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Special abilities and the soul

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posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 12:58 PM
Okay... so I've come to find out some weird things about my journey using astral projection. One of the weirdest is that those who have special abities each have their own mission to accomplish on Earth and reach the astral realm themselves when they die. Mine, move on and be more like a mortal. Thing is... I'm tired, heart broken, sick of seeing what us as humans do to each other and yet each day the cycle just repeats. I'm seeing there is no way to be good unless you yourselves stop the cycle by banishing love from your life and living to survive while forgetting your past lives, memories, etc. though my question to you.... is what do ya'll think? Do you all think the soul is connected to our abilities and our way of seeing into another world... one that is very different from the physical realities we face now in our lives.... money, love relationships, politics, etc.

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:11 PM
reply to post by Rishiana

Hey again Rish...I think i played a psychic game with you once
Anyway, I cant really answer your question but I do have some for you. Sorry to stray a bit, but I am dabbling in AP and am at a rut. Only sucessfully did it once.

Anyway, what technique(s) do you use to project. Any tips on what works best for you? Also, did you meet a guide and if so, at what point did they show up and what type of things did they show you?


posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:34 PM
Hello again. We've spoken of this you and I. I'd remind you in relation to your own "trips', "projections" and "journeys". Try and understand what I am saying: for it too…is what…YOU are saying. The part of doing good and breaking cycles to stop the madness, learning to love, money or lack of it thereof…and if it in fact it is any different from our present physical realities? No, It is not. It is one in the same.

An analogy. One buys yarn and begins to knit: it will be a shirt. It is not yet. And even if it unravels, turns out to not be coming along well…it is still to be that which it is intended to be: something created by something else, and by someone else..or returns to yarn.

The fibers create the yarn, that creates the weave, that becomes the patch that sewn together makes a scarf, sweater, shirt…and that then becomes clothing…and that then gets worn…and eventually that wears out and begins to unravel…and returns to its initial state of creation.

Good or bad, right or wrong, positive or negative, white or black, up or down, in or out, inside or outside, here or there, she or he…all things are parts of the other. Opposites attract. It can of course, but by comparisons is how we humans define things. It is dark, so there must be light. I am going in, so I can come right out. As I stand up, eventually, I will want to sit back down.

I propose to you I see what you are doing between the lines of your thread and posts. You are in fact combining the physical with the spiritual and making them the same by telling others and asking questions. But those questions and more importantly…the answers…are within you. Some have to be told what to look out for in life…while others…I believe by your thoughts here…already know. The changes you speak of are already within every one of us. We are each a bit farther or behind others on that same road.

You are helping all of us…and to that end, yourself as well. I believe your posting and comments here and there…maybe your calling…or your spirit…or your intuition in action. This may in fact be the whole reason this time around…could be why you are here now on this blue orb of existence. Perhaps not, but as I read your
thoughts, I believe so.

Once you realize you have become the teacher, and you have something to offer your karma and those around you…once you. ..and they…see that…then will spiritually become again…the student.

Go forth and travel well. Its not the destination you seek…but the journey. For you alone…only you can take it.

Safe Travels and growth….

posted on Feb, 22 2011 @ 01:53 PM

Originally posted by Rishiana
Okay... so I've come to find out some weird things about my journey using astral projection. One of the weirdest is that those who have special abities each have their own mission to accomplish on Earth and reach the astral realm themselves when they die. Mine, move on and be more like a mortal. Thing is... I'm tired, heart broken, sick of seeing what us as humans do to each other and yet each day the cycle just repeats. I'm seeing there is no way to be good unless you yourselves stop the cycle by banishing love from your life and living to survive while forgetting your past lives, memories, etc. though my question to you.... is what do ya'll think? Do you all think the soul is connected to our abilities and our way of seeing into another world... one that is very different from the physical realities we face now in our lives.... money, love relationships, politics, etc.

You must understand your own "human" first before you understand me them those,
I'm tired, heart broken, sick of seeing what us as humans do to each other and yet each day the cycle just repeats.
What you see before you is ignorance, you are ignorant as well, I tell you this already for you do not see it in yourself as you see it in others first.
A cycle is a pattern and the pattern is from the condition and the condition is ignorance.
All born ignorant in ignorance, All are born innocent in innocence, Later innocent is replaced with conditions lost when they accept conditions. than you "see" ignorance with conditions.
Real love is above and beyond the 5 senses, "It" is unconditional when it touches, you will know it by it's name.
Once "It" touches you will no longer be you.
Ask and you shall recieve, how is not up too you. Seek and you shall find.
A hurting person will hurt others and will hurt the ones they love most.
There is no pain and suffering just ignorance Where there is pain there is no love, where there is suffering there is no love.
Your path is yous, and always in frount of you, you never lose your path, it always right where you left it.
Forgivness is love and heals the past, part of the path before you.
I fovgive you, only a forgiven person can, truly forgive.

posted on Feb, 23 2011 @ 09:46 AM
reply to post by CIGGSofWAR

Very well spoken. I think many are just stuck on the good-bad-what-if's and the "I-shoulda-if-I-coulda-I-woulda!" way of thinking, that its forgotten that all are necessary for the total or whole "you". And that we change ever so slightly sometimes, and we dont even see it happening until we look back on it. They ask and receive, the knock and it will be opened, the change for the better, and yes sometimes worse, but all are necessary. It at those points we change.

A friend once told me...'Hey! You know? I think we just meander through life picking up good and bad, positives and negatives, we ask for important things, and neglect them too. Maybe we have to come BACK life-after-lifetime, until our souls get it right! That would be the HELL . To have to go thru all this ...all over once more."

So? I try to learn one new thing every day...and help at least one person with something everyday. Is it enough? Dont know. Should I do more than that? Of course. We all should. Im trying...and Im learning.

Thanks for your post. Well-put indeed.

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