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You Are Experienced: Personal Stories of Enlightenment

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posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 02:19 PM
A sensation of being at one with the fabric of the universe and everything in it. Lightness of being not just in an illuminating sense but a physical one making it enlightening in both senses of the word. Afterward, an increase in psychic phenomenon, especially clairvoyance and the sighting of orbs, particularly a very large orange orb in my backyard sighted in the direction I was facing when this moment occurred back in 2007.

It was preceded, or perhaps facilitated is a better word, by three days of fasting and meditation. And it proved to me personally what both science and spirituality say is the genuine state of all being; that nothing is separate. Not even cut from the same cloth, it all is the same cloth. And I felt that cloth in, around and of me.

After that moment I carried water and chopped wood. What else? But I did so with not just the philosophical belief in the oneness of the universe, which I already had, but with an experiential compliment added to it. It enriches my life and I'm grateful for that.

Anyone else on ATS willing to share their personal experiences? Have you had a moment like mine or another not at all like mine? How did you feel the moment you became enlightened or awakened? I know others here state they are enlightened, or have been, so I wonder if we all interpret it the same. And for anyone just wanting to ask questions, I'm open to that as well.

I don't consider my experience to be any more important or valuable than that of anyone else. Nor do I feel anyone who hasn't had such an experience is less than those who have. I just thought it would be nice to share in so far as we can do so in a place made for such things.

Traveler in the Dark

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:40 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

S & F. You pushed my memory button in a very personal way.

When I was a little kid back in the sixties (yeah: I'm that old) I was pretty sickly.

My mom and us kids were visiting my aunt and uncle about two months after my father had died; us kids were playing outside while the adults "talked", no doubt about what a young widow was going to do with a house full of kids and no husband back then. My oldest sister was in nursing school at the time and keeping a watch on us; my oldest my brother was deployed in the navy. I think I was seven years old at the time and kind of small in body mass.

For whatever reason a bee stung me; it hurt but nothing really major.

I was a normal kid except for my health, and I'd fell and knocked out teeth, broke my nose falling from a bike, fractured my arm after being dared - normal stuff that really hurt that happens when you are a child. I hollered of course, and my big sis was right there.

I started going into anaphylactic shock - ATS update your spell checker: I know how to spell that one, believe me. You get weak as a kitten and cold and then your sensory starts leaving, calming the panic that tries to erupt as you lose the ability to breathe on your own.

The best analogy is in Pink Floyd's "Comfortably Numb"

Long story short:

The nearest hospital was 25 miles up the road, but my aunt's doc was only 11 miles or so away. My big sis told them what was happening - none of them had ever heard of anaphylaxis. My mom 30 years later said the swelling in my face made me look like "a monster"

My wonderful sister, who was almost like a second mom to me due to the age difference, breathed for me and kept me alive as my uncle drove me to the doctor's office. for a shot.

This is not some grand world-shaker revelation on my part; it is a very personal one that literally made all the difference in my life.

I am almost 50 now and me and my wonderful oldest sister paint together and love little creatures, and with my ladylove, laugh together a lot. It is always wonderful to visit her; everything takes on a magical brilliance.

I think enlightenment takes many forms. Sometimes grand and sometimes personal and amazing.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 03:51 PM
reply to post by TravelerintheDark

