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The Wane Of Justice And Truth

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posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:19 PM
I awoke to find news headlines saying that Qaddafi had "died of leg wounds". Later in the day a video surfaces of Qaddafi being lynched by a mob. I have little sympathy for the despot, but...

I don't appreciate being lied to. I don't appreciate the growing worldwide disregard for justice.

The U.S. has adopted the dishonorable practice of open assassination of our perceived or manufactured enemies, the dishonorable practice of jailing its enemies indefinitely without charge or trial, the dishonorable practice of torture. Etcetera.

The Rise Of The Mob is increasing. A mob killed Qaddafi, toppled Egypt, almost took down Iran, with others currently operating elsewhere in the Middle East to topple their governments. In the U.S. currently, mobs are "occupying" metro cities countrywide.

The lies to cover wrongdoings are shamelessly blatant. The disregard for justice is open and wanton.

A nation's regard for justice is a good measure of its health. The most powerful countries of the West have thus slid into a grave illness.

I am disheartened by the increasing lack of humanity worldwide. Unfortunately, I'm a corporate serf with no financial or political power: I'm completely disenfranchised and have no say or control over this deadly juggernaut. Plus I'm heavily taxed, unwillingly funding the institution that participates in and initiates unjust acts and deceptive lies.

Nothing to do but watch.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 10:29 PM
So you feel it's okay to tacitly condone the Evils (corporations, governments, etc) that are being toppled to maintain your own creature comfort. You are the reason it still exists. You give its power by your willing "powerlessness". Walk out and join the mobs. I don't mean the mobs in the streets if that's not your thing. It's not for me but I have stood against those Evils for some years now. I do not lend my strength to any institution that works against the freedom of humanity or individual sovereignty.

Truth and justice are waxing, kid. OPEN YOUR EYES.

posted on Oct, 21 2011 @ 11:25 PM
reply to post by CosmicEgg

Wow, how did you come to that interpretation of the OP? I thought it was stated very well and didn't have anything to do with maintaining the OP's creature comforts. Our government lies to us and kills people and we don't have any say-so about it. Perfectly good reason to feel bummed out and express such, in my opinion.

posted on Oct, 22 2011 @ 12:07 AM
reply to post by gwynnhwyfar

I used to be just like him. I worked for government. When I started questioning things I was told that "this, that, and the other" were true, that my fears were unfounded. I continued to question, to be dissatisfied with the MSM and the things we were told at work and were meant to be actually working toward. One day someone said to me "You used to be so normal. What happened to you?". That was 2001. Well that was the beginning of the end of Normal Me and the beginning of Enlightened Me. By 2005 I was ill from what I saw was really going on. Five years further down the road, I have the benefit of hindsight. His misery is because he knows that the values he is living are wrong, he just doesn't "know" it sufficiently deeply yet. My comment was a gentle nudge in the right direction. When we're just getting The Change Party well and truly under way, there's no time to waste. You have to understand that the world you are seeing now is what has been bubbling under the surface for quite a while now.

The party is just getting started. Big changes afoot. No use in sugar-coating it anymore and there's no use pretending we've ever been anything but lied to. No one has told the truth in longer than we might like to believe. It's not just government or the media. Go back to the Churches. They are lie factories. Not just now, but always.

The darkness runs deep. Put your faith and trust where it belongs. Open your eyes and you will finally see, probably for the first time in your life.
edit on 22/10/2011 by CosmicEgg because: because I can.

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