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Obama frets over 'lone wolf' attack as Sept 11 looms

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posted on Aug, 18 2011 @ 03:41 AM
Oh yeah, they are setting us up for a "Tea Party terrorist", now big sis has come out with a public service announcement depicting the "terrorist", a white, well dressed woman, leaving a bag bomb at a subway station and her white male accomplice detonates it. RIGHT!!!
Because a middle eastern man in a commercial would be politically incorrect??
They are slowly conditioning us to accept their fabrication as a true event. DON'T BE FOOLED! It will be a false flag!!

A new Public Service Announcement entitled ‘The Drop Off – If You See Something, Say Something’ was unveiled by none other than Big Sis herself, Janet Napolitano, on the Homeland Security website today.
The PSA, which will be played on television and radio stations, shows a well dressed attractive white woman exiting a taxi before walking into a subway station. The taxi driver – a white man – then makes a phone call and sets a timer on a device in the trunk of the car. The woman then leaves her bag in the station.
“If you see something, say something – report suspicious activity to local authorities,” states the voiceover as the clip ends with other commuters reporting the incident to a black security guard and a black police officer.
edit on 18-8-2011 by Thunderheart because: (no reason given)

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