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Is the Alternative Media now the MSM? I WANT to see a Poll.

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posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:11 PM
I've been contemplating for some time now whether or not the alternative media is now a form of the MSM for those who are not total sheeple.

It seems to me that there are certain people who have garnered a following due to accurate predictions of those who (wish) to control us. I may just be paranoid but the fact that the mainstream media as we know it to be cannot affect all of us .... so what if there were to be another, supposedly underground and more reliable, media that is meant to take those of us who do not trust the major MSM outlets and provide us with another that will include a little more truth but at the same time keep us scattered.

This is a hard concept because of the paranoia involved however there seems to be a web so complex as to the current global situation that this is not out of the realm of possibilities.

I think we are being preyed upon to the point that no matter how deep we go, and no matter the connections we have to supposed outside information, that we are still being kept out of the loop as to the realities of our situation as a global society.

I really want to be wrong at this point. However I think that things are so convoluted that perhaps now-a-days it becomes hard to trust anyone.

However, what I've taken in for the past decade or so indicated that there is a method to the madness such that the madness in itself contains a method. I cannot help but feel all of this is being done by design. All current events are happening by design and are logical in purpose.

I just want everyone to take the information they have (most importantly facts however opinions can matter as we know that honesty still exists) and come to your own conclusion.

Things have come much farther then I had ever dreamed before a total meltdown of society. There are so many complexities that we must figure out and hopefully we do not have to figure them out on our own.


edit on 8-8-2011 by AeonStorm because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:16 PM
I believe that is why ATS is here so everyone gets their point of view in. The new MSM should be news forum websites in which information is gathered and discussed logically so that we have a higher possibilty of ingesting truth.
edit on 8-8-2011 by Amassuo because: (no reason given)

but yea id love to see a poll on that
edit on 8-8-2011 by Amassuo because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:20 PM
In the mean time ... I'm going to go look at nature .... I'll be back soon to answer questions.



posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:28 PM
My opinion is like this...If you & I decided to start a radio or tv station, we would have to pay the government, FCC (Federal Communications Commission). If we were to have our program about exposing the government, within a short period of time we would be extremely successful and then one of us would be killed and the other accused of a sex crime. Bottom line, I wouldn't trust anything that is in a sense owned by the FCC. Peace OP, great topic!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:46 PM
You make some really good points. There is a guest Alex Jones has on frequently named Steve Pechenik. He is a former CIA agent and claims George W Bush and Donald Rumsfeld were responsible for orchestrating the attacks on 9/11, and that Bin Laden died in 2001. Ok, that sounds plausible considering what followed was the "war on terror", which allowed us to go into the middle east and secure resources. The very suspect bin laden killing, and now the seals helicopter crash also ties into this narrative fairly well.

However, in the same breath, he praises people like George Bush Sr., and General Petreus. He also, just today, said he recommends Jeb Bush be elected President.

Say what?

How can he say all that while still claiming the Bush's and the government orchestrated 9/11 as a false flag event so we could go to war?

Since there is so much confusion, you can easily see there are still lies mixed with truth. Honestly, you just have to train your mind to pick out the stories that don't seem to follow logic or reason and then come to your own conclusions.

We're slaves, cattle, numbers to them. We'll never hear the entire truth unless we fight for it.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:49 PM
I have heard talk of promoting Jeb Bush as President as well. Pretty disturbing. I have never felt comfortable with the fact that the vote fiasco between Bush & Gore was perpetrated in Gov. Bush's homestate of Florida. These sickos think that they can do far it seems they can.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 07:52 PM
I get most of my news from ATS and a couple of other online sources these days, the MSM is just a sick joke and can see through to much to have any real respect for it.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:06 PM
Have you guys noticed that within the past couple of years that MSM is basically hiring hot chicks as journalists? They can't reel people in with common sense, so they revert to the sex aspect!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:31 PM
It seems like there may be a noose tightening around ALL our necks? Is this all pure chaos where there is no true connections that make up what many believe to be the NWO or is this all part of a plan?

I'm on the side of a NWO as it seems that things are VERY slowly coming together to create a one world government. Most every country (in my mind) is and will accept an implementation of a false democracy where 1st world countries will see a decline in Q.O.L.and most 3rd world countries will see an increase of Q.O.L. until most everyone is on an equal level where a single institution can be applied in order to control.

BTW: Q.O.L. = Quality of Life.



ETA: I'm surprised more people have not taken an interest in this subject because it is the very thing that keeps us going.... the hope that someone else can provide the answers. I would hope that most of us have a healthy distrust of those who we look to the most for the truth.

As long as what is happening in the world rings true in you heart and makes logical sense then you are probably on the right track .... Let's hope that this track does not derail and that those who we trust are worthy of such.
edit on 8-8-2011 by AeonStorm because: sp

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 08:59 PM
Brainwashing the morons is all MSM is.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:02 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

The MSM, alternative media, twitter, facebook, etc... do you really think that those in power are unaware of these things?

Vultures gather around dead bodies.

The "Alternative Media" has become the "MSM" for this generation, no different than 20, 50, or 100 years ago. The same companies are in control.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:03 PM
reply to post by AeonStorm

I notice things get quiet when the MSM is criticized on these boards. That should say something to you right there. Who really runs this place?

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:39 PM
Do you remember when the President invited Bill Gates to the White House? I immediately said, they are trying to get him to do something. Just after that visit, he obviously didn't agree to anything they said and then the feds went after Gates with a vengeance and all of a sudden Gates & his wife began to give ALOT of money to charity. Not too long ago, the same thing happened with this Facebook guy, he evidently sold out to the highest bidder. With Facebook, the CIA, FBI & whatever secret orgs we do not know about were probably masturbating. That is when I erased all of my photos & personal info and then closed my Facebook. You cannot actually delete Facebook. They have everything that you ever put on it, in their database. Before you end your Facebook account, delete all photos and then type in xxbbita for example in any field that you put personal info and then update, then end your account. Facebook is now a government spy site!
edit on 8-8-2011 by SurvivalInstinct because: (no reason given)

edit on 8-8-2011 by SurvivalInstinct because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:51 PM

Originally posted by SurvivalInstinct
Have you guys noticed that within the past couple of years that MSM is basically hiring hot chicks as journalists? They can't reel people in with common sense, so they revert to the sex aspect!

Hmmm, maybe if they had some hot guys, I would be more likely to watch. With the volume on mute of course. Probably not. More and more people are losing trust in the mainstream and are turning to alternative sources, but I don't think the alternative can be considered mainstream yet. Give it another generation or so.

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 09:58 PM
reply to post by calstorm

I think that Alternative sources have already been breached. There is no absolute truth in the alternative MSM.



posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:31 PM
LOL! You got it!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 10:50 PM
If you are watching anything on tv or listening to the radio...I can guarantee you, it's MSM. FCC baby! They can't control the internet yet, but they can track our cell phones. It will come to a point where they control ALL communication due to people like us here on ATS. Plan ahead!

posted on Aug, 8 2011 @ 11:03 PM

Originally posted by AeonStorm
reply to post by calstorm

I think that Alternative sources have already been breached. There is no absolute truth in the alternative MSM.



We're all liars. Everybody tells small lies here and there in order to make things more convenient and easier. However, the lies we're told are malicious and, in fact, kill people. It's gotten way out of control.

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