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Have you protected your child against Vaccinations? Please share your story!

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posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 06:26 AM

Originally posted by IAMNOTWHOITSAYSIAM

Originally posted by cmarieseesThe vaccines risks far outway the risks of the illnesses that they claim to prevent...

The reason vaccinations are required in the states is for herd immunization. Not all people develop an immunity after being vaccinated, but if everyone else is vaccinated their chances of getting the disease are next to none and if there is an outbreak of disease its unlikely to spread. However, if you have a good number of people who avoided vaccinations all together, then the herd immunization is worthless. Those who weren't vaccinated will get sick, some who are immune but have weak immune systems will get sick, and the disease will spread through the population rapidly.

That's a very convenient theory with no proof that I've ever seen.
Nice PR though. Those that don't insist on evidence to support it will probably buy it.

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 01:44 PM
reply to post by RogerT

This article has some wonderful sources that cite all of the information given, and provides good insight into the statistics behind herd immunity and the recent outbreaks we've been seeing, particularly in California where there are larger pockets of people who refuse vaccinations.

Herd Immunity

[edit on 7/26/2010 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Jul, 26 2010 @ 11:48 PM

Originally posted by RogerT

Originally posted by IAMNOTWHOITSAYSIAM

Originally posted by cmarieseesThe vaccines risks far outway the risks of the illnesses that they claim to prevent...

The reason vaccinations are required in the states is for herd immunization. Not all people develop an immunity after being vaccinated, but if everyone else is vaccinated their chances of getting the disease are next to none and if there is an outbreak of disease its unlikely to spread. However, if you have a good number of people who avoided vaccinations all together, then the herd immunization is worthless. Those who weren't vaccinated will get sick, some who are immune but have weak immune systems will get sick, and the disease will spread through the population rapidly.

That's a very convenient theory with no proof that I've ever seen.
Nice PR though. Those that don't insist on evidence to support it will probably buy it.

And what about the evidence of vaccines causing illnesses like those described in this thread? Where is that proof, huh?

You're quick to dismiss herd immunization for lack of evidence, despite the solid scientific ground it stands on. And yet you endorse the idea that vaccinations are dangerous, despite the complete lack of any valid proof. All you have is some circumstantial evidence self reported form some unfortunate parents who are ill informed and looking for a sort of scapegoat for their childs' poor health.

So why don't you live by your own mantra, educate yourself and look objectively at the evidence?

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:00 AM

Well you can rant and spray around as much PR as you like, but if you're suggesting that (to alleviate your own fears and paranoia) I should inject my newborn with multiple cocktails of toxic chemicals and pathogens, often withdrawn due to contamination and PROVEN links to death and maiming (see the US govt vaccine compensation website if you are really that adamant there are no proven dangers), then the onus is on YOU to prove that the injections are:

1. Effective
2. Safe
3. Necessary

As you will not be able to prove all, if any of the above, then you can keep your needles and your fear to yourself and those that share your views. Thanks so much.

Edit to add:
Pffft. Can't believe you are saying no evidence to support vaccine dangers. How can someone have their head sooooo far in the sand.
Here's a US govt ruling to pay out on VACCINE INDUCED AUTISM, which according to vaccine PR and most of the allopath vaccine apologists on ATS is proven impossible:

The parents of 9 year-old Hannah Poling spoke to the media this week about the US government's landmark decision to pay compensation following their claim that childhood vaccines caused their daughter's autism. The government's sealed decision, made last November, was recently made public on an autism advocacy group website.

The payout, the extent of which is yet to be decided, comes from a federal fund that compensates victims of vaccine-related injuries. The ruling effectively states that Hannah's pre-existing rare mitochondrial disorder had disposed her to autism and this was "significantly aggravated" by the vaccines she received as a toddler eight years ago.

[edit on 27/7/10 by RogerT]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 04:11 AM
Thank you all for your great responses. Youve pointed me in some good directions

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 07:22 AM

Originally posted by xynephadyn
It is EXACTLY the preservatives in the Vaccine's I am concerned about. When I was a baby, early 80's, vaccination concerns were minimum, although my mother shared with me her concerns that she had then too.

If only we could get Novartis to comply

Vaccinate your children.

The MMR studies were all proven to absolute crock. There is a 3% chance or less of anything going wrong with all vaccinations - and 100% of your child getting something seriously wrong with them if you do not. You are exposing all of civilization to horrendous deseases by not vaccinating them out of sheer ignorance.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 07:43 AM
The risk of your child reacting to booster shots and the BIG immunization shots is lower than the risk of your child getting the disease its trying to prevent. I'd rather take that risk than risk them contracting this and spreading it. I do not support flu shots H1N1 since they were mass produced and do have sever side effects that would effect myself. Do some research on your own family medical history, if you've had anyone in you immediate family who has had adverse side effects I'd be more concerned, if you haven't I'm sure your little ones will do just fine and live happy long lives.

