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Should the US Preempt North Korea's Nuclear Weapons

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posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 07:49 AM

Originally posted by FredT
Given the all of the relative sabre rattling and dangerous brinksmanship that Kim Jong seems to enjoy playing at what point should we consider a preemtive strike to eliminate Kim's ability to produce nuclear weapons. A strike would have to be coordinated and multiple targets would have to be struck at the same time. The case for going after Kim is multi faceted. First he cannot be allowed to spread enriched uranium or WMD to the highest bidder. He also represents a threat to regional stability and threatens several of our allies. Esp Japan and the South.

The current known nuclear facilites in North Korea:

If we went after thier ability to launch the nuclear weapons and struck at thier missile production facilities we would have even more targets to hit:

Of course there are several drawbacks to going after Kims WMD.

1) He could use the ones we missed and attack Japan or if he has a longer ranged missile, Guam, Hawaii, or the West Coast.

2) Any strike could precipitate an invasion of the South by the North's Armies.

3) The conflict could move off the Korean Penninsula if China becomes involved.

We could keep North Korea pinned down with bombing alone, and South Korea isn't really our ally (They're like France - they hate us.). We should wipe out North Koreas nukes while we can. All it would take is a one-hour B-52 barrage.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 09:08 AM

Originally posted by Shadowtrooper90
We could keep North Korea pinned down with bombing alone, and South Korea isn't really our ally (They're like France - they hate us.). We should wipe out North Koreas nukes while we can. All it would take is a one-hour B-52 barrage.

Do you know why South Korean people hate you? You have no respect and regards to other people's interest.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 01:10 PM
I know how they should do this:
1) Intelligence agencies should gather info about his facilities and locate all of them
2) A few aircraft carriers with stealth bombers like F-117 or B-2 should move close to the NKorean shore and destroy all facilities from air
3) If any facility remains and Kim attacks it would be intelligence officers (not USPres) who would be blamed

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 03:59 PM

Originally posted by AtheiX
I know how they should do this:
1) Intelligence agencies should gather info about his facilities and locate all of them
2) A few aircraft carriers with stealth bombers like F-117 or B-2 should move close to the NKorean shore and destroy all facilities from air
3) If any facility remains and Kim attacks it would be intelligence officers (not USPres) who would be blamed

With extensive tunnels on NK side, how can you make sure that you can locate all such sites, and ensure its destruction within a few minutes? Otherwise, there will be enough time fire at Soul or US bases.

posted on Aug, 30 2004 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by AtheiX
I know how they should do this:
1) Intelligence agencies should gather info about his facilities and locate all of them
2) A few aircraft carriers with stealth bombers like F-117 or B-2 should move close to the NKorean shore and destroy all facilities from air
3) If any facility remains and Kim attacks it would be intelligence officers (not USPres) who would be blamed

Hmmm I wont comment on number 3, but the other 2:
1) We have heard reports about stealth drones over NK. They could be gathering intelligence right now. Afganistan allowed the AF to play with thier cave busting toys. As they say if you can see it you can hit it, if you can hit it, you can kill it.
2) The F-117 and the B-2 cannot land on carriers. The B-2 can stage from the US or Diego Garcia. The F-117 from SK or Japan.

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