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Setting up the system for the crash. Wiping out the masses with no effort.

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:15 PM

Originally posted by babybunnies
Dependence on medicine is nearly always completely voluntary. There are other changes that can be made (lifestyle, diet, etc) that can correct many medical ailments that people take medication for.

I'm sorry but I beg to differ. Firstly, "nearly always completely" is a vague reference and PURE OPINION. Not everyone can simply correct physical/biological imbalances through diet and excercise alone. Altough I could sate numerous examples, I'll stick to just a few. Starting with my own case as a stroke survivor. I'm on blood thinners (Plavix and Crestor) to prevent another stroke due to my body's over production of Lipids. (cholesterol) (i.e. fatty substances in the blood) I eat healthy and am not over weight.

There are many drugs used to treat Parkinson's diseas such as Sinemet, Dopamine Agonists,Eldepryl and Deprenyl to name a few.

Not to mention Antibiotics, Penicillin etc. that stop the spread of disease and infection.

There is absolutely no need for most Americans to be so dependant on their medication, apart from absolute laziness and denial that there is any need to change anything.
Once again an oversimplified and unsubstantiated claim. Sure I find the Obesity epidemic in America troubling to say the least, but there are a myriad of human conditions that require pharmceutical drugs to combat symptoms and side effects.

It is a complex issue and the OP's observation is quite sobering for someone like myself. Even if the "strong do survive" I'm sure as a result of the ensuing accidents and calamaties a shortage of necessary drugs will play a vital factor.

Sorry, but I refute the "oversimplification" regarding the uselessness of prescription drugs without any hard evidence. My doctor said "so and so.". It is simply opinion masquerading as fact.
edit on 14-1-2011 by kinda kurious because: typos etc

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 02:41 PM
reply to post by tjack

I've done some thinking about this topic, and if TPTB really wanted to bring about a population reduction, or the NWO, all they would have to do is turn off the electricity for a while.

They prefer a more controlled wipe out that does not damage their investments.

Obamacare and the food safety law are a really good way of getting rid of the useless eaters. For the elderly good nutrition is especially important.

Poor nutrition and malnutrition occur in 15 to 50 percent of the elderly population...

Some of the most common reasons for poor nutrition in the elderly include:

* Decrease in sensitivity. The aging process itself is a barrier to good nutrition since it is common to for appetites to diminish as a person ages. A decline in the senses of smell and taste also affect a person’s ability to taste and enjoy food. If a meal isn’t appetizing, a senior is less likely to eat as much as he should.

* Side effects of medication. Certain medications (whether over-the-counter or prescription) can reduce appetite, cause nausea, or make food taste differently. If a senior doesn't feel hungry due to medication side effects, she is less likely to eat even though her body does need food and calories.

* Poor dental health. Seniors are more likely to suffer from dental problems. Ill-fitting dentures, jaw pain, mouth sores and missing teeth can make chewing painful. All of these factors make it increasingly difficult for the elderly to eat healthy foods.

* Financial burden. Many seniors are on fixed or limited incomes. If he is worried about money, a senior may cut back on grocery expenses or buy cheaper and less-nutritious foods to stretch his budget. Lacking money to pay for adequate foods can result in a host of nutrition problems.

* Lack of transportation. Shopping today is also more difficult with many food stores located in large shopping malls and on crowded streets. In order to go grocery shopping, a senior must drive to the store, navigate through heavy traffic and park far away from the door. Add snow and ice to the mix and you have a very treacherous situation for the elderly.

* Physical difficulty. Seniors can become frail as they age, especially when dealing with debilitating conditions like fibromyalgia, arthritis, vertigo (dizziness) and disability. Physical pain and poor strength can make even simple tasks (opening a can, peeling fruit, and standing long enough to cook a meal) too challenging.

* Forgetfulness. Dementia, Alzheimer's disease, and poor memory can hurt a senior's ability to eat a variety of foods on a regular schedule and remember what to buy at the store. One may keep eating the same foods over and over without realizing it, or skip meals entirely because she doesn't know the last time that she ate.

* Depression. As people age, life can become more difficult. Their loved ones may be gone (or far away), their body may be failing them, even if their mind is sharp, and loneliness can take its toll. Feeling blue or depressed can decrease one's appetite, or make him feel apathetic about caring for his health. Depression is a manageable disease when treated correctly, but left untreated it can lead to many other nutrition and health problems.

The more obvious result of the food safety law is that it puts control of food into the hands of the Food Cartel. The more subtle is the introduction of Codex Alimentarious. For the elderly, Vegans and possibly Vegetarians it is a real killer.

...poisonous Nutrients: 'UN Codex Alimentarius' as a controversy registered in 1996 after Ecologist mag warned readers to the proposal by the German delegation subsidized by 3 German pharmaceutical firms at the 1996 UN Codex Alimentarius Sessions. They proposed that 'no herb, codex vitamin or mineral should be sold for preventive or healing reasons, and that additions should be reclassified as drugs.' ( 3 ) even though the offer was agreed to, protests prevented its implementation. At the 2005 UN Codex Alimentarius Commission Food Session the 'Guidelines for codex Vitamin and Mineral Food Supplements' was adopted as a new worldwide standard. The Codex Vitamin and Minerals Guidelines hasn't yet been implemented in the U.S. codex vitamins...

