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ATS: The Forum with the potential to reach the world...

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posted on Jul, 23 2010 @ 06:34 PM
My dear brothers and sister, teachers and friends...

Isn’t it time already?

Isn’t it time to stop? To stop the cycles from spiralling out of control?

Isn’t it that each time a problem arises in the world that most of the time you will find a story or thread or thought or opinion of it here on ATS?

When you choose to observe clearly that which ATS is, do you not come to the conclusion that it is a representation of its users perceptions of the world around them.

Is the forum which is ATS not a by product of our collective consciousness?

Are there not voices we lean to more so than others....members whose views and opinions are respected?

Are there not visionaries, revolutionaries, spiritual warriors, intellectual minds, creative thinkers and the on ATS?

Are we not the voice that calls out of the wilderness that cry for acknowledgment, for recognition, for awareness, for understanding and for acceptance?

Isn’t it funny how the littlest man shouts the loudest! ?

We are a minority, those of us that frequent this forum and others like it.

We are the minority that are and have been awakening to the injustices in this world, our world...our home.

We have been fortunate in that we all received a calling, one that something in the world was not quite right.

That the lives that we lead are primarily dictated to us and conditioned through us by a machine.

A machine that was created to control us.

It is time brothers and sisters.

It is time to stop the machine. You and I both know this already...

We are afraid. Afraid to go against the grain. Afraid to feel embarrassed for being singled out and isolated as an outsider to the majorities perspective.

I can assure each and every one of you who read this that a spiritual revolution is underway.

As we speak masters, gurus, learned elders, wise men, the spiritually enlightened are beginning to gain total awareness.

It is not longer an ancient tradition interwoven in scripture that in most part has still been left un-deciphered or understood.

Today we see visionaries and spiritual leaders speaking from their hearts to ours.

We see and feel and experience the immense power these enlightened beings possess.

More and more of us are turning away from the machine and into the light.

This is what the machine or system fears most. This is why it has galvanised its strengths, it is preparing to do battle.

We cannot let it fight. We cannot let it begin the war that ends us all.

We can no longer live in-between the light and the dark, biding our time.
We will never be sure. We will never have god come down to us and say he is real.

It is up to us. It is up to you and me to wake up from our slumber. To wake up others and then to simply be still.

Awareness of the love within you is enough to bring the system down peacefully.

It is the only cohesive way to move into our birthright as enlightened beings on a nurturing and loving planet.

We are after all brothers and sister, even the person you may be angry with now or the last person you were angry or hateful towards....even they are human, even they have gone through experiences which have challenged, shaped and moulded them. They are just like us and we like the miracle called life.

They are hurting and suffering, they are struggling, they are feeling the stresses of the world upon them. We are all under immense pressure.

We must walk away from it all and come together in the healing light of the love within us.

ATS is a perfect platform from which to mount a sustained movement in thought. It only takes a thought to change the entire world.

Everything is the result of a thought or idea.

It is the idea that if created from this source we call love, in all its beauty and illuminating power that a seed can be planted. A seed which is allowed to blossom and produce a flower which liberates humanity from its chains of bondage.

We must begin to think universally on this forum.

We are not opposed to each other we are all aiming for the same thing.

We all want to be safe and secure, we all want to be peaceful and comfortable, we all want to be happy and sincere, we all want to be who we are capable of being and who we are really meant to be.

Not what we have become. We are not beasts, we are not savages, we are not killers and murderers and rapists and sick and mentally destructive.

We are all effected by our experiences and our environment, and yet we choose not to change either in order to serve us more self sustaining.

Instead we become contaminated with an evil, a paranoia, a distrust, a competitiveness an outlook that truly is alien to our natural state of being.

My heart knows that something great can begin here on ATS something which could transform the way we look at the world. If we involve the influential , the wise, the enlightened, if we allow them to guide us then there is hope yet for us.

Following are 3 men who are enlightened masters. These are the men we need to employ to govern us. These are the voices of love and wisdom, these are the creators and manifestors of great and beautiful visions of the future.