Also I really suggest not to lie but rather discuss with your doctor your fears about the vaccines.


posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by Aristophrenia
The MMR studies were all proven to absolute crock. There is a 3% chance or less of anything going wrong with all vaccinations - and 100% of your child getting something seriously wrong with them if you do not.

Source? Or did you just make those figures up 'cos they sound as ridiculous as the rest of your post!

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:04 PM
I refused the hep b vaccine at the hospital because I didn't believe in instantly receiving a vaccine upon birth. Though I may consider it at a later date.
All they did was have me sign a waiver.

I did have to receive the other vaccines, as my state is a force vac state and you can't put a child in daycare or school without them.

So if your in a forced vac state, you may not have a choice. but more pediatricians are accepting delayed vaccinations. You may go that route, unless you have to put your child in daycare.

I am on well water, which means doctors want to put your child on fluoride supplements. I did refuse those. Though I don't have anyhting against topical fluoride, I just dont' think ingesting them is a good idea.

[edit on 27-7-2010 by nixie_nox]

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by Aristophrenia

Or they don't report the reactions. I have known several children to have severe reactions to mmr. ONe so bad, that the child developed seizures, lost use of the right side of their body, and a healthy 18 month old was reduced to being an infant again and will forever be delayed.

Teh mother had to fight the system and it took 10 months to get her neurologist to admit that it was a reaction to the vaccine. The 2 other cases, one being on ats of a newborn, never got the drs to admit it was the vaccination.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:26 PM
The only think that has been forced on my kids is a vitamin K shot in the hospital when they were born. I objected, but they said it was mandatory. They also tried to give them a hepatitis shot-I told them newborns do not need that.

I have affidavits to opt out of vaccinations for school or day care. The state provides them, if I ask. I have to get them notarized and they are good for 2 years.

Good luck with your fight. You will incur resistance to this. Nurses and doctors will ask you "WHY?" Even people close to you may question it as well. Trust your instinct.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Just wanted to add...

It will probably be a good idea to keep quiet locally if you decide not to inject your kids.

As you can see from some of the reactions on this thread and others on ATS, you will likely get more pressure from misinformed people in general than from govt and health professionals.

It seems this is the way the PR is leading people, very 1984 'esque.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:00 PM

Originally posted by nixie_nox

my state is a force vac state and you can't put a child in daycare or school without them.

So if your in a forced vac state, you may not have a choice. but more pediatricians are accepting delayed vaccinations. You may go that route, unless you have to put your child in daycare.

Please see my post above with the state laws for all 50 states regarding vaccine exemptions. No state is a "forced vac" state, you just misunderstood either the law, or what someone told you.

posted on Jul, 27 2010 @ 01:04 PM

Originally posted by RogerT

the onus is on YOU to prove that the injections are:

1. Effective
2. Safe
3. Necessary

As you will not be able to prove all, if any of the above, then you can keep your needles and your fear to yourself and those that share your views. Thanks so much.

(Copied from a thread in which RogerT ignored these two posts and refused to respond to it, despite ASKING for such research, much like he ignored my herd immunity post in this thread)

Efficacy and safety of 2009 H1N1 vaccine

Efficacy and safety of polio vaccine

Efficacy and safety of new smallpox vaccine

Polio Data and Charts
Polio source

In the case of polio, you will see in this source that in 1952, there were 21,000 cases. The vaccine was introduced in 1955. In 1960, there were 2525 cases (an 88% drop), and in 1965 there were 61 cases (a 99.8% drop from 1952 and a 98& drop from 1960). Since 1979, there have been ZERO naturally occurring cases of polio in the United States.

If you'll look a the first link, you'll notice that while polio cases did fluctuate year to year, they never did so beyond about 50%, often much less. However, in 1955, we see an 88% decrease, followed by a quick tapering off, with cases being in the single digits within a decade of the vaccine's introduction.

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by VneZonyDostupa

In the case of polio, you will see in this source that in 1952, there were 21,000 cases. The vaccine was introduced in 1955. In 1960, there were 2525 cases (an 88% drop), and in 1965 there were 61 cases (a 99.8% drop from 1952 and a 98& drop from 1960). Since 1979, there have been ZERO naturally occurring cases of polio in the United States.

This is an excerpt from the efficacy and safety of 2009 H1N1 vaccine link you supplied:

"A double-blind, randomized, controlled trial involving 706 adults was conducted to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of different dosages of H1N1 influenza vaccines. A rapid and strong immune response was induced at day 14 after the first injection. All formulations were well tolerated. The incidences of mild, moderate, and severe reactions were 71 (10.1%), 15 (2.1%), and 1 (0.1%) of 706 reactions, respectively."

