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There is WAR IN MEXICO and no one pays ATTENTION

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posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 01:43 PM
Newsflash, the Mexican Civil War started in 1910 in Cananea, Sonora and though the sides have morphed, it really never ended. It's still a class war, but as Paulo Freire would put it, the oppressed (Drug Cartels) have become as bad as the oppressors (the Mexican Government).

I'm not defending the Drug Cartels, but they don't exist in a vacuum. What is the context of their existence? Naturally they are corrupt and do not serve the public. However, the government is not serving the public.

The Drug Cartels are necessary to keep the drug war going. There's just too much money from the bottom of the pyramid (privatized prisons) to the top (defense lobbying).

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 01:47 PM
reply to post by Sphota

There really isn't any difference between the drug cartels from the Mexican government or army or police anymore.

And now Washington is becoming more like Mexico City.

Nice, ain't it?

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 01:53 PM
I can not bring myself to agree with the title of this thread. There are plenty of people paying attention. I feel like everytime I make a quick stop by or one of the other MSM sites, there are at least 2 or 3 front-page links to articles involving Mexico's drug war and subsequent violence.

Our own government is watching this situation very closely, but from a diplomatic standpoint it is not a black and white issue. There are numerous shades of grey that cloud the conflict(s) in Mexico.

I am not discounting the fear and violence that apparently spills into the U.S.' South-Western territory, but what exactly do you suggest our country does about this?

Imagine national guard units setting up FOB's in and around towns and cities in Arizona and Texas, now imagine the threads you would read on ATS about martial law and military occupation.

It is a very sensitive issue at the moment, and there is no clear response that will result in a guaranteed resolution to this problem.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 01:59 PM
reply to post by oozyism
OK its a civil war what now.Once you have it seen for what you think it is how does that help?So they put it all over the news,how does that help?What is it you want?there has to be more to your post.

There was a time I would have done what ever I could or supported what ever it took to help Mexico.Now with all the demonstration and organizations(La Raza,etc) telling me I am the illigal and to get out of America then I don't have second thoughts about Mexico at all(just being honest).

Mexico is burning its candle at both ends and wants it all there way with no regard for the American people and our laws.You don't tell millions of people trying to come to the U.S. legal to move over Im butting in front of the line like it or not and expect Americans to sympathize with you and your countrys problems.

Maybe all the organizations here in the U.S. trying to change our laws in order to let 11 million iligalls(and no doubt millions more before its over) butt in front of all the people that are trying to come here legally should go back to Mexico and help get Mexico back in order.

I don't have much respect for people that come to my country and dictate how we should run our country when there country is such a mess.

If you are not from Mexico ,sorry for assuming you were.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 02:15 PM
americans need to stay the hell out of mexico, there are people that would think nothing of kidnapping you for ransom. plus, with the immigration mess going on right now, the regular citizens don't think too highly of americans. and of course with the extreme poverty, you will have the people that hit you over the head and rob you.
and since the gulf disaster happened, i know we are not being told the entire truth about the air, water, food, enviornmental effects on that whole region.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by Sphota

The Drug Cartels are necessary to keep the drug war going. There's just too much money from the bottom of the pyramid (privatized prisons) to the top (defense lobbying).


This is the real issue.

Too many people make too much money off the "War on Drugs"

It is a business.

The only way to stop the violence is to end prohibition.

It doesn't work and it only creates violence.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by oozyism

It is the culmination of 70 years of Mexico being ruled by The Institutional Revolutionary Party (Spanish: Partido Revolucionario Institucional or PRI) along with racism (elite Mexicans of Spanish bloodlines vs. the indigenous) and the geographical situation of Mexico being in the middle of the main exporter countries and main importer countries in terms of drugs.
Corruption is rampant in Mexico on many levels because the citizens of that country learned it from the trickle down policies of a long incumbent one-party government. From corrupt leaders at the top governmental echelons siphoning billions of pesos, to corrupt safety inspectors taking bribes to give the o.k. to operate your business, to corrupt traffic cops taking bribes for unsubstantiated traffic offenses (even in maritime situations for me!). It's now ingrained in the culture unfortunately.
As an example of this egregious situation I include the following:

Ex-President Carlos Salinas de Gortari

Corrupt brother of Ex-Mexican President

A lot of these so called illegal aliens that come to the United States are actually fleeing this situation because of socio-economic and political realities in Mexico. A lot of them should be considered refugees.
I can say this because I'm a U.S. expatriate that spends a lot of time in Mexico. Mexico is a beautiful and amazing place to visit and even live in, but unfortunately when you have a family to feed, are influenced by the MSM barrage of ads for a consumerist society, you will do anything to make a dollar or a peso. That is the harsh reality of this situation because money talks.
Unfortunately, the way I see things is that we should totally close the border. Let the people of Mexico purge their government of corrupt officials and hang the cartel bosses and drug dealers and start a new chapter in their history.
The people of Mexico have a sham two party system that has destroyed their country. We in the U.S.A. also have a sham two party system. What does this tell you where we are headed to?


posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 09:52 PM
reply to post by Battleline

OK its a civil war what now.Once you have it seen for what you think it is how does that help?So they put it all over the news,how does that help?What is it you want?there has to be more to your post.