Thank you for sharing your experience. There are probably plenty of people who have gone through the process of sheding their duality only to find themselves emerged in a singular light in which there is distinction between the light and your body/personality. I myself have done this before, when meditating for prolonged periods of time. In an instant everything including me disappeared as a light that spread out of every inch of the universe all at once engulfed everything, the very universe itself. And the strange feeling/understanding/intuition, that this light was also eminating from you, through you, with you, as you, seeing/thinking that you are light. Seeing that you are light and that the universe is also light, the same light, you see reality as it always is. Once you see this you never go back to seeing as before. Even when you don't see the light, it's hard not to know that the only thing between the light shinning into you from out there in there universe, and the light that shines from within you out into the universe is your eyes. The light penetrates beyond the eye. The light emerges from beyind the eyes. In meditation (the eyes being closed) this obstruction is removed revealing that everything exists as part of one thing that exists as the only thing there is.
Hope that doesn't sound too whacked out.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:14 PM
After a severely-bad psilocybin experience, one which ended up with an ambulance ride to a hospital, I had the most amazing spiritual awakening. See, I thought that I was dying, believed that I was with every fiber of my being... I believe that I experienced a spiritual death. When I came back, life changed for me. Before the "incident", as I like to call it, I lacked any self esteem. After, I suddenly had it. Not vanity, just an awareness that I am important to those around me.
After the incident, I began to value life in all of it's forms, from insects to fellow beings. Now I won't even kill a bug (ticks and mosquitoes are predatory, therefore fair game) if it can be avoided.
Before the incident, I always considered myself a spiritual person. After, it seemed that changed. What I used to consider enlightened was, in fact, just my own hubris. Now, I cab truly sense the energy, or the light, in everything.
The incident happened over 3 years ago. Since then, a new world has opened up all around me. I constantly find myself amazed by mundane things, such as the intricate patterns on trees, or the way that ants interact with each other (I believe that ants are self-aware, but that's a different post entirely!). I hear the trees talking amongst themselves (wind rustling the leaves and so forth). All of nature is ready to converse, we only have to listen.

posted on Jun, 8 2011 @ 05:56 PM
Great topic. I could write a book about my path of enlightenment, and in fact started to, but since its a lifelong journey i think i am going to have to put it out in volumes. So i'll be briefly describing certain moments along my 38 yr development.

high school- First conscious effort to be enlightened was learning about Robert Monroe via his series of books like Journeys out of body. Via his descriptions and reading others material on OBE, i discovered we are greater than our body. i consciously willed myself out of body 2 times.

college - discovered hindiusm, buddhism, and eastern philosophy. started meditating. Buddhism taught me the meaning of enlightenment, and the actions and stories of the buddha solidified it for me. Meditation was my practice to become enlightened some lifetime.

post college- I was introduced to a powerful psychic, and also an energy healer( 2 separate people). Though i was not in touch with my own psychic or energy at that moment.

Around 2003- I realized that there is no such thing as coincidence, rather synchronicity. Via synchronicity i met an old homeless man. i told him i was thinking about becoming homeless so i could cont. to travel the southwest selling my art. he handed me a jade buddha carving with a Chinese Buddha throwing up his hands. this was my sign. I threw up my hands and went for it. did it for about a year.I learned that the universe will provide if you are good and do good.

Around 2004- i'd have to look to be sure- while in meditation. i learned how to manipulate energy by pulling from the universe with my breath and focusing it via my hands.

-i personally found this to be a big year in my learning. I at this point was experienced with manifesting what i needed, even the smallest particular things.i have to many to list. I live my life manifesting all i need to this day.

-I met my first reiki healer, i had lightening bolts shooting out of my palms, elbows, and crown. it was amazing! brought me to tears and hyperventilating.

-I studied reiki, chi qong , Quantum touch, healing hands, and any form of energy healing i could read about. I did self reiki for thirty days straight for at least an hour a day for the first month. Then via the buddhas walking meditation- i discovered driving reiki. I did personal healing meditations while driving across the country for hours on end. It was not unusual for me to have a session lasting 10-12 hours. I drove 140000 miles in two years.

-Via driving meditation i learned that i/u/me can scan our bodies and impose others over ours. A current experiment i am trying here on ATS.

-i met many people and done many energy sessions with them. I personally witnessed a disappearance of a cyst a friend had on her wrist. it was about the size of half a walnut. via on hands and distance this cyst eventually went away. this showed me what I am experiencing is real.

-via reiki i learned that i have psychic abilities. i was able to tap into some peoples past and have them verify events for me. I am studying and practicing on becoming even more aware of these abilities. Always trust your instincts.

-i have asked to see my guides and one of them reveled himself, as Gabe. he looks like a hispanic i knew angels and guides were real.

I've been doing free energy sessions ever since. I meditate daily. I am continuing my quest for enlightenment.I hope it doesn't take too long..

