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Now that I have partially shut down the gov...

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:03 PM
Now that I have partially shut down the gov...

Now that I have partially shut down the government, I have something to say.

Look at what big money did the last time there was a depression.

We were taken from this...
wikipedia/revenue Act of 1913

To this...
wikipedia/revenue Act of 1932

7% top marginal rate in 1913
to a flippin 63% top rate,
During a flippin depression.

Got the American people all worked up about the INJUSTICE of it all,
but really it was just a ploy to get the bureaucracies in D.C. a flippin huge payday.
During a flippin depression.

Now excuse me while I summon an imaginary nay sayer to cry me a river.

imaginary nay sayer

But, but... Grouch...
How will the government ever do what it needs to do.
They needs teh money!

What did the government do for the hundred years it didn't have ANY income tax?

I'm glad you asked.

THEY FLIPPIN RULED, cause thats what government does, it rules. You KNOW on ISSSUES and stuff. All this budget with benifits is flippin dookie.

I don't remember voting to support an entire political class in America. No one I know remembers voting for an entire political class in America. Did you vote to install an entire political class in America?

Wana know some dirty little open secrets?

  • 20 years of crushing private doctors with regulations and lawsuits are what caused the heinous healthcare situation that the politicians are saving us from.
  • Usurpation of State welfare money by the centralized fed is what has lead to such fraud and abuse.
    It worked so good they cooked up medicare, again at the cost of individual states citizens. Where are the cost vs payout numbers???
  • And the vanishing middle class is fear of insane tax rates. I mean seriously 63% WTF
  • Don't even get me started on Tort reform.

    /tries to regain composure

    But I don't want to scream and shout without offering any solutions, so here's one.

    Make it so anyone who makes 200,001 thousand a year or more pays ZERO taxes.

    Instead of bankrupting ourselves financing a political class, we'll find everyone becoming entrepenuers. States will do just fine, from sales tax. Hows that for incentive to get off the flippin couch.

    David Grouchy

  • posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 08:59 PM
    Not quite sure, but I guess I understand where you are coming from with this. But... what are you proposing?

    Are you proposing that the government will take advantage of the new depression to make themselves more money? No doubt about it.

    Are you saying that the past century has created a government that is so far outstrung from what we are supposed to have, that it can no longer support itself let alone the people it promises to support? If so I agree.

    But as for people sitting on their couches, no doubt to people do this. This is their right in a free country. By sitting on the couch they choose to opt out of material fantasies that others indulge themselves in. What is the point of working in the first place knowing that the money you earn will simply be taken away?

    And no taxes on the rich? Maybe in gumdrop land where multinational corporations did not crush the competition on literally ever level, entrepreneurship would not be so bad. But so long as the Walmarts and McDonalds of the world are given free reign over the consumers and are able to by themselves out of following laws, then there is no reason for people to even try. The whole game is rigged to begin with.

    The simple fact is, there doesn't need to be any income taxes. If the people were forced to live for themselves, take care of themselves, and provide for themselves - there there wouldn't be any complaining whatsoever, for the only one who could be blamed is yourself. Sadly, this is not the situation and so long as this government remains in power, it will never, ever, leave us alone.

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:38 PM

    Originally posted by gwydionblack

    And no taxes on the rich? [color=gold]Maybe in gumdrop land where multinational corporations did not crush the competition on literally ever level, entrepreneurship would not be so bad. But so long as the Walmarts and McDonalds of the world are given free reign over the consumers and are able to by themselves out of following laws, then there is no reason for people to even try. The whole game is rigged to begin with.

    Funny that gumdrop lane from CandyLand is mentioned.

    It was invented by Eleanor Abbott, A teacher, who was recovering from polio at the time.

    Quite a prodigious writer here are some of her other works, mostly for young girls.

    Only in this days world of ever-present, always-more-pressing issues
    could CandyLand be used as a byword of unrealistic thought.

    It seems back in the 1920's it was recognized for the invention and money worthy creativity that it was.

    David Grouchy
    edit on 8-4-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:43 PM

    Originally posted by gwydionblack
    Not quite sure, but I guess I understand where you are coming from with this. But... what are you proposing?

    Are you proposing that the government will take advantage of the new depression to make themselves more money? No doubt about it.

    I'm proposing that the only way to bring financial justice
    is to move the governement Feed bag away from big important interests,
    and put it with the average person.

    If the only way the government can raise taxes is off people who make 200k or less,
    two things will happen.

    1) America will start to look like the best place in the world to do buisness/invent/emigrate/retire


    2) the government will become very interested in breaking up monopolies, even crypto hidden ones.

    David Grouchy
    edit on 8-4-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 09:59 PM
    wow u shut down the goverment. Good for u not

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:28 PM

    Originally posted by karileigh77
    wow u shut down the goverment. Good for u not

    Thank you.
    It was a lot of work.

    David Grouchy

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:57 PM
    What other magic tricks u got

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 10:59 PM
    So now you have partially shut it down, when are you going to finish your work a close it altogether?

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:03 PM

    Originally posted by karileigh77
    What other magic tricks u got

    I know how to put periods at the ends of my sentences.
    That, and I know how to write more than one line on a forum that prides itself in making every post count.

    For instance,
    lobbyists spent 34.9 Billion in fiscal 2010
    to influence our Government, but the public spent .... well we just don't know do we ... in taxes for the same year.

    The lobbyists seem to be getting their money's worth.
    Are we?

    David Grouchy
    edit on 8-4-2011 by davidgrouchy because: (no reason given)

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:09 PM
    Good for u.

    posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 11:45 PM

    Here is some more information
    that gets zero airtime.

    Economic boom and bust cycles are directly related to a 40 year lag behind population growth and birth rates.

    It's really just that simple.
    Everything else, all the heart tugging issues and posturing are just theater.
    A cage for our minds.

    Actual government has been a science for a long time now.

    I will not appologize on behalf of the education system in America if this was not taught.

    David Grouchy

    posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 12:56 PM
    I will go so far as to say i agree with and support everything in your OP, short of the solution you offer. not that i disagree with it. I just need to mull it over.

    It is nice to see other getting pissed.
    I have been awful lonely for a few years now in the "Pissed Off Camp".

    posted on Apr, 9 2011 @ 03:22 PM
    And interesting thing about all the so-called ethics laws and anti corruption measures.

    It is illegal for an average citizen to buy their congressperson a sandwich.
    That would constitute a bribe. There are so many rules and regulations now
    that only a large outfit with a million dollar budget can influence our representatives.

    But worse than that I find it interesting what the FBI has done to the integrity of Office.
    Say a state legislator was given a suitcase full of cash by some figure. If that legislator
    then took the money an turned it in, they could swear out a statement where it came from
    and bang, we have a case against an influence peddler. But the FBI has arranged it so that
    we think it normal for them to bust in the room and arrest the legislator, for taking the cash. Now
    I know this goes against years of TV and movie watching, and the readers gut may be saying "good,"
    but I would like to point out that recieving cash does not show intent. And these days it seems to be
    the government that is providing all the cash in these sting operations. But has influence peddling gone down? Any?

    David Grouchy

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