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Now this is fantastic news !! bioplastic out of dirty waters / sewage !!

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posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:25 PM
I am really happy at the moment and I feel we can and may have more and more hope for a better future for humanity when I hear all the possibilities that science can bring us.
This is happening now in Belgium ( Aquiris company – Brussels ) and I did hear about it this evening : it is the only place in the world where they now are testing the system on a industrial scale consisting in cleaning the used sewage waters - like everywhere else - but at the same time are capable of making bioplastic out of the dirt in it !!
It’s all about special selected microbes being put into the dirt so they consume it while transforming it into polymers = plastic.
Actually there exist also microbes that can eat plastics and clean them up where they are thrown away and now there are the microbes that can produce plastics !! Isn’t that fantastic ? Yes it is and we, as a society, better put some hugh amount of money into all this to first clean up all the old plastics and second clean the sewage waters !! No more petrol needed for making plastics ! Clean world and clean waters as a result of those microbes work !
Waw, better start rapidly with that cleaning !!

Did you know in the Pacific ocean there is a incredible amount of dirt and plastics floating on the surface ..... well we should send ships over there to clean it up and then use those microbes to eat it all up ... Am I just dreaming of a better world or could it happen with some real political will and money put on that instead of in wars going on ..... tiques____.html

The tests at Aquiris in Brussels are very positiv, they get a lot of results and we will see in the next future what will happen ! Cheers !!!

edit on 8-11-2011 by Sunlionspirit because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:33 PM
But will it work on the patch of garbage out in the Pacific that is the size of texas supposedly?

Now there is something that needs to be downsized...and if some one can make a profit out of it. I'm all for it.

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 02:59 PM

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:02 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex
But will it work on the patch of garbage out in the Pacific that is the size of texas supposedly?

Now there is something that needs to be downsized...and if some one can make a profit out of it. I'm all for it.

Twice the size of Texas...

posted on Nov, 8 2011 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by Americanist

That's flippin' disgusting.

Seems to me that some one could find a cheap way of recycling that garbage.

Then again, you have the fish that get caught up in the scoopers (If such a thing exists) and then you will also have the by-products produced by the recycling.

posted on Nov, 9 2011 @ 03:02 PM
Now, in relation with my first post here, there is some more hopefull and very good news from Europe, again from that little country Belgium !! I did tell you about the big dirt in the oceans everywhere, the more and the more, but well now the belgian fishermen will go out with their ships and instead of fishing fish they will fish DIRT and garbage in their nets !!

Lots of birds, fish and other animals actually have multiple plastic particles in their stomach, they estimate the number of death animals because of this pollution in the millions.
Some 20.000 tons of garbage is going into the North Sea each year, 70 % is sinking on the seafloor, 15 % stays on surface of the sea and another 15% is being pushed on the shore by the sea.

So it goes like this : for the North Sea there is now the project "WASTE FREE OCEANS" being started with the help of the European Commission. They yet had a first test in 2007.
The fishermen go out with their boats especially for fishing garbage with their special nets on days when they are not going out to fish fish ( because of quota or free days or whatever makes it possible ) and are paid to bring back all the garbage they can get.
The dirt and garbage then are recycled into plastic materials and other things.
Fantastic !! That is a real revolution in mentality ! hope to see such things happen in USA also because it's time up there people get much more involved in protection of our nature !!
There is HOPE for better future man !!


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