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Earth, "The Hidden Conspiracy"

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 12:27 AM
I don't really think I'm covering any new topics here, but I just want to converge things things that are happening into a meaningful whole. I call it a hidden conspiracy, but it's not really hidden. When you piece everything together, you get a picture of what is going on, globally.

Do you ever feel like you are in a test tube of sorts? And, in an environment where outside forces are trying to shape you? Where outside forces are trying to keep you under control? Where you are being molded into something that maybe you don't want to be?

So much control has been smacked down on us, not just here in the USA. A little piece at a time. Slowly cook the frog so he doesn't jump out. Let's take away their freedom, but tell them we are protecting them.

I feel like there has to be some "outside" agenda. There has to be. Most of us just want to go on and live our lives. We don't care about stupid wars, we're not interested in being terrorists. And, given the chance, we would gladly do the right thing, to bring peace and sanity to this world.

But, no. We've got Big Pharma trying to smother our senses in poisonous drugs. Big corporations like Monsanto trying to take over the food supply, and replace it with poison. Big Central Banks trying to control us through manipulation of the money supply. The media constantly lying, telling half truths, and basically controlling what we are allowed to see. And throw in some alien abduction and experimentation into the mix, and you've got an interesting story here on earth.

There must be some cowardly force behind the scenes who doesn't like the way we are. I don't feel like we actually are allowed to see who is behind the scenes controlling the puppets. Or, at least trying to. I call "them" cowards, because they don't seem to be showing their faces. I want to know the driving force behind the central bank scheme.

This is a message of hope, because I feel whoever "they" are, they seem to be scared of us. Why else would they work so hard at control? They are obviously having trouble getting us to comply, getting us to accept lies about ourselves, and getting us to accept that we are fragile, so full of mental and physical disease, that we must be given a label and drugged. I think "they" are afraid of us finding out who we really are.

Before you dismiss this as paranoid talk, look at the whole picture of what is happening in the world. Does the word "control" come to mind? Why are so many things that are happening seem to have "control" as the motive?

To continue the message of hope, I referred to. We are doing a good job, we are getting the truth out to a large degree. Conspiracy theorists are actually starting to get noticed. That does not mean, I accept every conspiracy theory, but... People know that the powers that be are screwing us over.

We are not weak, we do not have to bow down to suppressive forces, we can shape our own destinies. We can be healthy, and we can be aware of the truth. One of the best things I can tell everyone, is do well, prosper, make life what you want it to be, and don't let assholes ruin your chance to shine. I know there are a lot of bad things going on, but we always must keep our eye on the prize. Don't let the bad things consume you. We might be aware of some terrible things, but nonetheless we must move on and create that big, bright, wonderful future we desire. And, that is what pisses off people who want to hold us down and keep us under their thumb.


posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:07 AM
I feel like I'm in a test tube at times.. But then, I also feel a grand sense of sentience.

If I rob a gas station, I do feel awkward in doing so.. But, I know I CAN do it. It's like a change in energy frequency. And because of this, I sometimes feel that controlling this energy basically means total freedom. Freedom of guilt, depression, resentment, and remorse. All those negative energies aside.. I can happily go around doing as I please, as long as I maintain control of the energies of my realm.

If that makes sense.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:40 AM

Originally posted by WraithXV
I feel like I'm in a test tube at times.. But then, I also feel a grand sense of sentience.

If I rob a gas station, I do feel awkward in doing so.. But, I know I CAN do it. It's like a change in energy frequency. And because of this, I sometimes feel that controlling this energy basically means total freedom. Freedom of guilt, depression, resentment, and remorse. All those negative energies aside.. I can happily go around doing as I please, as long as I maintain control of the energies of my realm.

If that makes sense.

You may not feel remorse, but the victim will feel pain. That negative energy (pain) still exists from the perspective of the earth who is being energetically F'd in the A by such negative acts right now. So what if I blow up a school and don't think twice about it. The fact is, I would be hurting lots of people, and it doesn't serve the Earth or the Universe for that matter, to cause such destruction.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 01:42 AM
We are in a test tube. The test of life. We have a lot of circumstances to master. We need to conquer negative and transform to fully to positive. This is part of the purpose of life. Earth is like a school.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 09:32 PM
Certainly life could be called a test.

I'm inclined to think, though, that we aren't thought very highly of. Seems like the people with evil motives sure get easy control over things. Does anyone here remember voting in Monsanto to control our food supply? I don't. Monsanto has rolled on through history with years of abuse to the public, and still is allowed to conduct business.

But, I know part of the reason these crooks take control, is we let them to some degree. But, there still seems to be some overall plan. We've got food and medical corruption to a large extent over the globe. Doesn't that seem odd? I'm just trying to paint a picture, not doom and gloom though, because I know we can overcome this.


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