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Palestine, Philistine

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posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:44 AM

Originally posted by woodwardjnr
reply to post by gravitational

why whenever I see you post you are calling someone an anti semite or comparing a poster to nazis. I know you only make posts and threads on this specific topic. Maybe you need to mix it up a bit and participate in some other forums, make it look a little less obvious what your intentions are here. Ironic you would compare someone to Goebbells with your post history.

I'm sorry if it's inconvenient for you where and what I post.
I'm sorry I didn't see any UFO lately.
I'm sorry I can tell the difference between ISS passing by and an alien spaceship.
I'm sorry I don't have any breaking news about HAARP.
I'm sorry I don't have any proof Obama wasn't born in the US.
I'm sorry I can't predict earthquakes.

I'm sorry to write only on things I'm familiar with, but remain silent and listen where I can learn from others. I'm not really sorry for all of this. When it comes to people who try to de-legitimize Israel and deny the Holocaust by means of lies and ignorance, you can bet your sorry little gray matter between your ears that I will continue to do the same, whether you like it or not.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 02:47 AM
This thread is purely racist in nature. And though the opening post clearly states the Palestinians are 'trespassers', belittling their right to occupy any land, the Israeli camp feel obliged to tell us anyone with a differing opinion is an Anti-Semite. Feeling victimized again are we? It's perfectly OK to be Anti-Arab though, right?

Who cares about what your ancestors claimed was yours. They're dead. Move on. Did they leave you a will? Show me the note, and not a re-print. If not, play nice with the locals. As someone with grandparents who were 1/4 this and 1/4 that I could lay claim to many an ancient land right... but I don't, because frankly I don't care if some beardy magician who may have once fondled my great great great great great great great grandma said that this land belonged to me. It doesn't. I just want to live peacefully with whomever my neighbours may be. Mixing with other cultures also makes you a more rounded interactive person. Gating yourself into small communities makes you paranoid and irrational.

If you really are a direct descendant of any elitist culture I feel really sorry for you. Scraping the bottom of the barrel in the gene pool. This is why incest is illegal, you know. You gotta spread the genes around a bit, makes for more intelligent kids.

posted on Apr, 8 2011 @ 04:09 PM
Take a look at the real face of Anti Semitism today

This guy is the reason Jews are hated so much these days.

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