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Enough Is Enough - Time To Take Action! "The ATS Gulf Project"

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posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 03:16 PM
I want to also say that it is amazing that the OP has went out of their way to try to organize this. Often when I am losing faith in mankind, something like this will pop up to let me know that there are many others who actually do care and are using the proper methods to make a difference.

Namaste and Love to all of you. Even to those who have attempted to derail this wonderful idea.

Love eternal...

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:11 PM

Originally posted by queenannie38
i have had some very noticeable positive adjustments in my life in the few days we've been doing this!

  • i've been happy again, for the first time in 2-2.5 months
  • i have had a clearer head and haven't been tired
  • i have felt useful and productive for the first time in i-don't-know-when
  • i've been hungrier
  • my frustration with BP among so many other of my would-be-oppressors is marginal - it's still there but it isn't making itself feel like a brick wall with boxing gloves on
  • just a general increase in mood and affect overall

has anyone else noticed pleasant surprises in their own general state of mind or life?

i love all of you all!

You're not alone Annie!!!

While walking home from work yesterday I actually found myself singing out loud like a crazy person (Bob Marley - Three Little Birds if your wondering haha) - but i'm not crazy - i just felt so good and positive and alive and different to normal!

I, just like you, have also been feeling what you described and 'useful'. It may be because of the healing sessions but i dont think its related to them, it is related to work - as in thats when i'm feeling and relating it most. I'm kinda feeling, yeah, its hard to put into words but 'useful' really is the closest word i can think of.

you're right, it COULD be placebo effect but it just isn't. I have had more than enough opportunities to give myself a placebo effect of this nature in the past and its never happened before in this way so its not that.

I really do think we are having an effect here and i'm going to take it one step further.

Is it possible that we are all tuning into eachother? Creating a "network" so-to-speak and connecting? Maybe through this new connection we're possibly forging, for lack of a better word, we are "sharing" our energy?

So perhaps Annie there is an affect here were maybe even moods are linking some way?? I know it sounds out there but you and I are feeling very similar things.

Ok - i may break this into a new thread if there's anything solid to this but this concept of kind of 'connecting' is not entirely foreign concept.

In the series, "The Law Of One" (a VERY GOOD channeling) it is discussed the concept known as a Social Memory Complex (SMC). THis has to do with spiritual evolution and it states that when we progress through 'ascension' processes and move collectively into new dimensions of existence we develop into a 'group consciousness' known as a Social Memory Complex. Its as if we are then all connected and evolve in a unified way. This is often precipitated by a mass understanding that we are all one. SMC's can be different sizes.

This is way out there i know but is it possible we are in the beginning stages of an SMC?? Weird, out there, full-on, strange - yes yes i know. But i just HAD ti put it out there.... THoughtS?

Originally posted by queenannie38
i drew this today, during the appointed time

i drew the birds as the "feeling" was fading and then, after i put the hairspray on it and had it in the scanner, looking at the screen, i realized i had drawn 7 birds!

at 7 am on 7/7, 7 birds?




i FREAKING love the synchronicity here!!! That is SO great! And its a beautiful image too! Was going to post it in the 2nd post of the thread but it wont let me edit it anymore

See THIS is how the "other side" so-to-speak gets through to us - I am going to use your painting for my next session!! It looks very beautiful and will help create the right feeling inside and maybe make the healing even stronger considering that you actually created it!!

Well off to work, feeling happy and alive and different but in the best way!

Let's keep it up!!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:14 PM

Originally posted by PsychoX42
I want to also say that it is amazing that the OP has went out of their way to try to organize this. Often when I am losing faith in mankind, something like this will pop up to let me know that there are many others who actually do care and are using the proper methods to make a difference.

Namaste and Love to all of you. Even to those who have attempted to derail this wonderful idea.

Love eternal...

My honour and pleasure dude

So awesome that this is actually making a difference isn't it!! "See" you for the next healing brother!!

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:16 PM
Oh comon, they want us to play the Backlash card.

And you all thought sperm went threw the only test for life.

[edit on 7-7-2010 by SwissPort905v2]

posted on Jul, 7 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by srsen

wow thats creppy

i've also been very happy latly, very happy. and i've been depressed for years

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 06:59 AM
What a wonderfull thread, well done sersen S & F.

