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Will Tuesday Be the Darkest Day In 456 Years?

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by klaatu4711

what exctly is soltice?? ive heard a few pwoplw saying that with the lunar elclipse and solstice seems like a bad thing...theres a thread kickin about on here talking bout dec 21st( solstice and lunar eclipse) 2010 is supposedly the actual date the world is supposed to end and not 21st dec 2012.....cant say i believe this but why are people getting bad feelings about this all?

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:39 PM

Originally posted by NWOnoworldorder
ummmm UK guys??...yeah? will we see it here?


the wikipedia page says:

A total lunar eclipse will take place on December 20/21, 2010.[2] It will be visible after midnight Eastern Standard Time on December 21 in North and South America. The beginning of the total eclipse will be visible from northern Europe just before sunrise. The end of the total eclipse will be visible rising at sunset for Japan and northeastern Asia

if it was a total Solar eclipse the thread title would apply...
a Lunar eclipse happening at night, in no way makes the day darker...

it was kinda spooky, seeing all the seasonal quarters and the Lunar cycle synchronize with the Solar cycle all throughout the year...
actually 2010 was what i have always expected every year would be... with full moons and other celestal things in their actual time/dates rather than the usual haphazard manner...i guess its just my biological clock & rhythm in sync with the larger naturescape.

hooray for 2010

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:43 PM
reply to post by NWOnoworldorder

The solstice is the changing of the season, Im not a pro on this however I believe there is the winter solstice and summer solstice. The seasons changing. ( solstices)..Im not sure but I think back in the mayan times solstice changes had something to do with harvesting and some other reasons I am unaware of. As you read in this thread, this winters solstice is accompanied with a eclipse. I also are trying to understand the upbeat topics on this event. I live in north central montana and should be getting a birdseye view of the entire event. Although rest assured I shall not be panicing even if a extraordinary event were to occur. I just want to have a clear understanding of what to look for and what to expect...

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 07:44 PM
reply to post by NWOnoworldorder

A solstice is an astronomical event that happens twice each year when the Sun's apparent position in the sky reaches its northernmost or southernmost extremes. The name is derived from the Latin sol (sun) and sistere (to stand still), because at the solstices, the Sun stands still in declination; that is, the apparent movement of the Sun's path north or south comes to a stop before reversing direction.

Total Lunar Eclipse with Two Unusual Occultations – Dec 20/21

There will be a total lunar eclipse entirely visible from North America on the night of 2010 DEC 20/21. Observers in the UK will only witness the opening phases of the eclipse including entry into totality before the Moon sets. Australians can see the final partial and penumbral stages after moonrise.

During the eclipse some lucky observers will be treated to occultations of the asteroid 348 May and/or the open cluster NGC 2129. These occultations will require those watching to have telescopes. The asteroid has a magnitude of +12.9. The open cluster is 2.5 arcminutes in diameter with a combined magnitude of +6.7.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:37 PM
Well it seems someone beat me to this mods close thread when you get a chance, thanks.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by Electric Crown

I was thinking the same thing, wondering if anyone was going to be doing rituals like in ancient times. I don't know any though. I'll probably sit up, take pictures, get into a different mind state someway and let loose. Hope good skies for everyone.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 10:42 PM

sounds like a good night to perform magick rituals. anyone planning on doing anything like this?

I'll be on temporary leave.. Werewolf meeting..

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 02:37 AM
The last good Lunar Eclipse occured on December, 25th 2004, and was visible in North America at 0530 - 0630 in the morning. It snowed that night and their was snow drifts on all the surrounding buildings. As we got up in the morning and the sky cleared, we where all shocked to see the Moon red as blood as it neared the Western horizon. The sky didnt fall and we all lived, but the the Old Testament Book of Joel was a creepy reminder of what it could of meant. Later that day, the waves crashed into Sri Lanka killing thousands of people in minutes. I dont take these events lightly, neither will I doubt their power. So look up to the skys and hope it doesnt get you.
Happy Holidays.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:15 AM
What I mean is if one looks at the astrology that day it is bad. Lots of bad aspects and the moon is VOC, which is bad for magick, unless one wants to do destructive magick I suppose. Even then I wouldn't chance it.

edit on 19-12-2010 by hadriana because: adding links so folks can check for themselves.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by hadriana
What I mean is if one looks at the astrology that day it is bad. Lots of bad aspects and the moon is VOC, which is bad for magick, unless one wants to do destructive magick I suppose. Even then I wouldn't chance it.

edit on 19-12-2010 by hadriana because: adding links so folks can check for themselves.

you know I used to believe in magick. I dont know if I do anymore to be makes me feel a little bit sad. But really...I honestly dont know how a planet can feel 'cranky' lol..I dont know how a planet being in one 'sign' can really be any different than a planet being in another 'sign'. I just dont know. I guess I havent researched it enough..but it just doesnt seem possible to me.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:34 AM

Originally posted by Xavialune

you know I used to believe in magick. I dont know if I do anymore to be makes me feel a little bit sad. But really...I honestly dont know how a planet can feel 'cranky' lol..I dont know how a planet being in one 'sign' can really be any different than a planet being in another 'sign'. I just dont know. I guess I havent researched it enough..but it just doesnt seem possible to me.

Well, if I looked at it that way, it wouldn't seem possible to me either.

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 03:51 AM
well i've heard the 2012 end date is really 2010 from some people, not sure if i believe that although it would be cool if it is and make more sense with a lunar eclipse happening on that exact date. Perhaps this is what the mayans meant by there will be 3 days of darkness?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 06:25 AM
Man, would you fruits stop talking about magicka or whatever you want to call it, and summon some goddamn demons already?

posted on Dec, 19 2010 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by hadriana

Originally posted by Xavialune

you know I used to believe in magick. I dont know if I do anymore to be makes me feel a little bit sad. But really...I honestly dont know how a planet can feel 'cranky' lol..I dont know how a planet being in one 'sign' can really be any different than a planet being in another 'sign'. I just dont know. I guess I havent researched it enough..but it just doesnt seem possible to me.

Well, if I looked at it that way, it wouldn't seem possible to me either.

what is different about the way you look at it? I want to know, because I would like to find a way to incorporate it..I miss doing magick lol I guess I am just too hung up on skepticism.

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