We here on ATS can begin a spiritual movement which requires no laws, it is both a personal and a global action the world need.

Brother and sister consider aligning with the correct way of thinking and speaking and living for the time is coming where the minority become the majority and the snow ball effects sends waves of revolution throughout the world.

Because of ATS maybe this message will be heard by 10 people around the world who will then tell a few people each about the vision of a peaceful and healed and self sustaining and loving world. One we can be proud to watch our children grow up in. One where we all go out of our way to help those in need of our help our attention, our generosity and our love.

Please take the time to explore the many videos each of these 3 men have given to the world for free. They are pearls of wisdom that will transform your thinking and the impact you have on others and the world around you.

Peace and blessings and I truly hope you enjoy them.

[edit on 24-7-2010 by Spirit777]

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 09:52 AM

Interesting thread. Whilst I certainly appreciate what you're saying, it depends how many people truly want to make a difference.
I'm sure there are many people who frequent this forum, sort of like an alternate reality. And when they leave, they don't necessarily have the same views as they share here.
Whether or not it's right or wrong, a lot of the people here, don't necessarily share the same points of views with the regular world, not because they're embarrassed that they have these points of view, but that when they put it, in a real world context, where they're not surrounded with like minded theorists, they don't really believe in them.

However, this isn't supposed to be a message of pessism. I know there are a lot of people here, including myself, who'd love for this to catch on, and really start something within the society of ATS, and hopefully the society of the world.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 10:20 AM

Originally posted by Robbed In Albion.

Interesting thread. Whilst I certainly appreciate what you're saying, it depends how many people truly want to make a difference.
I'm sure there are many people who frequent this forum, sort of like an alternate reality. And when they leave, they don't necessarily have the same views as they share here.
Whether or not it's right or wrong, a lot of the people here, don't necessarily share the same points of views with the regular world, not because they're embarrassed that they have these points of view, but that when they put it, in a real world context, where they're not surrounded with like minded theorists, they don't really believe in them.

However, this isn't supposed to be a message of pessism. I know there are a lot of people here, including myself, who'd love for this to catch on, and really start something within the society of ATS, and hopefully the society of the world.

Indeed and i totally agree. It is this one aspect that we need to change more so than any other. The majority perspective. If we can shift the conscious states of mind from the few to the many then the majority will automatically adopt a more spiritual view of themselves and the world around them. At present there are far too many distractions and reasons to be ignorant of the spiritual. It is all about the senses it is how we feel alive. This world around is has been created to satisfy our senses and keep us conditioned and relient. It is when we realise all we need to rely on is that inner love that we finally move away from attachments to desire, lust, meterials and the like.

I think all the gurus or masters or teachers in the world right now are sharing pretty much the same philosophis and insights and soons people will start to draw the lines and see the picture.

There is no harm in just reaching one person in life and showing them that there is a world within a world and that collectivly we were able to shape and mould it to serve humanity.

I think spiritual talkers are so profound that they should really be the politicans, prime minsters, kinds, presidents and so on in this world as their only intent is for a peaceful and loving world.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:22 PM
reply to post by Spirit777

It is happening isn't it? Consensus of consciousness? I think it is.

posted on Jul, 25 2010 @ 01:28 PM
Yes there are!
S+F for you, and I don't do it that often!

And I wanted to add this....

But just need to show this too....

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Gentill Abdulla]

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by Gentill Abdulla
Yes there are!
S+F for you, and I don't do it that often!

And I wanted to add this....

But just need to show this too....

[edit on 25-7-2010 by Gentill Abdulla]

Many thanks!

I think MJ was completely obliterated by the MSM and yet all I saw with my own two eye and heard with my own two ears was a man that loved.

The world today judge far too easily when someone loves someone else.

If a father slept in a bed with children then no problem, if an adoptive father slept in a bed with his children then no problem...why because we associate love between parent and child.