Im pleased to see many taking part, reading this thread Ive found a bunch more like minded members. The negative nancy's are expected but in time they will awaken, the amount of science and contemplation I had to sift through to even begin go from athiest in the reductionist materialist paradigm to believer in this is waay too much to explain to the naysayers in a thread but hopefully they may do their own research one day soon, for only they can awaken themselves.

It turns out I was already taking part without my knowing about this thread I was coincidentally drawn to doing my gaia/earth healing meditation in the third time slot, and I dont belive in coincidences.

I noticed a few saying they felt better recently. When you share love or energy it comes from the infinite supply within then has to flow through you first before heading to its destination. So the more love you share with others the better you will feel. Reminds me of this quote "The love you withold is the pain that you feel"

For those on the fence about joining in, or think they may be just a little too busy, remember that for each additional person the effect of the combinded group is potentially doubled - for just one extra person! So dont feel at all like you wont make much of a difference to our effort, even if your just a beginner dont worry the incarnative ego need not be adept but the older soul within will know what to do, im sure you've done this before you just dont remember due to the veil of forgetfullness upon birth.

Sersen, while we dont yet have a social memory complex, we do have a group mind/body/spirit social complex. Our social complex will not become social memory complex untill we all call in unison and remember the lost group memory which will be rather instant, at this point everything that has ever been known by any human from the group on earth will be instantly known to any entity, nobody will be left behind - and we each will know all that has ever been known on this planet. A kind of akashic records in our own minds, quite fantastic but such a level would mean the game would be over for the negatives and our game would be spoiled, many wouldnt have the chance to figure it out for themselves hence not learning through first hand experience.

If im still up Ill also be taking part in the 1am.

I just wanted to also commend the people who have decided to take part in this, you know doing this kind of action wont get you a thanks or recogntion, you wont expect a medal from your community, more probably all you will receive is criticism maybe even abuse. But the courage it takes to do what you know in your heart to be right despite being missunderstood by friends or family is really amazing. Well done people, when that smc is formed you will one day be recognized for all the quiet selfless work you have done, even though you would do it regardelss because you do it out of love for others and will probably cherish the chance to wander back and do it all again, after some r&r of course.


[edit on 8-7-2010 by polarwarrior]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 07:47 AM
reply to post by srsen

Your suggestion is very valid and exactly what is needed.
This Gulf disaster was enabled by rituals done by the Luciferians who are running the show here on this planet, and the ONLY way to fight them is with visualization and prayer.
Fasting with prayer on their important ritual dates is good, too. Lamas, or the begining of August would be their next big time. Aren't they all at Bohemian Grove right now doing rituals as we speak? Send love in that direction. Only love can fight them in the dimensions they are accessing with their horrible rituals.
Did you know that the explosion happened on not only the day of Hitler's birth, but the exact hour? April 19/20 is always a ritual time for these sob's. They are accessing other dimensions to do what they do, and that is the only place where we can fight them.
Now, for the truth that will really make you all think I'm nuts, it would help to do sacred mushrooms on the days of their rituals and go into the other dimensions with the love of the Goddess. The sacred mushroom is her true sacrement. I'm writning this so that those who know what I'm talking about may be able to piece some things together and realize how much power we can really have over these sorcerers.

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 08:19 AM

[edit on 8-7-2010 by SoulofBlack]

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by polarwarrior
The negative nancy's are expected but in time they will awaken, the amount of science and contemplation I had to sift through to even begin go from athiest in the reductionist materialist paradigm to believer in this is waay too much to explain to the naysayers in a thread but hopefully they may do their own research one day soon, for only they can awaken themselves.

you said a mouthful.

catch the wave!!
or else...
catch the wave!

*resistance is futile* applies here, methinks.

It turns out I was already taking part without my knowing about this thread I was coincidentally drawn to doing my gaia/earth healing meditation in the third time slot, and I dont belive in coincidences.

i think many of us were - like minds think alike, but there IS power in numbers.

synchronicity is something we can make, ourselves.

they've got the guns
but we got the numbers
we're gonna win
yeah, we're takin' over!

those words got Jim Morrison an FBI file but he wasn't planning to overthrow the Nixon administration (or applicable chief of staff - i forget the exact timeline). i am of the firm belief that his muse tapped into the aether to give that song, and countless others written by countless others, an undeniable prophetic truth.

