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Touch Syria, and you will hear Iran.

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posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 09:04 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick
reply to post by nenothtu

oh i agree,iran knows the fire's been lit....and one of my main points is iran won't fight a conventional war,there military is structured around guerrilla warfare...and iran does have a wide long reaching intelligence network,hence my reasoning for it becoming a asymetrical war,which will be a long drawn out messy war ....iran mullahs used this tactic to great effect in iraq...

Eh. It could work for 'em. Most... ok, ALL of our conventional generals have forgeten lesson learned long past in the conduct of both guerrilla and counter-guerrilla warfare. They no lmoger know how it's done, or fight like they really mean it. When this war fired up around 2001-2002, I was told to plan on it lasting about 30 years or so. No way in hell it ought to last that long if they fight like they meant it.

Problem is, there are still folks around who know how it's done. If they ever get done piddling around and call in those folks, it'll be a whole new world before anyone realizes it. Throw some of our uncoventional guys out there and take the cuffs off of 'em, and it'll all be over but the crying for the Persians and Arabs who fancy themselves guerrillas.

All it takes is for some of the higher ups to get tired of this penny ante crap and get serious about winning.

posted on Apr, 29 2011 @ 09:10 PM

Originally posted by TheMaverick

because as much as you lot in this thread seem to embellish the though of going to war with won't be the walk in the park you all seem to think it will will tear the international community apart...and spread far across the board.

That's actually the best argument I've seen yet in favor of getting this ball rolling. This "international community" nonsense will be the death of all of us peons. The sooner it disintegrates, the better.

edit on 2011/4/29 by nenothtu because: (no reason given)

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