Criminalization of Natural medicine In August 2005 the western european Union passed the Food additions Directive, 'laws which could outlaw thousands of vitamins and mineral supplements' ( 5 ) The Directive remits that 'health food corporations must submit natural cures, vitamin supplements and mineral vegetable extracts for approval and inclusion on a catalogue of recognized food supplements.' ( 6 ) In Canada, Bill C-51 outlines nutriments as drugs and provides jail terms for people who use nutriments for health benefits. This amounts to the worldwide criminalization of natural medication.

....The original intent of this world body drafting 'food laws' for the world was a desire need to protect purchasers. 'In the 1940s,' according to one UN Codex Alimentarius document,'Articles about codex alimentarius commission food at every level did nicely, and clients were inundated with messages in favored magazines, in the tabloid press and on the radio. Some were correct, some incorrect-but all were planned to absorb interest, and many were excessively sensational.' ( 16 ) UN Codex Alimentarius, with a foundation in sound science, so that the debate goes, would separate fact from sensation and provide clients with correct info and convincing standards to steer the trading of food around the world. As a body under the protection of the world Trade Organization , however , it's not surprising this altruistic purpose would be deflected by corporate interests.

Codex Alimentarius standards and tenets are not part of the american legal or regulatory tradition. Under our Common Law, anything not prohibited is allowed. UN Codex Alimentarius, on the other hand, operates under the EU Napoleonic code that holds that everything that is not explicitly allowed is forbidden. If we agree the premise that UN Codex Alimentarius has been co-opted by firms to grease the wheels of world trade and fatten firm pockets, then we must focus on the controlling standards they produce, at least until the world controlling body collapses of its own weight and opens the door for a pro-health force for good. UN Codex Alimentarius is predicted to go into global implementation by December 31, 2009.

They are a year late because of the fight put up by farmers over HR875, introduced in the spring of 2009.

The danger for those on a Vegan diet if supplements are restricted:

US babies mysteriously shrinking: Birthweights in the US are falling but no one knows why, according to a study of 36.8 million infants born between 1990 and 2005.

Importance of DHA (Docosahexaenoic Acid):

A balanced diet is a basic part of good health at all times in our life. However, it is more critical during pregnancy as it has to provide the extra nutrients needed for mother and baby. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) is especially important for pregnant and breastfeeding mothers. DHA is derived from dietary alpha-linolenic acid and is found in foods such as fatty fish, organ meats and eggs.

Fat makes up 60% of the brain and the nerves that run every system in the body. DHA is the major structural fatty acid in the gray matter of the brain and the retina of the eyes. It is especially important to the correct structural formation of photoreceptor cells (the cells of the eye that recognize light - in all its various hues - and transmit this information to the brain), and thus is crucial to good vision. However, if there is not a sufficient amount of DHA, development may be impaired. In addition, DHA can also help prevent pre-term labor and may help protect against postpartum depression.

Low levels of DHA in our body have been associated with mood swings, memory loss and visual and other neurological conditions. A small amount of DHA is synthesized in our body naturally. But people who limit meat and egg intake, such as vegetarians or those on low-fat diets, are liable to have low level of DHA.

DHA is naturally transferred to a foetus and it is required throughout the pregnancy. Because developing foetuses cannot make their own omega-3 fatty acids, their needs must be met by their mothers. The DHA content and the essential nutrient contents in the mother's diet reflect the amount of DHA and nutrients and that are passed on to the baby. If the mother is not properly nourished, the foetus will suffer.

A continual supply of DHA is needed for the full term of the pregnancy as the DHA content of the cerebrum and cerebellum increases threefold during the last trimester....

Role of red meat in the diet for children and adolescents:


Over the first few years of postnatal life, an infant's body undergoes dramatic changes not only in physical attributes, but also in developmental milestones. By three years of age, an infant's head circumference and hence brain size will have reached 80% of what it will potentially achieve in adulthood, and its length will also have doubled in size. Therefore, it is not surprising that any adverse events occurring during these periods may have a negative impact upon psychomotor development.

In 1968, Dobbing (1) suggested that there were vulnerable periods of neurological development that coincided with times of maximal brain growth. These periods begin during foetal development at around the 25th week of gestation and continue for the first two years of postnatal life. Nutrient deficiencies occurring during these vulnerable periods may well have an impact upon brain growth and, hence, neurological and psychomotor development. (1) These nutrient deficits have subsequently been shown to result in more functional deficiencies rather than physical abnormalities. Not only is optimal nutrition essential for achieving optimal physical and psychosocial development, but it also appears to have significant disease implications for later in adult life. Barker and his epidemiology group in the UK proposed that not only intrauterine malnutrition, but also poor weight gain in the first year of life, was associated with an increased incidence of cardiovascular disease (particularly in adults aged >50 years), hypertension and glucose intolerance during adulthood. (2) Their retrospective, epidemiological report has been supported by several studies on the Netherlands famine during World War II, which affected women during early, mid and late stages of gestation. (3,4) Subsequently, animal and prospective human studies have suggested that either under- or over-nutrition in utero can be associated with epigenetic epigenetic /epi·ge·net·ic/ (-je-net´ik)
1. pertaining to epigenesis.

