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NATO Massacre 718 in Libya

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:33 AM
The Libyan regime in a press conference stated that over 718 innocent civilians have been the victim of the "NATO humanitarian bombings". Over 4000 injured, and over 430 of them in critical condition.

Considering that over 2000 bombs/strikes (lowest estimation) have been dropped in Libya, the casualty reported by the Libyan regime shouldn't be under estimated.

The Libyan regime said that "these figures do not include Libyan military casualties, a toll the defence ministry refuses to divulge." (Source)

Civilian casualties under NATO humanitarian bombings has increased because NATO has surpassed its obligations. It is not involved in an operation to protect civilians anymore, rather it is involved in a war, supporting the rebels through (air, sea and special ops attacks), financing and organizing them through military advisers. Helicopters are being sent to Libya as we speak, to help the rebels.

The above paragraph shows that the operation has changed from saving civilian lives, to toppling a regime. As Secretary of State Hillary Clinton "it is time for him to go", referring to Qaddafi.

Who does Clinton propose should replace the revolutionary regime of Libya?

Senator McCain gives us a hint when he said "Washington should recognize the rebels' Transitional National Council as the official government of Libya", France has already recognized the rebels as the official Libyan government.

Who are these rebels?

The Rebels have existed long before the uprisings in Libya, the same Rebels tried to topple the revolutionary government of Libyan before, but failed.

The Rebels were priorly known as LNA (Libyan National Army), it is believe that this group was financed and organized by CIA for over 2 decades, since the first failed attempt, till now. (Source - UNHCR)

The rebels just recently changed their armed wing's name (previously known as LNA), now named NLA (National Liberation Army).

Simply put, NATO wants a regime change to replace it with its own pawn (the rebels).
edit on 1-6-2011 by confreak because: image, extra info, and sources

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 02:50 AM
reply to post by confreak

I have no opinion on Gadaffi at all. I do not know the man or his methods.
What I find bizarre is that a few people rebel against a particular ruler or system and the rest of the world join in and kill even more people in that country.
If 'some' people were dissatisfied with the government in the UK, as they probably are for the majority of the time, would we expect NATO to come and bomb the living daylights out of everyone.
None of this makes sense. Of course an existing government is going to 'fight back'.
What is the West doing in Libya except doing what they claim Gadaffi said he was going to do, kill people.

I suspect the world has gone mad, and in particular its political leaders and hence I wish to claim no part in this nonsense and leave the end of this matter to Karma!

Do NOT play the game people, Do not participate and leave the end result to ultimate justice.
The world will witness many more world leaders in the Hague War Crimes cells in the near future as they are sailed down the river by their masters. It is the way.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 05:53 AM

"NATO extends operation in Libya another 90 days"


posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:01 AM
Who cares. They wanted air support and they got it. Too bad the ignorant fools crying for air support help didn't understand the consequences of what they were asking for. Not natos fault. I seriously say...either carpet bomb the country and rid the world of the entire libiyan populace or send in ground troops and which will kill fewer civilians but get the job done.

Me....I'd bomb them even more. Take out the hospitals...schools...anywhere gutless military would hide their assets. Collateral damage to me is of no concern. Kill em all.

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posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:16 AM
reply to post by MainLineThis

Some would argue those fools were CIA pawns in the first place, so that doesn't mean Libyans asked for air support, rather CIA pawns asked for air support.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 06:30 AM
I read the news everyday
and try to keep up with current events
best way I know how.

I see what is going on in the world
and right now, I am ashamed
of the human race.

I believe the animals could have done
a better job of taking care of this planet
than we have as a species.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 07:03 AM
When the government tells you about a war that is necessary, it is NECESSARY for you to say NO! Even the lazy sofa-sitters are better then those who participate in wars. Libya would have been better off if the western countries just stayed off. The pilots who bombed stuff would have been more useful in front of a Playstation instead of participating in this scam. The situation in Libya was perfectly avoidable, it is only because of stupid politicians that we are where we are today. The money used in that war would have been better spent if they were simply burned.

