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Open Letter to President Obama

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posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:45 AM
With regards to the debacle and your statement that you would "take this to the American people" before you abruptly walked out of the debt ceiling proceedings. Very well, I will gladly take you up on your offer.

But first I need to make a few things clear and that I have not been impressed with your performance as president to this point. But, I will commend you for one thing, you said you would take this to the American people, this is the best thing you have done your entire presidency and for once doing something that you should have done in the beginning. Let us see if you are sincere in that statement. As a citizen, I hope I speak for the majority, but either way this is to make very clear as to what I expect from you and how to move forward while we are in this messed up economy. Keep in mind, it is the citizens that you work for, not the banks, not the insurance companies, not the pharmaceutical companies and certainly not the global elites. You work for ME!

I have a short list of things that need to be done immediately if we are to begin any sort of recovery efforts.

1. I will make this short and to the point as this is a controversial subject that you seem to either make fun of and refuse to even consider discussing. You will legalize marijuana. Defer to NORML in order to come up with fair and just laws in regulating its use. There, I said it and now lets move on to more important things at hand.

2. You will back off of gun issues, the Constitution sums it up as to how the rights of gun owners are to be addressed. There is no room for interpretation as to what the Constitution states as our rights. Defer to the NRA to address the laws that need to be abolished and even some that may need to be created.

3. Audit and review all federal departments missions. There are some departments that need to be closed down permanently and/or reorganized with current operating procedures scrutinized and amended as needed for the sole benefit of the people, not restricting them. The Department of Education is my personal favorite one to close down. This is open for discussion, but never the less, there are some departments that serve no other purpose other than being a burden to society.

4. Finally, the economy. First, you will remove your focus from what is best for the elites, primarily the banks and Wall Street. You will put the American people at the top of the list of concerns and the people will be your first and foremost concern. You will inform the elites that they created this mess and they will be responsible for cleaning it up. If it means shutting these fraudulent corporations down and putting them out of business and/or prison, then so be it. It is what must be done as they are the source of the problem and deserves no sort of protections. Once the culprits of the problem have been removed and is no longer part of the problem, we can then move forward with recovery, and hopefully you and the other politicians can then agree as to the best course to take, but the cause of the problems must be eliminated first, otherwise, any other attempt is only delaying an inevitable outcome, look at history, it tells the story.

Where are you going to stand? You are either for the people or against the people, what is it going to be? Part of the problem or part of the solution, your choice.

There, now you have it. The question now is, are you going to continue to ignore the American people and their needs and wants or are you going to continue to play ball with the global elites. We will see, actions always tell the true story.

edit on 14-7-2011 by Skewed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:51 AM

You know, im sure you're gonna get some flack about the marijuanna. I myself agree completely and to this date the research conducted has proved it hurts the human body in no way. Even the brown lung theory.

But anyways, thank you for taking your time to write this out. I am part of that majority and i too ask the president to read some of the words of his people instead of his fatcats.


posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 09:55 AM
Skewed... I support this 100%... I would even say 110% but obviously thats not possible... so ill keep it realistic as you have done in the letter...

Especially for the 1st part... Not only should that be legal, but its cousin, HEMP as well... Hemp will save our country... make cars, fuel, clothing, paper, food... I mean seriously how is a plant illegal... especially one with such diversity... that was a small list of what it can actually create...


posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:19 AM
Obama does not believe this is a letter
edit on 14-7-2011 by MrKnoxx because: missed word

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 10:25 AM
reply to post by Skewed

Well said. I am totally behind you on these thoughts.

He does need to take the economy problem to the people and ask for their advice unabashed. His advisors are feeding him BS, but he seems to think they’re the experts. Where has that expert advice gotten us?

Or maybe, as has been suggested, it is his plan all along to crash America’s economy. You’ll notice every time that something doesn’t go his way, he makes fun of it in a childish, snarky way.

You can tell that he is taking it personally these days. His approval rating among independents, a group Obama needs to win re-election, fell to 39 percent from 44 percent. Independants are the fastest growing voting block. No big ties to Unions or Corporations.
When are those in DC going to realize that America is waking up, and when that happens, we have a tendency to wake up grumpy.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by TDawgRex

When are those in DC going to realize that America is waking up, and when that happens, we have a tendency to wake up grumpy.

Grumpy you say....

I am well past grumpy, not only did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I realized it was not even my bed that I woke up in.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:38 PM

Originally posted by Skewed

Originally posted by TDawgRex

When are those in DC going to realize that America is waking up, and when that happens, we have a tendency to wake up grumpy.

Grumpy you say....

I am well past grumpy, not only did I wake up on the wrong side of the bed, I realized it was not even my bed that I woke up in.

I hear ya. I am just trying to keep within the T&C and am still learning how to speak in a civil manner after 30+ years in the service. It's hard not to swear after that long.

posted on Jul, 14 2011 @ 12:41 PM
reply to post by TDawgRex

I struggle with that as well.

I tend to be vocal and I do not exactly worry about feelings or what things look like, a spade is a spade and I will call it as I see it. They can get some thicker skin, like it or lump it.

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