I'm sure there is so much more i am forgetting.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:42 AM
reply to post by mydarkpassenger

Thank you for sharing such a personal experience and for contributing to this thread. I agree that the path to enlightenment is a personal one and not necessarily one prescribed by sages. To me it simply means to be touched in such a way as to change our perspective of existence. To see the truth that life is unity and that creation is love.

When I was very young I had a 'near death experience', so to speak. I believe it is what brought me to my understanding, which I have been working to expand on all my life.

Traveler in the Dark
edit on 9/6/11 by TravelerintheDark because: just because

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:48 AM

Originally posted by jgarcya
I've been doing free energy sessions ever since. I meditate daily. I am continuing my quest for enlightenment.I hope it doesn't take too long..

I'm sure there is so much more i am forgetting.

Would you take me seriously if I said I believe you already are? Enlightenment is where we are at any moment. We need only recognize it. Just look and you'll find what you are seeking is with you. What you've shared demonstrates a love and understanding that is the true goal of enlightenment.

Traveler in the Dark

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 07:57 AM
My story of enlightenment is gradual. I wanted to meditate because I thought it would get my high (:lol
, on the contrary, it did something else. The first time I meditated I felt a lessening of my addictive cravings (for alcohol). I later did a report on Buddhist meditation not too long afterwards (I was in college hence the alcoholism). I studied Eastern philosophy and Greek philosophy, and eventually came to be convinced that I had figured out the realm of philosophy. It was rather simplistic, the only difference being I did not have a 1000 year old book that I published myself, so my thoughts did not have the same gusto as say Plato or Buddha. But regardless, I felt the inherent logic of it all and it did have physical altercations.

I read a spirituality book on performing a downward facing dog and breathing intensely to gain confidence, I tried it and it actually worked. It was the first time in my life I really felt comfortable in my surroundings and in charge. I used it mostly for petty gains, such as flirting with women, but before that I was always too shy and scared. But now I could just talk without even really thinking about what I was saying, just knowing that everything I was saying was right on. It was kind of dangerous especially with girls already in relationships.

Then I noticed a type of physical head sensation, like almost as if wind was going through a tunnel, that type of whoosh sound. I really felt it though in my head, not just imagining it, that let me know that I was onto something physical and not just abstract. I found that during exercises, I could use this head wind to clear my thoughts and really focus on exerting attention.

I also attribute my spirituality to my being able to handle political conspiracies. I think because of my commitment to the truth, I can overcome irrational reactions that other people experience when they come across the truth.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by mydarkpassenger

What I think of when I read your post is that once forces all come out because there is possibility of an attack of dark forces.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:00 AM
I would like your'all opinions as to if what happened to me, was the moment of enlightenment. Or something sort of,...........else.

All my life, I couldn't make things work out good for me. In my mid fourties, in a very short time, I realized that it was mostly me. Not totally, like when you get done to, so-2-speak, by predatory narcissistic psychopaths. Still, ya put yourself at their disposal. Though. But I swear there was a rock solid block in my mind, which would not let me see correctly. Then one day, poof, it was gone. After that, everything in this whole world which bamboozled me, made sense with the most lucid clarity.

Now my life is reasonably good.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:04 AM
reply to post by simone50m

It sounds like you had a moment of enlightenment. Try to find the route of your blockages and eliminate them and you will be even more so enlightened.

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by jgarcya
reply to post by simone50m

It sounds like you had a moment of enlightenment. Try to find the route of your blockages and eliminate them and you will be even more so enlightened.

Thats reallllllll innnnnteresting, jg. I have been pondering on that, and some consistent things have come up. HM! I need you to be my weekly talk shrink! (Like when Tony Soprano met with Dr. Jennifer Melfi.)
(Only I don't think she was very good......)

posted on Jun, 9 2011 @ 11:53 AM
reply to post by simone50m

Are you from the east coast? The sarcasm is a bit strong?

I've been through hell and back, and continue to struggle in life. In order to be free of your troubles you need to address them and let em go. If your not willing to sit alone with yourself without any distractions for a few minutes a day, you may find it hard to grow. you don't need me or anyone else, dare to meet yourself for who you truly are. dare to sit and face your demons, you will find life will be wonderful despite the s#$% they continue to through at you.

No sarcasm here just some advice on what works for me.

blessings and continued growth on your journey.


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