Remember to say no the next time. War does something to people, and it's irreversible. I am a pacifist, and proud of it. The ones who inspired me to make that choice was people who had fought in wars.

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by nidstav
Remember to say no the next time.


u actually think the American population
had ANY say-so in what went down in
Libya ??? or Pakistan ???? or Iraq ???

Absolutely NOT !!!

we never said yes the first time.
So please don't blame us

posted on Jun, 1 2011 @ 04:12 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
I read the news everyday
and try to keep up with current events
best way I know how.

I see what is going on in the world
and right now, I am ashamed
of the human race.

I believe the animals could have done
a better job of taking care of this planet
than we have as a species.

We are the planet.

Our own bodies are home to millions of independant cells that function together as a system. If they don't, then the body fails.

The inhabitants of Earth are not cooperative. Earth, or at least above the surface, falters from our ignorance.

But don't worry; the Earth's surface is everchanging. If we destroy ourselves and the environment, it will all correct itself and perhaps life could flurish again.

Our only real objective for survival now is expanding our species outside of this planet. I don't see it happening with the events of the modern world.

(Yeah this post is off-topic but it's been on my mind lately)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 05:50 AM

"Libya conflict UN accuses both sides of war crimes "

Turn of events. No option left in Libya but to get out, the Congress tried to push for a vote, the anti-war movement is growing, "Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) said he will push for a vote on a bill calling for President Obama to withdraw forces from the Libya operation."

"“We are in control in the House, and we want something on the floor,” said Rep. John Campbell (R-Calif.), one of a number of conservatives who called Wednesday for a showdown with Obama. “Put a resolution up, and let us express . . . to the president that ‘you no longer have the authority of this Congress to conduct military operations in that country.’""

edit on 2-6-2011 by confreak because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 06:53 AM
Within a week or so these rebels had their own central bank... Says it all...


posted on Jun, 2 2011 @ 08:38 AM
Good thread, but these types of conflicts always result in both sides accusing the other side of atrocities. So it is best to keep that in mind, although there are clear cut cases of atrocity.

Why are we there? It has to be because Libya supplies oil to Europe, and Qaddafi threatened to shut off the supply. Rarely is the response humanatarian any more; we seem to have evolved past that.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 01:43 AM
Found an interesting article on how Libya invested a billion bucks into Goldman Sachs and GS lost it, then negotiations fell apart between GS and Gaddafi (early 2000s). I'm not really into economics or banking crap, but it seems important

How Goldman Sachs Made Libya's $1 Billion Investment Disappear

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:06 AM

Originally posted by purplemer
Within a week or so these rebels had their own central bank... Says it all...


They had also sold over a million barrels of stolen government oil in the first couple weeks. That's over a $100 million dollars right there. I know if I was fighting for my life or country, the last thing I would worry about is selling oil

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:09 AM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Found an interesting article on how Libya invested a billion bucks into Goldman Sachs and GS lost it, then negotiations fell apart between GS and Gaddafi (early 2000s). I'm not really into economics or banking crap, but it seems important

How Goldman Sachs Made Libya's $1 Billion Investment Disappear

Not to mention Ghaddafi was trying to set up a gold backed Dinar and invited all African countries and some Arab ones to join. You can't tell me that wouldn't of been bad news for the Dollar.
edit on 6-6-2011 by Canadianpride420 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by Canadianpride420

Originally posted by purplemer
Within a week or so these rebels had their own central bank... Says it all...


They had also sold over a million barrels of stolen government oil in the first couple weeks. That's over a $100 million dollars right there. I know if I was fighting for my life or country, the last thing I would worry about is selling oil

That's because the US allowed them to sell off reserve barrels to Qatar. There was only so many barrels though so it was a priority to get the oil pumping again (which started roughly about the time coalition airstrikes pinned down Gaddafi's forces). Presumably, this was just a transfer of stolen Libyan oil for funding and arming the rebels.

posted on Jun, 6 2011 @ 02:11 AM
Is this really a surprise to anyone? If you don't agree with it, stop publicizing it, as any marketing is good marketing. Don't be apart of it in any form.


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