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Recent 180 Degree Turn in Posters Sentiments

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posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 02:48 PM
Over the past few weeks there have been a propensity of posters here supporting increased socialism, degradation of the Constitution, and flat out thread derailers.

What I would like to discuss and debate here in a logical fashion, is the possible reasons as to why this is happening. Most of these posters have been registered on ATS for a while. Many in fact for years.

While I respect everyone's views on all the different topics, I have no tolerance for those who blatantly voice their wishes that America should turn into a socialist dictatorship which in and of itself is blatant tyranny as many things that are proposed and/or supported directly violate the Constitution.

I will paraphrase examples of what I have seen lately:

"I think the government should run everything"
"I am a socialist and I support the country becoming one"
"What I say is right, and if you don't believe the way I do you're racist/anti-Semitic"

To a lesser extent, I have more tolerance for those who don't bother to research topics discussed and/or don't bother to read the full articles cited. However by doing so it damages the thought process in the thread.

My question I submit for discussion is this:

Have we had an organized attack on the website with the intentions of stemming our collective thought process as we search for truth? Is it an intention to alienate those of us who can see nefarious implications to certain pieces of legislature? Is it their intent to make us think that we are the minority who stand up and fight for our inalienable rights granted to us by the Constitution?

Or is it worse?

It was such a fast and sudden 180 degree turn. We went from mostly peaceful well discussed threads to 90% shills and brainwashed individuals literally overnight. Did someone throw a switch and re-brainwash the sheeple?

I agree, it's a little tin foil hat worthy, but what are we to think?

I get attacked daily now by people supporting the corporate and government machines. People are rallying and praising the loss of their rights. I'm starting to hear distant cheers each time another one is put into jeopardy.

I really fear that the tides have turned for the worse and those who were truly awakening and realizing that something is not right in our world are falling back asleep.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:05 PM
Just the fact that you see a pattern and are aware of the possible motives gives you an edge that you will not fall prey to the manipulation.
Gives an edge, no guarantee, since emotions and more come into play.

One benefit is you do get to witness the sheeple and the predictable response from sheeple and troll manipulation as it cascades from situation to situation. There is a lot to learn there just by watching and there are repeatable patterns depending on the players in the drama being produced.

Now you can analyze that at a deeper level. You are still not seeing exactly what is going on, but you can see a larger piece of the machine.

You certainly may be more awake than most, and maybe one reason for the change of what you see on this site is because there are people here who are awake and awakening. Why waste your time producing propaganda and distractions for those already asleep and distracted.

Good morning, unfortunately, we are all still asleep. Keep looking and share what you see with the rest of us. Maybe we can all wake up together.

[edit on 30-6-2010 by sdocpublishing]

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:07 PM

Originally posted by PayMeh
What I would like to discuss and debate here in a logical fashion, is the possible reasons as to why this is happening.

Oh, really?

It was such a fast and sudden 180 degree turn. We went from mostly peaceful well discussed threads to 90% shills and brainwashed individuals literally overnight. Did someone throw a switch and re-brainwash the sheeple?

Thank you for your logical discussion.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
I have been wondering the same thing. First let me say that those of us who have been looking into and trying to figure out the machine, cannot go back into sleep mode, not if you truly understood what it was. Those who have went back to sleep after all of which has been going down, well I think that they were never really awake.

Ive seen a lot of the same posts and what I have noticed more than ever, is the ones who have openly stated that they think nothing is wrong, not to many people have posted back, but in fact quietly agree by giving 20+ stars. Though I think that its important to give stars when you feel someones thread is worthy of it, I also have seen people hiding behind it, and so fanning the flames.

Between those who want to know the truth, those opposed to find out, and those that are in between has been something that is dire at this point in time in our lives. Our focus has been scattered, and we have been fighting our true nature of coming to a site like this in the first place.

I hope that people start to realize that the "divide and conquer" thing is real, and may have been perpetrated here on ATS.

Peace to you...

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by PayMeh

I also believe a lot of people such as myself refuse to get into arguments with the same people you are discussing. Without naming names, I can perfectly predict what posters will reply in a negative fashion to my posts, some of them with very vile attitudes. So much so, that I have filled my ignore list, because I refuse to respond to personal attacks.

It has gotten almost stalker-like, and for me it is not so much a deterrent as it is avoiding a headache. They refuse to allow normal discussion of topics they disagree with, and constantly start flame wars derailing threads.

I am just tired of the games, like probably so many others, so posting becomes a drudgery. Are they winning? Some could say yes. They are winning simply by succeeding at stifling others through intimidation.

Basically, the loud mouthed confrontational ones are typically the ones you will see posting. It is almost guaranteed that if you have a differing opinion, especially conservative or non-progressive, you will literally get blown off the site by personal attacks.

Good luck with that.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Blue Shift

I didn't mean it literally... well.. maybe not.. nothing surprises me anymore.

