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Clinton warns of escalation risk after Syria raid

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posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:17 AM

WASHINGTON: US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton warned of the risk of escalation in the Middle East amid reports Syrian forces raided a village bordering Turkey in pursuit of pro-democracy protesters.

Syrian troops backed by tanks stormed the village of Khirbet al-Joz, where many of the displaced protesters had massed, an activist at the scene told AFP

More writing on the wall.. sigh. Syria is going to be the next big spot of trouble.. will it turn into another Libya? I don't know if NATO and the UN will have the support this time, especially with countries like Italy and Germany backing away from the Libyan War/Kinetic action/Humanitarian aid. Russia has already come out and said they will not tolerate the use of force in Syria ( and also, they have a huge naval base there ( AND did you know that they also planned on building (at least in 2009) naval bases in the following countries:LIBYA & YEMEN! wtf! ( Does this seem like its coming together for everyone to see? the NWO/U.S. Military Industrial Complex wants it all to themselves, and Russia can piss off as far as they are concerned!

This quote is telling (from the OP):

“And it just is very clear to us that unless the Syrian forces immediately end their attacks and their provocations that are not only now affecting their own citizens but endangering the potential border clashes, then we’re going to see an escalation of conflict in the area,” Clinton said.

Escalation? as in war between Turkey and Syria, originally fostered by CIA backed insurgents/rebels? The UN/NWO having to step in to 'save the day' and ensure the 'humanitarian aid' needed.. sorry, i mean oil and other resources...
edit on 6/24/2011 by Nspekta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:23 AM
its going to happen it has been on the bloody books for years iraq was the begining of the u s a building a middle eastern empire based on oil and now that russia is saying hell no i wont let u guys screw with syria its escalating i believe this could be the basis of ww3 and its a tragedy because we dont bloody need oil any more we can do more with electricity than we can with oil its inefficient and screws with our little rock that we call home
i am certain the australian government will go in with this latest us war and many more of my fellow aussies will be thrown into the fire its disgusting

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by romanis

The same as here in Canada... if the UN tells us to do something (ie. Libya) we jump to start dropping bombs on apartment buildings and killing kids!
I know the Aussie gov backed the NATO, do you have any fighting units there that you know of?
I agree... I hope it doesn't come to it, but it sure seems like a showdown coming up between at least the U.S. and Russia and more than likely China.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:27 AM
reply to post by Nspekta

US isn't scared of a war between Turkey and Syria, rather worried that if Syria secures the Turkish side of the border, then they won't be able to continue their operations in Syria to cause a regime change.

If you didn't know, US has bases in Turkey and Jordan, also weapons were smuggled through Lebanon with the help of the Western backed forces.

The above being said, Syria did well, although it should have done this a long time ago, Turkey is allies with Israel, they have security ties and intelligence ties. There is obvious connection here.

Turkey fooled Syria, the Syrian president's naivety reflects his age, he doesn't have enough experience in world politics even though he took office after his dad, his wisdom isn't comparable.

But at least now he has gained some experience.

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:32 AM
reply to post by confreak

I think it could be argued that a war between Turkey and Syria would almost be like the U.S/Israel Vs Russia.. considering the ties and military bases between each country? I agree with you about the NWO worried about not being able to cause a regime change if Syria can secure the border regions.
edit on 6/24/2011 by Nspekta because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:32 AM
never trust what Billary says
2nd line

posted on Jun, 24 2011 @ 12:34 AM
if you do not believe me just ask what at all of their family friends had to say, OWE, shizzle over 176 of them disappeared, never mind

edit on 24-6-2011 by allprowolfy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:13 PM
reply to post by Nspekta

I don't think so. Turkey would hammer Syria. They have over 1000000 in their military and they don't mess about. Neither Russia or China would get involved. They do not have military alliances like NATO with Syria. Iran would not get involved either no matter what Israel or the USA may think. Israel may help Turkey but unlikely.

posted on Jun, 26 2011 @ 01:19 PM
Mayhap The 'USA' Will be Trepid in commencing a war with Russia Likewise China,

... And Mayhap I'll finally get my Night on the town with Elizabeth Taylor

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