MJ had that same love but because he was a world famous star and the MSM do not want love but chaos in the world they crucified him.

As far as i am concerned his music was enough for me to know that he loved the world and loved people and innocence.

And on that note thanks for posting these videos of inspiration.

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 07:30 AM

Originally posted by rusethorcain
reply to post by Spirit777

It is happening isn't it? Consensus of consciousness? I think it is.

Indeed it is. Many people are begining to awaken but still we have not even begun to reach the point of critical mass. Perhaps in the next two or three years we will tip the scales in favor of peace and love in the world. Perhaps sooner with a catalyst

posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:04 AM
Being ‘awake’ and ‘aware’ is simply not enough to change the world. That requires a level of proactively challenging and changing the fundamentals of the system.

That requires real world skills and logistical capabilities to create and implement and maintain alternatives.

The vast majority of the self anointed awake and aware are simply self indulging in a placebo of on one hand a misguided sense of superiority and on the other a misplaced sense of hope.

They imagine that once a critical mass of other people is attained then the actual mechanics of someone getting off their duff and challenging and changing the system will happen, or it will just magically change all by itself, and that there will be some great safety in numbers as this occurs and life will just change.

This is not being awake; this is just trading one nightmare/dream scenario for another to sustain oneself.

Changing the world is a difficult, arduous, intensive and dangerous job.

Convincing yourself that you are awake, and that you just need to patiently wait for enough other people to be so also is on the other hand easy, requires only lip service, and is safe.

I am sorry to say there is a difference between being awake and being half baked!

The ‘awake’ of the world, need to wake up and start doing something beyond just talking about how wonderful they are and life can be, and get their butts out there and start doing something tangible to change the system, because from my vantage things are certainly not getting better, but getting worse.


posted on Aug, 2 2010 @ 08:35 AM

Originally posted by ProtoplasmicTraveler
Being ‘awake’ and ‘aware’ is simply not enough to change the world. That requires a level of proactively challenging and changing the fundamentals of the system.

That requires real world skills and logistical capabilities to create and implement and maintain alternatives.

The vast majority of the self anointed awake and aware are simply self indulging in a placebo of on one hand a misguided sense of superiority and on the other a misplaced sense of hope.

They imagine that once a critical mass of other people is attained then the actual mechanics of someone getting off their duff and challenging and changing the system will happen, or it will just magically change all by itself, and that there will be some great safety in numbers as this occurs and life will just change.

This is not being awake; this is just trading one nightmare/dream scenario for another to sustain oneself.

Changing the world is a difficult, arduous, intensive and dangerous job.

Convincing yourself that you are awake, and that you just need to patiently wait for enough other people to be so also is on the other hand easy, requires only lip service, and is safe.

I am sorry to say there is a difference between being awake and being half baked!

The ‘awake’ of the world, need to wake up and start doing something beyond just talking about how wonderful they are and life can be, and get their butts out there and start doing something tangible to change the system, because from my vantage things are certainly not getting better, but getting worse.


I totally agree.

I do however also feel that the awakeness and awareness that you are somewhat dismissive of is paramount in bringing about fundamental change. It is ok to have the energy and the knowhow and the courage to get out into the real world and effect change but you also need to have an ideology that can cohesively work alongside the planet and humanity and this is what i try to instil in others. A mind set of awareness and awakeness.

Without first thinking about change how can you actually change anything? Everything around you that you see that has been manmade first begun in the mind, in a thought. That is where great change will begin, so i think to be dismissive of that is to shut down the possibility of positive changes in the world but, i do understand that by simply thinking and not doing that yes, nothing will happen, nothing will magically manifest. So what i do is try to actively wake up others and at the same time fight against injustices that i see before me.

It is as much about reprogramming and reconditioning peoples way of thinking as it is about making them aware and awake and the only way one can do this is to challenge them directly...yes a very difficult thing to do but also in many evidential cases a necessity.

[edit on 2-8-2010 by Spirit777]

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