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Tepco to restart the "Undamaged" Daiichi reactores #5&6

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posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:02 PM

This is no joke but it sure sounds like one. TEPCO has been quietly planning to restart units 5 & 6 at the destroyed Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant. As some of the workers pointed out, all of the support services and administration facilities for those reactors are destroyed

This just sounds crazy, first of all the radiation levels at those reactors has to be incredably high because they're only a km or two away from the site. You need people to operate these things and Tepco now plans to put more people in harms way most likely for the money.

Original article:
Translated: Fpostseven-20110825-29274%2F1.htm&act=url
Source of quote:

edit on 25-8-2011 by BriGuyTM90 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:10 PM
reply to post by BriGuyTM90

go tepco,just another blatant attempt to convince people nothing is wrong,its all safe,radiation is good for you!!

hmm i wonder what the hourly rate is that they are offering anyone stupid enough to go and work in 5 and 6?

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:11 PM
Nothing to see here.. Move along...

edit on 25-8-2011 by JennaDarling because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 25 2011 @ 06:19 PM
I could have sworn a while back that Japan said it was abolishing it's nuclear power production - or did I dream it?

And if I am mistaken about that ^^ .. . how can something which is virtually razed to the ground, be restarted?

Originally posted by JennaDarling
Nothing to see here.. Move along...

Why did you bother posting?
edit on 25-8-2011 by doobydoll because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 01:03 AM
reply to post by doobydoll

Reactors 5&6 were not badly damaged and are on higher ground.There located a mile or two to the north of the 4 main reactors. All the operational buildings have been destroyed by the explosions. This just seems insane to me arnt the basements of these buildings still flooded??

posted on Aug, 26 2011 @ 06:56 PM
reply to post by BriGuyTM90

It's hard to read the translation, but it doesn't say when they plan to restart the reactors #5&6. Even though they are a mile away from reactors 1-4, everything within a 20km radius is in an exclusion zone of contamination, or so I thought. That would seem to be a big problem for restarting the reactors even if they rebuild the support structures that were destroyed in the tsunami.

Originally posted by doobydoll
I could have sworn a while back that Japan said it was abolishing it's nuclear power production - or did I dream it?
You probably heard about the disaster in Japan, followed by hearing about the decision by Germany to abandon nuclear power. You might have thought it would be Japan to make that decision, rather than Germany, which would be logical, even if incorrect. This is the fascinating process by which we create false memories of things that never happened.

Japan will not abandon nuclear power despite crisis

Another possibility is that you heard Japan abandoned plans to expand their nuclear power. But that's quite different from abandoning existing nuclear power plants such Dai-ichi 5 and 6.

Japan to abandon nuclear power expansions

And if I am mistaken about that ^^ .. . how can something which is virtually razed to the ground, be restarted?
If you're mistaken, which you are, then there are no plans yet to raze reactors 5 and 6, though I think their fate remains uncertain. I don't see how they can restart them in an exclusion zone where there is a contamination problem, unless they do a bangup job removing the radiation from around the facilities and build new support facilities, and they would probably be required to build a larger sea wall too, at least I hope so..If they had a 9.0 in March 2011, they could have a 9.3 or 9.4 in the future, so they need to be prepared for that possibility.

We may soon get a chance to see if Japan's nuclear regulator keeps its promise to get out of bed with TEPCO, and do a better job regulating, meaning that they might not allow TEPCO to restart 5 and 6 even if they want to. Time will tell.


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