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Worst hunger-crisis since 60 years in Somalia

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posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 06:52 AM
reply to post by Zamini

None of your analogies hold water, because none of those situations were of the peoples own making,. The constant tribal warfare in Somalia is a situation entirely of their own making and they still do nothing about it, even while there is a famine on. Only now are the Islamists even willing to accept aid, now they're people are straving from decades of war brought about by their own backward thinking.

And you can leave the personal insults at the door mate. You'll find I am actually well educated and not even the slightest "xenophobic". The Ghanian, South African and Zimbabwean chaps I work with agree with me, Africa has gone to the crapper because of Africans.

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by stumason

The Ghanian, South African and Zimbabwean chaps I work with agree with me, Africa has gone to the crapper because of Africans.

Boy, you are as see through as an xray did you know that?

posted on Jul, 17 2011 @ 09:27 PM
On topic:

Food Crisis: Would The Vested Interest Starve The World?

Originally posted by stumason

It's fashionable tom blame the evil "West", but until Africans face up to their own problems of their own causing, then this is a cycle that will never end.

Yes, the only way for Africa to progress in any meaningful way out of their Colonial past is to take responsibility. But for a westerner, living in a land that still owns riches stolen directly from that country to only blame 'them' and not accept some of that personal responsibility themselves is hypocritical, A BEST.

To pretend that Africa's problems are only self made is to deny hundreds of years of oppression and theft that still have obvious and traceable repercussions still being experienced today.

posted on Jul, 18 2011 @ 02:23 AM
reply to post by Zamini

Elaborate... Don't believe I work with such people? Darn, you caught me out, I work in a totally homogenous environment where only white people work and I have never met an African in all my life

Sorry to burst your little bubble though, I do work with such people. The company I work for did a major recruitment drive in the 90's from Africa, especially SA and brought over some very talented people in their field.

Unless you can actually contribute something worthwhile, instead of trying to engage in personal attacks and trying to discredit me (the hallmark of someone with nothing else to offer), I suggest you just sit down and be quiet.

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