I noticed a few saying they felt better recently. When you share love or energy it comes from the infinite supply within then has to flow through you first before heading to its destination. So the more love you share with others the better you will feel. Reminds me of this quote "The love you withold is the pain that you feel"

an inverted way of saying "the love you get is equal to the love you give away"

and i know this to be true, already, in my own experiences, but what i've felt here in the last week, since starting this endeavor, is beyond anything i've ever felt. it's demonstrating a level of quantum metaphysics that perhaps hasn't even manifested, ever, until right now.

that's what i am thinking, to be honest - that we are beginning some unprecedented times of 'signs and wonders' - uber-miracles!
this was promised long ago, and some of us haven't forgotten that; i believe it must be so, now, because we are finally at the end of the long dark tunnel of time!

For those on the fence about joining in, or think they may be just a little too busy, remember that for each additional person the effect of the combinded group is potentially doubled - for just one extra person!

i suspect the effects may actually be exponential. a lot of things that follow the lines of the power of mind and it's manifestation have been expanding in a rapid manner that seems to be exponential or otherwise mathematically prolific. if so, we'll know, for sure, in the very near future! it will be harder and harder to deny for even the most staunch skeptic. that's going to be fun... for all and all in fun!

when fear fully becomes fearlessly fun
we will all rest well in a job well done

So dont feel at all like you wont make much of a difference to our effort, even if your just a beginner dont worry the incarnative ego need not be adept but the older soul within will know what to do, im sure you've done this before you just dont remember due to the veil of forgetfullness upon birth.

as long as the thoughts are positive, and inspired by love instead of fear, they will help! that's ALL that is required!

we all do this everyday, on an individual level, in the ordinary course of events, without knowing it. it is creation.

there is nothing that exists in materiality that did not start as a thought.

"your mind is the builder, your life is the result."

"thoughts are things. will you make a miracle or a crime?"

Sersen, while we dont yet have a social memory complex, we do have a group mind/body/spirit social complex. Our social complex will not become social memory complex untill we all call in unison and remember the lost group memory which will be rather instant, at this point everything that has ever been known by any human from the group on earth will be instantly known to any entity, nobody will be left behind - and we each will know all that has ever been known on this planet.

or perhaps it is easier to think of the info as being freely available to all seekers, without all the mystery and confusion.
the hall of records will be open to the public, free of charge, 24/7, no training or special permission required!

the reason it won't be instant, is that to have that much information instantly restored in anyone's mind, regardless of their awareness otherwise, would not be conducive to mental health.

information is energy and that's why nothing can be literally instant, while we are in the physical "world," or at least the perception thereof...

we truly are made of light but it isn't set for maximum speed for a thousand reasons...

the super-duper crash course is one heck of a wild ride as it is, even over the course of a decade. and i don't think it's over, yet, or even close!

god, i hope not, anyway!!!

everyone, EVERYONE, has a piece of the puzzle that they are safekeeping on behalf of us all.
the receptacle, or depository, is in the care of our Mother, the same one we are seeking to heal with our love and intention.
like any devoted mother, she allows us each our own timetable so that we are never forced to compromise other things that are equally, or more, important for our individual evolution, at this point in time.

A kind of akashic records in our own minds, quite fantastic but such a level would mean the game would be over for the negatives and our game would be spoiled, many wouldnt have the chance to figure it out for themselves hence not learning through first hand experience.

well, that's the thing - the opportunity to learn, each of us, first-hand, is part of our entitlement and inheritance as "the human race." no one, absolutely no one, will be denied the chance to experience their own emergence from the womb, so to speak, in all its peculiar but miraculous splendor.

that's what "no one left behind" truly means - nobody misses out...on anything! no heaven, no hell, just paradise for everyone, on their own personalized schedule!

and those that help by leading the way in the darkness will in no way prevent or detract from those in the middle and those taking up the rear - all of whom are equally vital to the whole queue.

just like in the wolf pack, the alpha leads the way but the omega makes sure there are no stragglers left behind...the buddha and the bodhi...the tree of life has plenty of food for us all!

what you say about the game being over (for some) or spoiled (for others) hits the nail right on the head!

eventually everyone will step away from the game board and all will realize that progress was not possible without both white hats and black hats. no one is going to be punished for playing for the black hats, because that was their part just as others have the part of white hat. the purpose, or goal, is the same for all: to learn what love IS, by experiencing what love is NO.
duality is just a forgetful state of equilibrium - when it's not shrouded in amnesia it is simply "binary."

i think that everyone will be relieved when the game comes to an end. and we can all take a bow, then, and congratulate each other, everyone included, for a "job well done" and a successful release from hibernation.