2. altering the activity of genes without changing their structure.....

Study finds vegetarians have smaller brains:

Scientists at the Department of Physiology, Anatomy and Genetics, University of Oxford, have discovered that going veggie could be bad for your brain – with those on a meat-free diet six times more likely to suffer brain shrinkage.

The study involved tests and brain scans on community-dwelling volunteers aged 61 to 87 years without cognitive impairment at enrolment, over a period of five years. When the volunteers were retested five years later the medics found those with the lowest levels of vitamin B12 were also the most likely to have brain shrinkage. It confirms earlier research showing a link between brain atrophy and low levels of B12.

Vegans are the most likely to be deficient because the best sources of the vitamin are meat, particularly liver, milk and fish.

This study confirms other findings, covered in Trick and Treat, which shows that overall human brain sizes have reduced by an average 11% since we adopted an agricultural diet based on cereal grains rather than the meat-based diet of our Palaeolithic ancestors.

Vogiatzoglou A, et al. Vitamin B12 status and rate of brain volume loss in community-dwelling elderly. Neurology 2008; 71(11): 826-32.

edit on 14-1-2011 by crimvelvet because: typo

edit on 14-1-2011 by crimvelvet because: typo

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 08:56 AM
reply to post by kinda kurious

You know that you can treat your blood with k2 and have the same effect as wafarin, crestor and the rest of the group for blood thinners, without the side effects.

I never had a stroke or hart attack before, but as a prevention, I take supplements for hart health including k2 to avoid future problems.

Just a tip.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 11:56 AM
It is interesting to note that in the early 60's there were no Grocery Stores on the Reservations in Arizona. At the time diabetes was unheard of because the people on the reservation still gathered food naturally from the local vegetation. Suddenly, along comes the Modern World and Groceries were readily available. Now 90% of the population of Indians are Diabetics, and overweight to boot!

Who could have asked for a better "Control Group" such as those in our Indigenous Populations, but this information is not being made light of in the Medical Industry.

Insulin will be the big killer, or lack thereof after the collapse. I am hoping my brothers and sisters on the reservation return to their more natural diet and release themselves of this nightmare brought on by our Food Industry!

It was the Prickly Pear Cactus that the Indigenous folks used that controlled what they called "sweet urine" or diabetes. Thankfully it is readily available, but as far as going from a dependence of a drug to a more natural form of metabolic control is questionable. Can the body be prompted to start producing insulin for itself once cut off? This part I am not sure of, I certainly do not run into ads telling folks that Diabetes can be overcome, instead people are programmed to believe it is out of their control. It is not.

pdf document on the Prickly Pear

I feel the OP has opened that "fear box" that most are afraid to admit, that they will die without their medications! It's true, most will die without it, and most know they must have their drugs throughout the rest of their lives.

I am so happy to be Medication-free, I even stopped aspirin now. I do hope the Prickly Pear can be embraced by those who are facing such a menace as Diabetes, and surprisingly "Napolitas" is available in most Grocery Stores in the produce section. Amazing.

posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 12:21 PM
It is a bad thing you mention where people explain the nonphysical (the mind) by the physical and try to correct this with physical means. For example, someone feels depressed because of lack of serotinin, not because of an abusive relationship, there are pills to get the serotinin up again but only a few want to teach others how to get over the bad things in life, either because it is more profitable to keep such knowledge for themselves or because there is little profit to be made by spending hours on a patient instead of just a few minutes giving a prescription. And ofcourse if abuse was really dealt with, at schools for example where the picking and bullying starts then the whole system of power would collapse. Afterall someone down and depressed will not get high grades, thus get a lowly paid job but someone's got to do it, imagine the majority of people having high IQ's now who would want to become a garbage man? (no offense intended to any garbagecollectors, I did that once too btw). Or for another point (there are so many when one looks) what if everyone understood it's about character and inner beauty, sales of many brands would collapse, the whole fashion industry would change, so much money going around there.

Some people have become lazy, they don't want to spend a lot of time trying to figure out the mind. Others lack confidence, "who am I to argue with the doctor who depends upon the work of thousands of individuals who are all very wise and intelligent and have much more experience with disease than me".

Then there are those who want to believe there is a cure and can't think of much else being down by depression, they are not critical of anything that could lessen their hope for a cure.

And finally there are those that only want to enjoy life not ask questions, just doing things to get their few precious moments of feeling good, those are both the patients and the physicians. It's not a coincidence there's a lot of money going around in healthcare, it is dubious there is no "no cure no pay".

It seems though we are being set up for centuries. I wonder if there was never the notion of a saviour, people would not sit back and wait for someone else to come up with solutions. But that is offtopic I guess.
edit on 15/1/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15/1/2011 by Dragonfly79 because: (no reason given)

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