BTW +1 for you for reinforcing my thread derailer point ^^

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:19 PM
reply to post by NoRegretsEver

I know you can't go back into sleep mode after becoming aware. There are 2 different awakenings going on though. The one on a spiritual/global scale and the political awakening when Johnny American wakes up and finds the government has stolen his money and cheesy poofs overnight thus realizing the current state of things.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:27 PM
wishes that America should turn into a socialist dictatorship

Not all Socialists believe in dictatorships. It is way more common for people to believe in democratic socialism.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:32 PM
OP: glad you brought it up. I have noticed something too. Seemed to start around the time the Manning/Assange story broke. Since then it almost seems like the A team has been replaced by the B team (same names; different I.Q.'s.) There also seems to be an unfamiliarity with the different forums and a forgetfullness of which forum is which. Also a complete lack of the topic that brought me to ATS. I was thinking Twilight Zone for me...but maybe not...maybe something has happened. BTB (by the by) I gave you your first flag. Bye.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:35 PM
Many Canadians thought we had a nice democratic socialism going...
It is just starting to dawn on them what we really have...and it isn't pretty.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Has it occurred that, especially with some of the more seasoned members on here, that their 180 degree shifts - might actually be the use of irony?

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:47 PM

Originally posted by Libertygal
I also believe a lot of people such as myself refuse to get into arguments with the same people you are discussing. Without naming names, I can perfectly predict what posters will reply in a negative fashion to my posts, some of them with very vile attitudes. So much so, that I have filled my ignore list, because I refuse to respond to personal attacks.

u r exactly correct
my ignore list is full also for that
very same reason. I wished it held
more than 10 as there are more
than 10 shills I'd like to ignore.
It's not that I disagree with opposing
discussion, it's because of the downgrading
rhetoric involved with these posters. It's
almost as if we're being scolded or reprimanded
cuz we don't think the way they want us to.

I say make the ignore list bigger
and keep on posting.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 03:59 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

I know, I really probably shouldn't have mashed the two terms together. I just wanted to cover a multitude of different posts I've seen. Basically I was just pointing to people who call for a complete tear down and reformation of our country. You know the ones who post things stating how they'd like do away with the Constitution and reform as any other type of nation.

I don't oppose swings to the left and right like we naturally have in this country. There's some ideas I'm liberal on and some I'm more conservative on. What I'm opposed to is anyone who wants it to swing to either extreme permanently. That is not what this nation was intended to be, and I think anyone who wishes it would is better off finding a country to live in that is more suited to their extremist political ideology.

I don't even mind civilized discussion brought up by those who feel this way. I just find it abhorrent when people post based on these extremes and can't add intelligent substance. It instantly undermines discussion on any topic.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by PayMeh

I think the main problem is too many people want to speak but not enough have anything good to say. People want to be heard.
That's all fine and dandy but if your repeating what someone already said or you happen to ignore facts posted and continue to believe whats proven false, then the topics become pointless drivel.
Then you get banter and debates. Its not enough that people disagree with others and leave it at that, nope, instead it has to be a 2 page discussion usually ending up with both parties not budging from their stances which is a waste of time.

I think what should be a site where you can post things and get feedback on them which could change your views, really is a site where you can post things and watch the left fight the right and all those in between and all around.

Some people here do some good work. And it is work to research and debunk/prove topics. Those who do that have my utmost respect.
There are some however that post topics and have already decided that its either truth or not. With a predisposition, why debate? Post it as you believe it, and move on and let people decide for themselves. Or people who reply predisposed with an opinion and willing to shove it down your throat until you cant bear to read their posts any longer...

This is why i inherently dislike forums. Everyones invited with an email address, but their is no screening process available, meaning even those not interested in the site can come around and muck it up.

Its interesting, their is a rule on these forums stating you cant start a topic until you replied 20 times. Why isn't it something that makes more sense?
You post 1 topic before you can reply AND your topic must be reviewed by a mod and approved before your allowed to reply as well.
If someone posts some repetitive topic, or posts nonesense it doesnt get to the public and they still can't reply until they have something positive to contribute.
This would surely be a deterrent to people who want to just post frantically and make them think and post something useful. Hopefully with that lesson learned its applied to their replies as well.

Just an idea

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 05:49 PM
This is a horrible reply because I dont have the evidence to back it up, but here you go. I am a web designer. It is part of my job to look for patterns and trends on the internet. So I look at a lot of websites. I have seen recently banners that say "make money by blogging". Once these links are followed there is an ad that offers employment for people to resubmit stories to their and other blogs / discussion sites like ATS for money. The stories are often politically skewed. Further, some will even buy your screen names from you, so like you say, posters who have long been one direction are now the opposite in opinion. If I can find a good example I will place it on my response.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by axiomuser

That actually makes a lot of sense. If this is truly what has happened, I would suspect somewhere in our recent thread history is some really damning spot on theory or revelation to some unthought of motive. Either that or our voices have just gotten loud enough to consider us a real threat to the status quo.

As far as getting proof, sometimes you just gotta go with what makes the most sense. That's why I suggested that it might be an organized attack first.

Thank you for your response! ^^

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by axiomuser

Thankyou for your very interesting, enlightening addition to this thread. What you say makes perfect sense in a highly charged political year and would be a natural extension of push polling and reach far more people.

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 06:30 PM
I personally believe it is being driven by fear. Fear that the government won't extend benefits, fear that a job to be found isn't just down the road, fear that we are truly facing a pivotal time in history.

It's been over a year and a half now and frankly many people are asking themselves if they are better off now than they were before. For many, the answer is most decidedly no. Further, since so many were emotionally invested in Obama -- he was the "last hope" to change things around -- and are now completely without hope. With no hope, fear takes root and grows.

But make no mistake -- this is exactly what the government wants to happen. People driven by fear make the most irrational decisions.

Further, if enough people have their hand out only to be fed by the government, those are certainly not the people that will turn on the government. The more dependent we become, the more enslaved we become.

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