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Vietnam to hold live fire drills on Monday in response to territorial dispute with China.

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posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 10:05 AM
Just another flashpoint we can add to mix that we already have. This one could get ugly quick IMO. The Vietnamese are taking this very seriously as does China. I find it odd that two communist nations would clash but when it comes to territory it appears all that goes out the window. Lets hope this one doesn't get out of hand.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 10:11 AM
This might come as a shock,but Vietnam and China had fought pretty bloody war in 1979. With possibly more then hundred thousand dead. USSR and China were involved in brief skirmish.
It is not simply painting part of globe read and part blue. All just shades of gray.
edit on 10-6-2011 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-6-2011 by ZeroKnowledge because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 10:14 AM
It wouldnt be the first time they have gone to war in recent history.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

The Vietmanese, much like the Afghan people, are no strangers to a fight. Vietnam has already fought off 3, 1st world countries in the past 100 years.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 10:18 AM
reply to post by ZeroKnowledge

Wow, I wasn't aware they had fought in the past. I knew China and Russia went at it briefly in the 60's but no idea the other two had.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:04 AM
Yeah China thought it was all big and bad, invaded Vietnam and got their butts handed to them by the Viet-Cong. The front line Army units of Vietnam never left the fight in Cambodia.

The Chinese retreated while trying to save face. Vietnam sucked them in and prepared to pounce. The Chinese knew it was coming along with a fear that the Soviet Union would attack at the same time so they went back to China claiming victory, all the while they went in to save their buds the Cambodian butchers and it was also a response so China says a dispute in the same waters we have today.

They never even made it close to saving their Cambodian brothers.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:13 AM
You have to understand a little about War and the Media.

Up until the Vietnam War, baby boomers only heard about the Korean War,WW1 and 2 from relatives that served in the Wars..and telling us about relatives we never met, who faught and died in the wars..side by side..
Everything we read in History class were just stories...and even the minimal amount of pictures we saw.,were in black and white..

Enter the Vietnam War..

Thanks to an aggressive Press Corp, that defied the Military requests to stay with the "offical press corp group",,, they went to the front lines and sent home Color pictures of REAL War..
We were SHOCKED! We were ANGRY!
We Picketed. We asked why were the Vietnamese our enemies?
We were MAD at soldiers who just did what they were told like good little soldiers.
We were confused.
We were scared.
Friends and neighbors were coming home in bodybags for REAL!

35 years later..we have the same desensitivity to war....for now. The new 16 to 40 year olds have'nt seen a LOT of bodybags....yet. So far it's been a fairly safe war by death standards and distance.It's over THERE.

The War Machine learned from their mistakes over the 35 years.Official Press Information is under better control at the front lines. Except for those pesky little phone camera's, they pretty much control information going out.

No one in the U.S. or the World for that matter,had this much information this quickly about any territorial differences. Never live, up to date confrontations. New territory here.
We were always told what the State Department allowed us, the official version of who is the good guy,who is the bad..and who won or is winning.

Now it's a bit more complicated. Technology is not just helping the fighters ,regardless who's side they're on.

It's giving us Front Page death again... almost live..but within minutes.

Let's hope we can slow down some of this destruction of lives,even though we don't know why we're in another foreign country AGAIN!!
At least bring back our "peace keeping" American Brother and Sisters in one piece..SOON!!

Country Joe McDonald
Substitute Vietnam with Afghanistan
Look at those kids in the video.. they too..just wanted to grow up,look forward to the future,not be scared of their own shadows and hope they didn't get drafted..or hope their friends who DID get drafted OR enlisted, came home safe. PERIOD

History sure as hell does repeat itself.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 11:34 AM
I'm thinking their will be an alliance forming in the future possibly consisting of Vietnam, Taiwan, The Philippines and possibly Japan. I can't see the US getting involved simply because China pretty much owns us and I think we need to start minding our business and staying out of other nations disputes.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 03:54 PM
Is this forum in quarantine or something? WW3 doesn't seem to be high on the ATS agenda...

Good thread OP.. Sadly, the world is spiraling deeper into chaos by the day. Perhaps its the inevitability of it all that leads people to want to put their attention elsewhere.

Alternatively, this could become one of those 'system-destroying vacuums'. If We The People, citizens of the Global Village, stop believing in BS conflicts (all the Middle East stuff, plus events per this thread) being deliberately incited by the NWO sympathisers around the globe, then perhaps the lack of attention will cause their plans to collapse..


posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 08:30 PM
Am I arrested?


Just trying to be honest about how I feel.

posted on Jun, 10 2011 @ 08:35 PM

Originally posted by FlyInTheOintment
Is this forum in quarantine or something? WW3 doesn't seem to be high on the ATS agenda...

Good thread OP.. Sadly, the world is spiraling deeper into chaos by the day. Perhaps its the inevitability of it all that leads people to want to put their attention elsewhere.

Alternatively, this could become one of those 'system-destroying vacuums'. If We The People, citizens of the Global Village, stop believing in BS conflicts (all the Middle East stuff, plus events per this thread) being deliberately incited by the NWO sympathisers around the globe, then perhaps the lack of attention will cause their plans to collapse..


Actually the world is spinning out of chaos. Read some history books sometime and see some of the far worse messes the world has been in.

posted on Jun, 13 2011 @ 10:51 AM
So i guess this has taken place without incident.

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