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Pakistani arrested for 'blasphemous' exam answer

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posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Pakistani arrested for 'blasphemous' exam answer

KARACHI, Pakistan – Police have arrested a 17-year old Pakistani boy for writing an allegedly blasphemous remark in an examination paper, an officer said Tuesday.

Pakistan's blasphemy laws have come under intense scrutiny since the murder last month of a prominent politician who had campaigned to change them. They allow for the death penalty for anyone found guilty of insulting Islam. Critics say they are often used to settle scores and unfairly target the country's non-Muslim minorities.

School authorities lodged a police complaint against the boy, identified as Sami Ullah, in Janua
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 10:57 AM

Lodhi said he could not repeat what the boy, who is a Muslim, had written because he would be committing blasphemy if he did. He said the boy told police he wrote the blasphemous material out of frustration when he was not able to answer the exam question.

Whatever he said was even enough to get him arrested and even Lodhi would not repeat it because he would also be arrested. Man I think that kid deserves to be arrested if its that bad. Should be even executed as well for what he said. He should know better when he is a Muslim. Probably cursed Prophet Mohammed or Allah for not helping him with the exam.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 11:01 AM
And the thought police strike again for a victimless crime.

The concept of blasphemy is absurd in the highest order and religions that operate through the threat of force by law are completely undeserving of respect.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 11:17 AM
reply to post by deltaboy

Thanks for posting yet another example of just how insecure some religious cults can realy be.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:19 PM
Wow. I never realized how perfect such religious law can be for an oppressive regime. You wanna lock someone up or execute them, just claim they committed blasphemy and then say you can't repeat the blasphemy or you yourself would be committing a crime.

This makes me think of the new religion in the US: National Security. Arrest someone for saying something that threatens national security, but refuse to say what or how they did it because that would threaten national security.

posted on Feb, 1 2011 @ 01:29 PM

Originally posted by karl 12
reply to post by deltaboy

Thanks for posting yet another example of just how insecure some religious cults can realy be.


It was surprisingly quiet over the Christmas holidays this year (compared to last). The cries of 'stealing Christmas' or the furor over Wiccan Solstice displays beside baby Jesus in a manger didn't quite materialize so much.

As to Pakistan, there's no accounting for the silliness that country has up its collective sleeves. Depents on the region, I guess (Swat Valley... an ironic name).

Anyways, compare this example to Bishop Cyrus's nastiness in Alexandria and it all evens out. Whooo... talk about 'rigorist'.

Anyways... I hope the student survives with his writing hand still attached. I also hope Coe and the Family out on C-Street don't get too strong politically either.

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