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Jesus was a Space Alien

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posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:13 AM
The drawing of the devil in the Codex Gigax looks exactly like a common depiction of an alien....I have often thought that if they Bible was authentic, at least the slightest bit credible, that maybe it was much more heavily influenced by the devil trying to make god look bad. That makes better sense in the context of the devil and god being competing races of aliens or something.
edit on 26-12-2010 by quantum_flux because:

posted on Dec, 26 2010 @ 12:29 AM
reply to post by Segador
This is my very first post here, and though I plan to be professional and open-minded, I'm glad to see there is humor involved as well. I actually "el oh elled" at this comment. :-)

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 01:24 PM
Where is your proof that "the Bible is based on astronomy"??? Perhaps you mean to say astrology? I see no diagrams of star charts in the Bible, do you Stevcolx?

NonKonphormist, I have no other evidence besides speculation, if I did have real historical evidence then I probably wouldn't be posting it on a discussion forum on the internet in order to see what responses I can get out of other people who perhaps know a thing or two on the subject matter, but rather I'd be selling a book instead.

...................................................................................................................................................... ............

Haha, you start a thread with a statement that jesus was an alien, turns out it's just speculation on your behalf and to expect any proof or evidence from you gets a snotty response.
You then have the audacity to demand proof from others.

edit on 27/12/10 by NonKonphormist because: to edit it

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 01:33 PM
The bible is a history/geography book and a Dr Phil book is more of a bible than that 2000 year old book is. Maybe Jesus did walk around the middle east sometime but he could also have been a fella doing his own thang and tried to fulfill a prophecy that he found in a jewish library somewhere.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 01:36 PM

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by quantum_flux

This is extremely offensive to me. Jesus is the savior of the world and you are mocking Him. You should be kissing His feet. Do you have any idea how much He loves you? He died for your sins so that you could live with Him forever. Friend I wish nothing more than for you to get saved. I would die for you to know Him, so that we could be together in Heaven.

Do you know how frustrating your opinion is to all the grown ups that have looked at the whole religion concept and worked it out for what it really is? People like you are holding humanity back, imo.
There is no real evidence as to whether jesus actually existed or not, so to base your whole life to his so called teachings and claims is retarded, and to speculate on whether jesus was a little green man is pure fantasy.

posted on Dec, 27 2010 @ 02:39 PM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by quantum_flux

This is extremely offensive to me. Jesus is the savior of the world and you are mocking Him. You should be kissing His feet. Do you have any idea how much He loves you? He died for your sins so that you could live with Him forever. Friend I wish nothing more than for you to get saved. I would die for you to know Him, so that we could be together in Heaven.

There is no real evidence as to whether jesus actually existed or not

Let me stop you right there. You should try doing some unbiased research friend. Jesus did exist and it is recorded in hundreds of documents, not just religious texts but in roman census data and execution mandates. Tacitus the Roman Historian refers to Him, as does Phlegon in reference to the darkness at the time of the crucifixion. Josephus, the Jewish historian also refers to a number of Gospel details and certainly assumes the existence of Jesus himself.

Read more:

You can disagree on whether or not you think He is the Son of God but to say He never did exist is truly ignorance. Please please do your research.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:08 AM

Originally posted by freedish

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by quantum_flux

This is extremely offensive to me. Jesus is the savior of the world and you are mocking Him. You should be kissing His feet. Do you have any idea how much He loves you? He died for your sins so that you could live with Him forever. Friend I wish nothing more than for you to get saved. I would die for you to know Him, so that we could be together in Heaven.

There is no real evidence as to whether jesus actually existed or not

Let me stop you right there. You should try doing some unbiased research friend. Jesus did exist and it is recorded in hundreds of documents, not just religious texts but in roman census data and execution mandates. Tacitus the Roman Historian refers to Him, as does Phlegon in reference to the darkness at the time of the crucifixion. Josephus, the Jewish historian also refers to a number of Gospel details and certainly assumes the existence of Jesus himself.

Read more:

You can disagree on whether or not you think He is the Son of God but to say He never did exist is truly ignorance. Please please do your research.

Then I must be totally ignorant

The gospels do not count, they were written at least 30 to 40 years after his so called death, none of the wirters of the gospels actually met jesus, thats hearsay, NOT evidence.
All the other counts are very vague to say the least and could fit anyone, and to say there are hundreds is truley ignorant.

By the way, calling someone ignorant because you assume they haven't done any research really is ignorant, but to use wiki answers as your research quote is beyond funny

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 07:36 AM
Jesus is a man who lived on this earth just like the rest of us.
Not an alien - But a human just like you and me.

He chose to make His reality - a reality of love and sacrifice and forgiveness and truth and to put others before His own ego, to put away worldly things.

He chose to love us enough that even when He could have saved Himself the pain and degradation, the whipping, the beard torn from His face, the hatred?
He chose love and the power of love.
He poured out forgiveness even with His last breath.

