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How far has humankind traveled, truly???

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posted on Jun, 9 2010 @ 07:22 PM

Originally posted by raivo
Myuzik: easiest way of proving you really are channeling aliens and not mentally ill would be asking them to land near you & take pics and video of them. And these should be good quality clolse up's not some random flashes etc.

how about that?

They know I would like something like that. If they can do it(logically), they would. Actions have reactions. Anything I do to further disclose ETs are here I recieve punishments for by reptilians. So I'm not sure what I would want to do as most people would just cater to their own realities and it wouldnt really change much most likely. They would probably just say its cgi. All the negative ETs would have to do is make an artificial light source and make a shadow that doesnt make sense and its debunked anyway(not that they would surely try that method).

posted on Jun, 15 2010 @ 11:19 PM
reply to post by Myuzik

let me get this straight the aliens that don't like you fart and then teleport/poof the fart and other bad smells in you face, then the ones that like you poof good smells in your face. Well all I got to say is yup sounds like something a humanoid alien that is light years more advanced would do, they probably have to much time in there hands, traveling through superluminal time would give someone lots of time on there hands i guess. Ok have you thought about trying to trick them in to giving up specific info that could prove that your not crazy, or at least asked them to give you the perfect recipe for food that can be made on earth, or other stuff that can be useful for you. See what they say.

posted on Jun, 25 2010 @ 09:26 PM

Originally posted by galadofwarthethird
reply to post by Myuzik

let me get this straight the aliens that don't like you fart and then teleport/poof the fart and other bad smells in you face, then the ones that like you poof good smells in your face. Well all I got to say is yup sounds like something a humanoid alien that is light years more advanced would do, they probably have to much time in there hands, traveling through superluminal time would give someone lots of time on there hands i guess. Ok have you thought about trying to trick them in to giving up specific info that could prove that your not crazy, or at least asked them to give you the perfect recipe for food that can be made on earth, or other stuff that can be useful for you. See what they say.

They have done many things normal people wouldnt think they would do. It acts as a debunking mechanism when I bring it up. But its true nonetheless. And I dont remember saying farts, although they have done that. Its usually fermaldahide, or dead bodies wreaking scent with the negative. Making me gag etc. With the benevolents its usually phermones and nice female smells.

posted on Jun, 28 2010 @ 02:33 PM
I have had an Out Of Body Experience. It was like a half OBE. I could somewhat feel my body and somewhat feel my soul at the same time. Since it was a half type OBE all I could really see was black...and purple. Purple is the color of the entrance to the tree of life.

I was walking screaming is anyone there..over and over. Eventually I turned around and saw fox/wolf type of face staring at me as I walked and looked at it. I told it to stop and to stop and to stop. It wouldn't. I became frightened and it was as I was rubber banded back into my body. After I was awake again, I then realized that my eyes were shaking rapidly (probably rapid eye movement????)

When you have an OBE, you feel this vibrating sensation flowing through the center of your chest as you lift off.

I then talked to a shaman over IRC(Internet Relay Chat) and he told me it was probably my spirit guide(This was a shaman that has once a week sessions and helps over IRC). I asked him if he talks to others over there, he told me many adventures he has had. He then told me he talked to beings of another reality and planet.

I asked him how does he understand them if they speak a different language. He then told me that everything is telepathically and you just do. They also understand you. Your mind just knows what they are saying.

I believe you 100%

You are extremely lucky and I wish I myself were a contactee. Maybe you could speak to them and tell them to say hi to me at one point

posted on Jun, 30 2010 @ 07:37 PM
i dont know how far we travelled pretty far i bet ya
i 2 was contacted evry day at one point
and i think weve gone all thye way 2 the end of this univere, where a new dimension begins
watch the fourth dimension explained its on youtube

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