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Nibiru is Here!!! Right Now!!!

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posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:46 PM

edit on 4-4-2011 by esqONE because: deebie cheebies

posted on Apr, 4 2011 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by loagun

OP i love posters like you.

You claim to have figured something out that should change the way the entire world looks at things, but you withhold the information because?

because you know nothing, youve made retarded correllations between random things youve "researched" on the web. heres a tip, "" is not a credible source. Im sure your voyage started on a website much like that one.


your a troll who thinks to highly of themselves. calling someone a simpleton? really? you are nobody, just like the rest of us.

you remind me of those deluded people who think they are 1,300 year old vampires with ancient knowledge who only bestow it on those who have ran the trials so to speak.

you have nothing to say.
done with your thread. dont respond to me cause i wont check it. if you had something to say, you would have said it instead of going through the length to make a bullsh-- thread in order to inspire someone to research but you dont even tell them what to research.

your claims of hints or clues is retarded. you want to see how long this thread will stay in the first page through bumps. thats all this is.

make yourself useful and go choke on something.


posted on Apr, 5 2011 @ 12:02 AM
reply to post by maybee

I saw the same bright star to the east at the same time, between 4 and 6 right before the sun came up on Sunday morning. I was on my bike and tried to hurry home so I can get the telescope. By the time I got home though i couldnt find it. It was the only star visible at the that time. I live in Alabama.

posted on Aug, 31 2011 @ 01:28 PM
reply to post by loagun

2nd Pic = epic win

posted on Sep, 14 2011 @ 03:50 PM
So the big secret is that our moon has an ancient nickname? Nibiru? I can see why the non existant reptilians made such a big effort to hide that from us...

If your going to make a claim and say the moon is Nibiru, please elaborate as to why that should be important to anyone. I don't expect the moons orbit to change anytime soon...

posted on Sep, 14 2012 @ 10:17 PM
I live in Marquette, Michigan. Today 9/14/12 I was riding my bicycle around Presque Isle park and decided to stop and take some pictures of the sun. It was about 7:20 pm or so. These are the pictures that I took:

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 01:54 AM
reply to post by RandalFlagg

Off track here .... love your avatar...and the signature

posted on Sep, 15 2012 @ 05:39 PM
reply to post by kosmickameleon

To reiterate what I said in one of the other threads in which you posted this (in case people did not see those other threads)... :

Considering that the Sun in all of those images is at about the same distance above the horizon (the same distance away from setting), then I suspect all of those pictures were taken at about the same time -- no more than a few minutes apart.

Therefore, if the "object" in those images is really a rogue planet and NOT just a lens flare/lens reflection, then that planet really moves around! Most likely, it is NOT a planet that scoots around all over the place in a matter of minutes, but rather a camera lens flare.

posted on Sep, 16 2012 @ 12:22 PM
This is just a guess but when I read OP`s starting thread and read all those natives believings in fifth dimensions etc. I got this feeling that the Nibiru is our own planets "lost twin". I have this book written by Kalevi Riikonen who had several paranormal experiences and was a contact person with extraterrestials.

In his book there is this one chapter in page 63 which titles: "Separation"

He tells us that the world separated in two in August 28th in 1988. He had this trans state or something that kind and he saw how the "brighter earth separated" from our earth and the earth we live in now is dark. The brighter earth is there but it is in different "vibration state" so thats why we cant see it. I havent studied the book or that chapter properly but it is pretty interesting.

Dunno if this is mumbo jumbo or not but something clicked in my brains when I read OP`s thread and this thing suddenly came to my mind. Could this lost brighter earth be the planet x, or so called Nibiru????

Here is a scan from the book. If people want I can try to translate the book`s chapter for you. It is in finnish language. The books name is "Universal teachings from cosmos" and it is written by contactee namd Kalevi Riikonen.

edit on 16-9-2012 by RhinestoneCowboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 17 2012 @ 03:38 AM
Original poster and others, how do you think about my theory???

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