He gave us all a gift, not just me, not just you.
He gave us the gift in showing us a walking talking example of what love can do.
What love can heal.
What love can conquer.

If we were to embrace and make love our reality our world would be an Eden...
But fear makes us unable to trust, believe, and have faith.
The love of ego, power, money, evil - that is what’s wrong with the world.

Can I give you proof?

No, but I know someone who can.

Talk to Christ... His Spirit will give you all the proof you need.
Your gift will be in the ‘knowing’.

Knowing is the gift we get when we ask Christ to be with us, in us, to live in our every breath.
This kind of true Knowing?\ - No one can fight it.
Not that kind of peace.
It’s unbeatable, irrefutable, and a forever peace that is just that - forever.

No delusion that - It’s a promise.

You want to talk about delusions?

The world serves us up delusions by the plate full to we can grow fat on it and its hate and its lies.
To suck us in and strip our joy and faith and love leaving us to die a solitary death without peace.
Talk a out hell on earth.

But there are no delusions with the love of Christ.

It’s simple.

Live and love how you want to be loved and live.

After that it’s all - well - It's all peace.


posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 01:27 PM

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by freedish

Originally posted by NonKonphormist

Originally posted by freedish
reply to post by quantum_flux

This is extremely offensive to me. Jesus is the savior of the world and you are mocking Him. You should be kissing His feet. Do you have any idea how much He loves you? He died for your sins so that you could live with Him forever. Friend I wish nothing more than for you to get saved. I would die for you to know Him, so that we could be together in Heaven.

There is no real evidence as to whether jesus actually existed or not

Let me stop you right there. You should try doing some unbiased research friend. Jesus did exist and it is recorded in hundreds of documents, not just religious texts but in roman census data and execution mandates. Tacitus the Roman Historian refers to Him, as does Phlegon in reference to the darkness at the time of the crucifixion. Josephus, the Jewish historian also refers to a number of Gospel details and certainly assumes the existence of Jesus himself.

Read more:

You can disagree on whether or not you think He is the Son of God but to say He never did exist is truly ignorance. Please please do your research.

Then I must be totally ignorant

The gospels do not count, they were written at least 30 to 40 years after his so called death, none of the wirters of the gospels actually met jesus, thats hearsay, NOT evidence.
All the other counts are very vague to say the least and could fit anyone, and to say there are hundreds is truley ignorant.

By the way, calling someone ignorant because you assume they haven't done any research really is ignorant, but to use wiki answers as your research quote is beyond funny

It's pretty easy to find information on Jesus Christ. His life was the biggest event in human history...I posted the first page of google that came up...It's a well known FACT he walked the earth. Even atheists can agree on that.

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:17 PM
When I went to the nativity play at church with my family, I grew even more convinced Jesus probably was a space alien of some sort. The extraterrestrial hypothesis just seems to match the description of the event much more realistically than the god myth, much much more, in my non-humble opinion (IMNHO).
edit on 28-12-2010 by quantum_flux because:

posted on Dec, 28 2010 @ 02:44 PM
reply to post by quantum_flux

There's no extra-biblical record of the star or of Herod's baby killing spree, as far as I know anyway. In fact it is very likely that the entire flight to Egypt story was an attempt on the story-teller to have Jesus fulfill "prophecy". The prophecy here, however, is actually taken out of context from Hosea 11:1 where God is talking about Israel as if Israel is his son.

Also note that Luke's account says nothing about fleeing to Egypt at all and doesn't mention wise men, instead it mentions only shepherds.

I really don't think Jesus was a space alien. Reinterpreting myths to fit a preconceived and absurd conclusion isn't a good idea outside of fiction writing.
edit on 28-12-2010 by Titen-Sxull because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 04:16 AM
reply to post by freedish

I'm an Aethiest and I don't agree that Jesus did exist. As far as a man calling himself the son of the non existent God? Nope! How about his supposed burth and life story. Exactly the same as other Messiah's before and after him. So what the hell is up with that?

Face it! He never existed. Xmas is just a sham..........

posted on Dec, 30 2010 @ 02:34 PM
It's pretty easy to find information on Jesus Christ. His life was the biggest event in human history...I posted the first page of google that came up...It's a well known FACT he walked the earth. Even atheists can agree on that.

..........Reply to freedish.........................................................................................................................

I'm sorry, but most Athiests I know agree that there is no conclusive proof that Jesus did in FACT exsist.

I'll send you a link to another thread on ATS that debated that whole argument, so far no one has come up with any concrete historical proof that he exsisted, but if you have that elusive evidence I suggest you post it in that thread.


edit on 30/12/10 by NonKonphormist because: (no reason given)

edit on 30/12/10 by NonKonphormist because: to do editing type stuff

both of these threads are well worth reading.
edit on 30/12/10 by NonKonphormist because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 05:31 PM
More on the subject here: Was Jesus an Extraterrestrial?

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