OK let's put it this way:

You have cancer, but the doctors are treating you for aids. Then I come a long and say, so what, how does knowing you have cancer helps?

Hope you understand.

posted on Aug, 1 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by oozyism
In 4 years, over 24,000 people have been killed in this war, but funnily we don't hear on TV.

Straight to the point:


Why don't we hear on the NEWS that there is war, a civil war in Mexico?

Since it is a 'civil war' between two different factions in another country, similar to Vietnam, we should stay very-very far away from what is happening. Unless it starts to spill over the border, I don't think we should get involved with Mexico's inner conflict. I believe some of our military has already been transferred to the border, so that Mexico's problems will not fully impact our society. I am sure we are watching them closely.

[edit on 1-8-2010 by Section31]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by Section31

Since it is a 'civil war' between two different factions in another country, similar to Vietnam, we should stay very-very far away from what is happening. Unless it starts to spill over the border, I don't think we should get involved with Mexico's inner conflict. I believe some of our military has already been transferred to the border, so that Mexico's problems will not fully impact our society. I am sure we are watching them closely.

Are you saying America is not involved in Mexico, or are you saying the involvement is very limited?

Here's a video by Aljazeera shows the involvement of the US.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 10:52 AM
reply to post by oozyism

Um herro? You say no MSM coverage, but your estimated death toll comes from a MSM source. Asleep at the wheel much?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 12:23 PM
reply to post by oozyism
Ok I understand,you think just because what is happening in Mexico is being called a drug war instead of a civil war not enough is being done or what ever is being done is wrong. I got that part.

I guess if we see what is happening in Mexico as a civil war you think someone should step in like Iraq?The U.S. is already throwing money and training and vehicals at this problem,what do you suggest?

I sympathize with your passion here but with the attitudes of the Hispanics in the U.S I see them as bailing out on there own country in its time of need and comeing to America just to raise hell here knowing the worst that will happen to them is deported if illigal or a night in jail,where in there own country they would most likely be shot.If I ever wondered why Mexico is the way it is I have come to understand it by watching the way illigals and there supporters trash American laws and there only defense is to scream racism.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by Battleline]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:02 PM

Originally posted by Dawgishly
reply to post by oozyism

Um herro? You say no MSM coverage, but your estimated death toll comes from a MSM source. Asleep at the wheel much?

Ohh Jeeze, you don't get it do you, they call it war on drugs, they don't call it a civil war.

That is why I stated it doesn't get attention, as it should get.

War on drugs is the toned down version, to not spark fear.

Imagine if Americans knew there was a civil war going on under their noses, they still don't believe me when I say there is a civil war.

Do you agree?

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:37 PM
Last year, there were over 20,000 homicides in the US. I would estimate half are drug related violence. So in the same six year period, there were about 60,000 deaths in the drug wars in your own home town, vs 24,000 in Mexico. Where is this "civil war" happening again?

I've been down here for years. Haven't seen too many shootouts in the street, like the media makes out is happening all over the place. Down here, the newspapers show blood and guts on the front page in color, every day. You guys would probably love it. 99 percent of the time they are car crashes. By the way, 270,000 died in car crashes in the US in this six year period.

People who get shot in these drug wars, are INVOLVED in the drugs somehow. They are not running around shooting innocent bystanders, like the drivebys in the US. People get their heads cut off and left on the steps of city hall. When that happens to the chief of police, it's to make a point. He was trying to take too large a piece of the action, or was skimming somehow.

If the people in the US wouldn't pay for all the dope, there would be no problem. As has been pointed out all over here, prohibition causes all this. In the 1920s, you could buy ANY drugs over the counter. For pennies. Bayer would sell you their new HEROIC pain killer, which they named heroin. About one percent of the population became drug addicts.

First they tried alcohol prohibition. This created all the gangsters immediately. The govt realized it was a good way to rake in money off the books. They legalized the booze, to force out the gangsters, but made everything else illegal, and the skim started, and all the turmoil that they love to see. Now, after all these years of the "war on drugs", about one percent of the population are drug addicts.

In Holland, once they legalized everything, the entire country became drug addicts. Oh, wait, it stayed at around one percent. Hmmm.

posted on Aug, 3 2010 @ 12:53 AM
No one pays attention because most people are sick and tired of all the violence in the world, also we've become desensitized to it all. There's always fighting somewhere.

Mankind's dumbass behaviour continues unabated.

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