Put this initial post in the other thread and ask to have this closed down. Meanwhile, have posters who want to reply do so on the part 1 thread.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 05:59 PM
If only you knew, how deep the rabbit hole really goes.....

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:00 PM
yep, by making two threads for this you have proven you are in it for the eye-catchers.

all with no links, too. no source article, no links = opinion/rant

might as well throw this into the "rant" forum, no? or at least the "grey area".

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 06:12 PM
reply to post by metalshredmetal

there are links, they are active now.

yes i screwed up. dont flog me. im new to puter blog. really care less for the penut gallery.
edit on 31-1-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 08:49 PM

Originally posted by MrUncreated
You guys obviously haven't read up on the new guy, Bill Wood, and his claims. You'd be writing a totally different letter by now.

Interview w/ Bill Wood: Transcript
edit on 31-1-2012 by MrUncreated because: (no reason given)

You mean this:

KERRY CASSIDY (KC): This is Kerry Cassidy from Project Camelot [Project Camelot Productions].

I’m here with Bill Wood. He’s going to be talking about his experiences as part of a special unit, a SEAL unit, in Iraq and other places around the globe as part of the American military.

Some of his testimony may be considered to be in violation of his National Security Oath, but we are going to be trying to stay within the parameters of that.

He is going to, first of all, speak on the subject of a disclaimer in regard to a project that he is using this for on a personal level.
BILL WOOD (BW): Hi. I just want to disclose to everybody that I am writing a fictional book about this interview and the things that I discuss in this interview. The reason for this interview is for purposes of marketing that book, and that book, of course, is fiction.

Bill Wood flat out says the interview is to advertise for a FICTIONAL book he is writing...
edit on 31-1-2012 by Sly1one because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by metalshredmetal
yep, by making two threads for this you have proven you are in it for the eye-catchers.

all with no links, too. no source article, no links = opinion/rant

might as well throw this into the "rant" forum, no? or at least the "grey area".


indeed member Okamitengu-san
was kind enough to forward part one to Mr. Fulford
to give him a chance to reply
and now she's gone offline?

avoidance/obstruction much ?
or maybe a ninja's paid her a visit? LOOOL!!!!

then she contemptuously refers to us as the "penut"[peanut?] gallery

don't know where she gets that white is a symbol of evil, in occultism either
white and black, light and darkness are not equivalent to good and evil.

in the east it's RED and Black

funny thing though, a Shiro(white) ninja is one who's lost his/her powers
for all we no she could be queen "Lizzie" herself

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:31 PM

Chinese scholars have classified dragons in diverse systems. For instance, Emperor Huizong of Song canonized five colored dragons as "kings".

The Azure Dragon [Qinglong 青龍] spirits, most compassionate kings.
The Vermillion Dragon [Zhulong 朱龍] spirits, kings that bestow blessings on lakes.
The Yellow Dragon [Huanglong 黃龍] spirits, kings that favorably hear all petitions.
The White Dragon [Bailong 白龍] spirits, virtuous and pure kings.
The Black Dragon [Xuanlong 玄龍] spirits, kings dwelling in the depths of the mystic waters.[15]

With the addition of the Yellow Dragon of the Center to Azure Dragon of the East, these Vermillion, White, and Black Dragons coordinate with the Four Symbols, including the Vermilion Bird of the South, White Tiger of the West, and Black Tortoise of the North.

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 09:45 PM

Originally posted by rainbowbear
reply to post by metalshredmetal

there are links, they are active now.

yes i screwed up. dont flog me. im new to puter blog. really care less for the penut gallery.
edit on 31-1-2012 by rainbowbear because: (no reason given)
Your "disclaimer" and the structure of you OP are self evident in regards to your statement "im new to puter blog" I hope future posts are a bit more thoughout and coherant.
Your OP seems more of a response to something and not the start of a thread (presentation of an idea)
Regardless, I got on the David Wilcock link and listened to the 90 minute interveiw with David Fulford. I found it very interesting, believable and actually quite eye opening, fitting in to other rumors and tidbits I've read from various places in the past month.
I thank you for this link. I have bookmarked it and will spending more time there as soon as I'm done with this reply.
Here's to better posts in the future! Your still doing better than me (I've have exactly ZERO

posted on Jan, 31 2012 @ 11:03 PM
I personally like Ben Fulford. He seems to be a pretty legitimate guy, in so much as he believes what he's saying, is obviously well educated, and approached various different topics such as UFO's, etc, with an open mind.

I think David Wilcox has done him a huge disservice, and even Fulford himself has distanced himself from Wilcox, making fun of him for the crying stunt on Project Camelots Radio

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by DerepentLEstranger

settle down. I have a day job as well...

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 11:26 AM
reply to post by grubblesnert

thanks for sharing.

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by grubblesnert

these are legitimate questions...your comments are greatly appreciated, even with the attitude.

Throughout history- there has been a focus on political parties being in opposition to each other. But further research shows there was always a secret element above them, kept safe because of the pyramid structure built into society the world over. Why would right now be any different?

Who are these secret Saviors, anyway?

What is the goal of the white dragon society?

Where have these societies been known to have existed in history?

If this group is interested in controlling the world, instead of the Bankers, why would right now be any different than all the other times in history we have had? If people have had a choice of governance back then, then why dont we live in that good society, now?

posted on Feb, 1 2012 @ 06:45 PM
reply to post by rainbowbear
Thank you for your response and gracious attitude

You bring up some good points of concern in your response. The same type of questions I find I have been rolling around in my head since delving into this topic last night.
We as a nation and as members of the world community have been lied to and brainwashed for so long that it is now near impossible to trust anyone. We can only keep an open mind and healthly scepticism. I know that for myself it is impossible to watch the main stream news or listen to any politician without being completely cynical.
I will be watching for more concerning this Fulford/ Wilcock thing to unfold and see what happens

Peace to you my friend!

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 02:51 PM
Ben Fulfraud isn't a shill he's just an idiot who makes up bs story after bs story. He's done way to many drugs and hung around the wrong people for to long and he's always making false predictions and has no proof for most of his claims. Idk why you would even take what he's saying serious and be mad about it because it's almost all bs.

posted on Aug, 21 2012 @ 03:44 PM
reply to post by nancyliedersdeaddog

thanks for commenting!

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