A rapid and strong immune response only means the body is having a reaction to all the toxins and mutated viruses in the vaccine, which is to be expected as with any noxious substance. The report cites the number of adverse effects at over 12%. Is this what you call safe? What guidelines does the study use to define "moderate"? What was the "severe" reaction in this instance? Perhaps death? How long was the study group evaluated after inoculation?

Adverse reactions can occur months or longer after receiving a shot. How do we know if more test subjects haven't fallen ill due to the vaccine?

Were any of these guinea pigs asked if they were "pro-lifers"? Do you think they might have had an issue being jabbed with a concoction that includes aborted fetus cells?

Do you think that poor health is attributed to a lack of mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalene, MSG, live attenuated viruses, fetal tissue, monkey kidneys and mashed chick embryos in the bloodstream?

Why do they give a baby the same dosage of vaccine as they do a full grown adult? Why have autism rates increased 1000% in some regions?

Why are newborns required to receive hepatitis B vaccinations when hepatitis B is transmitted sexually or by sharing needles?

Why are there so many Hospitals for Sick Children?

Can someone eat a steady diet of junk food everyday and stay healthy as long as they're vaccinated? If not, why do doctors say the best way to prevent disease is to get vaccinated and wash your hands, but mention nothing about the importance of food?

Have you ever heard of Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine? He stated that food should be your medicine and medicine your food. Was he a quack?

The prestigious Journal of the American Medical Association, (JAMA, July 2000) reported that doctors were the 3rd leading cause of death (250,000 per year) due largely to prescribed drugs, misdiagnoses and failed surgeries. Shouldn't 250,000 deaths per year be classified as a category 5 pandemic? Why hasn't the media been sounding the alarm bells over this ongoing catastrophe?

Do you think that washing your hands has a mitigating effect on the millions of viruses, germs and bacteria in the air, and in our food and water?

Do you earn a living from the Sick Care Industry? How would your profession be impacted if everyone was healthy and didn't require medical attention?

By the way, cases of polio are still being found in the US and Canada. The Satanic Medical Mafia just diagnose it as something else. The CDC has even admitted that a contaminated batch could be responsible for incidences of certain cancers. And those stats about declining rates of polio after the vaccine was introduced? As is typical with any viral outbreak, it goes in cycles and this one was on the wane when the vaccine program initiated. Read the ugly truth:

What's in a vaccine?

[edit on 13-8-2010 by truthlieshere]

posted on Aug, 13 2010 @ 12:25 AM
I'm due with our first next saturday (yay!) But Vaxxing is something I'm still unsure about! I plan on being a stay at home mum until she's off to primary school, so won't be needing to worry about being around sick kids at daycare, and we are still tossing up whether to go through standard schooling or home schooling - I guess it'll depend on her when she's out. But I'm pretty sure we are going to at least delay vax for as long as we can. I'm unsure as to get her the vit K and hep B at birth - I'm not immune so i'll need a hep B booster too - but I'm pretty sure lots of doctors here aren't overly pushy, i've heard stories that certain daycares won't allow unvaxxed kids, but like i said, she will be at home with me, so we can avoid that. As for taking your child away because of it - preeeetty sure that doesn't happen here, considering i've seen far worse parents do horrible things and somehow DOCS lets them keep them (a whole other story)

posted on Aug, 27 2010 @ 11:48 PM
I was born in the early 80's along with my 3 siblings. My parents were non-denominational and didn't believe in doctors or hospitals, so they decided to have us children at home with only my father and a midwife there. They, of course, got each of us birth certificate's and ss numbers, but I think because of this it made it easier for them to not have the state vaccinate us. To this day I've never taken any type of vaccination shots and neither have my siblings. My children never will. As far as I know, my mother never ran into any trouble with schools or college with getting in. There is a waiver that she had to sign for each of us but that it no big deal as far as I understand. People get a little freaked out when I tell them I've not had any shots- not that I tell many people- but I'm proud that I haven't!

posted on Sep, 5 2010 @ 11:00 PM
I'm about to become a father in the next month or so and this has been the hardest decision I have been faced with. It's a "Damned if you do or don't" situation. I do not like the idea of my child getting sick off the vaccines but I don't want to increase the risk of them getting a disease they could have been protected against. I have spent years reading allopathic and alternative medicine books to increase my knowledge of staying healthy. I do know that you can be non-vaccinated and be very healthy. I have friends who have never had shots and never been to the dr. They stay healthy through fitness and diet. Supplements as well.I do know that I will NEVER get my child a flu shot. I suggest people to read Jim Marrs's new book and what he has to say about Vaccines and mycoplasmic bacteria.

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