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Your Apps Are Watching You

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:10 AM

Your Apps Are Watching You

Big Brother may not be tracking you, but your smartphone is. A Wall Street Journal investigation examined 101 leading apps, and found that more than half were breaching users' privacy and leaking personal information to companies: 56 sent the phone's unique device ID, 47 conveyed the phone's location, and five transmitted age, gender, or other personal data. The findings reveal the extent to which online-tracking companies are going to "flesh out detailed dossiers" on us, notes the Journal.
(visit the link for the full news article)

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posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:10 AM
As i have repeatedly stated over and over, the smart phones are exactly that, smart enough to out do what you think is improbable of happening.

As it was only time that my two threads were interlinked as this is far more interesting to see how and what methods will be used to quietly brush this under the mat.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:21 AM
reply to post by tristar
Want your privacy invaded and every detail of your life tracked?

"There's an app for that"

Apparently, lots of them.

You don't even need a smart phone to have your location tracked constantly, that's already done with all cell phones, it helps them track down your location if you make a 911 call.

So they already knew where we were at all times before the smartphone, with just an ordinary cellphone.

Now with smartphones, they know everything else too, especially if we use facebook, twitter, etc, I'll bet they mine a lot of data about us from our interaction with those sites.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:26 AM
General Motors started putting cellphones in vehicle computers to track vehicles.

It was an Australian project and the software is called "FleetView".

Using cellphone towers they can triangulate vehicle positions. It's a matter of time before States subscribe to the software and start mailing speeding tickets to no longer need cops with radar guns.

Even simple applications on your computer watch you. Ever wonder how they can make software and give it out for free? Somebody's buying the data they compile.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:26 AM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

Just wait until the digital t.v. is put into full swing, but by then, people will be so accustomed to the idea that "WE" will protect you in times of need that the thought of privacy would have been something of the past. A conservative estimate time frame would be within a decade.

posted on Dec, 18 2010 @ 08:33 AM
reply to post by Pervius

I am also aware that the many nations across the globe are interested in using the fleet view for tax reasons. Yes thats right tax reasons.

How and Why.

Well, the concept is that all business associated vehicles would have their routes tracked and cross checked with the invoices that should be issued. You can obviously see were all this is heading.

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