If im still up Ill also be taking part in the 1am.

*see* you there!!

& thank you.


*bowing to hands*

posted on Jul, 8 2010 @ 03:25 PM

Originally posted by hollyavila
Did you know that the explosion happened on not only the day of Hitler's birth, but the exact hour? April 19/20 is always a ritual time for these sob's.

actually, i must offer a correction, just for the sake of eliminating any dis-info that we possibly can, because it works against us.

Deepwater Horizon exploded at 09:45 p.m. CDT April 20, 2010
Adolf Hitler was born at 6:30 pm in Braunau, Austria, on April 20, 1889, which would have been at 11:30 am CDT (Louisiana time)

posted on Jul, 12 2010 @ 08:02 PM
hey everyone!!

who's been following the new efforts by BP today?

let's all send as much good will and positive intentions to the people working on the pipe now.

this is a promising endeavor and we can keep on doing what we've been doing, but directed, ALSO, to those who are doing the hard, way hard, stuff.

we all have to work together!
and we are!



posted on Jul, 13 2010 @ 04:54 PM

And people wonder why a shrimper might go Forest Gump and leave a box of chocolates at a oil tycoons house where his wife opens it and it explodes. "Lifes like a box of chocolates you never know what your gonna get." And BP kills protected animals gets terrorist released from prison and rapes the planet and the people.

[edit on 13-7-2010 by JBA2848]

posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 07:58 AM
I'm curious...

It's been 11 days since srsen proposed this idea, so...I wonder

To those who have decided to connect

Are you still connecting?

Do you feel you're making a difference?

Have you felt a difference in your daily life by doing so?

For myself, to those three questions, I can only answer



posted on Jul, 16 2010 @ 09:15 AM

Originally posted by SonoftheSun
I'm curious...

It's been 11 days since srsen proposed this idea, so...I wonder

To those who have decided to connect

Are you still connecting?

well, i was, until the successful containment and capping (whatever it was) that was what, 3 days ago?

Do you feel you're making a difference?

i think we did!
WE did!

Have you felt a difference in your daily life by doing so?


my mood has stayed good ever since we started and hope took the place of despair.

i've also become more aware of what i do and how it affects Mother Earth and everyone who lives within her sphere of life.

i started taking more tote bags to the store, more recycling, more attention to leaving lights on, etc.

i'm looking into wind generators and small solar panels to see what all i need for my mom's house, where we live. i'm going to get one, but i don't know enough yet to make an intelligent purchase.

i think we definitely had a part in the last successful effort by BP...they didn't have luck before and i realize there are multiple influences on what they did, and they probably refined their plan, etc., but i can't believe we didn't help!

when i heard they were trying again, my gut told me it would work!

and it did!

posted on Jul, 19 2010 @ 10:50 PM
Did we make a difference?

Well, the scientific answer is that we just dont know - we cannot prove it. All we can do is draw on our personal experience and judge our intuition.

I believe we made a difference, i felt it. Still do.

I recall that days prior to starting this thread people were reporting magma beginning to bubble up from the hole. It was going downhill and seeming to only be getting worse.

Well, once we began this project i noticed that such events were no longer occuring, the magma had seemed to disappear. Now, weeks after our initial effort, the hole has been plugged.

Regardless, I know that we helped - we cant not have. I do not know what the future holds for the Gulf Region or the plugged leak, but if we can try to maintain the habit of sending love to Mother Earth then i know we can only be having a positive effect!!!

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 01:50 PM
S + F
Totally with you on this.

posted on Aug, 6 2010 @ 02:58 PM
Let people say what they have a kind heart and it is much appreciated. We can use every bit of help we get in any form. Those of us who live in close proximity to this welcome the support from people like you. If nothing else, the meditation will lower our blood pressure and anxiety about the whole thing, right? Thanks brother....S&F 4 you!

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