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Increased Misanthropy

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:51 AM
Firstly, for anyone who may not be overly familiar with the term Misanthropy:

This morning I have been thinking, and started to wonder if there are others who have noticed an increase in Misanthropic tendencies..either ones self becoming more like this, or any friends/loved ones that have recently been showing signs of being misanthropic (closing themselves off from society and other people the best they can, more so than is normal for their usual personalities for example)..
Has anyone been noticing this of late?
All through childhood, I was always in trouble in class for talking and socializing with my friends..and through my teens I was a known partier..the past four or five years though, I have been turning my back on friendships, I have been distancing myself (not only geographically but in keeping in contact) from family - mainly my two older sisters..and from society in general these days. It isnt depression, it isnt suicidal or anything of the sort, just an over all discomfort interacting with humanity as a whole.. Part of it, I am sure has to do with growing up in the world and seeing how people can be, this certainly doesnt help, and may even be the start of this...I try not to let it effect my social life that I do have to put up with (in the community I live in, having a child makes it so the parents have to intergrate to a certain extent) and to just push through it, some days are harder than others, but its always there anymore. Over these past years mentioned, I have had some personal issues to tend to, and that meant taking time away from people in order to introvert and self analyze in order to move forward -if that makes sense, but taking that time out led to my fairly newly aquired misanthropy.
I would be very interested to hear (well, read)! the thoughts on this topic from fellow ATS members..experiences, feelings.. anything you want to share would be greatly appreciated...

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:09 AM
Sure, I'm guilty of it many times. It's not cool. It's dividing people. I many times view people as arrogant, rude, ignorant and depressing. The truth probably is that we're on very different frequency. Many times, it's a form of narcissism, but sometimes kind of justified. A lot of people are like that. I think it's the spirit of the time. As sad it is.

Come together.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 04:33 AM
reply to post by Full_Vision

yes, i am noticing it in myself. Sometimes ,i just don't even want to partake in Chit chat for the sake of chit chat. Well actually, I don't.

Unless the conversation is meaningful in some way, i don't want to be involved. I cant even stand having to listen to it in the street or the shops, even when i am not involved.

Ha! I guess i should relax and accept everybody for who they are, but it seems that people are wasting massive amounts of time on BS day to day drivel when we could be really discussing and planning awe inspiring stuff.

so for me its a rejection of the mediocre and the mundane that i feel sometimes drives me back up the mountain.

but then again, we are social creatures and i have to come back down to discuss the weather !

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:05 AM
I think it's fair to say I'm a Misanthrope. But is it any wonder with the amount of lies we are spoon fed, the loss of opportunities, the perpetual wars against false enemies, the continual downward spiral of wages and the increase in living costs, the lies and misspending and misuse of resources from government, from media, from charities?

I know that I can never 100% trust anyone. It's not a nice feeling. It's not who i would like to be, but it would be ignorant of me to be any different.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:37 AM
Yeah.... I'm a total misanthrope lol. Seriously, if you know me there would be no doubt in your mind.
But yeah, being that way seriously affects every aspect in your life, for the worse. But I will admit I am kind of glad to be this way, it's saved me from being like everybody else my age. I'm neither stupid, nor shallow, I am actually capable of producing a rational and concise thought, I can actually think for myself I don't need someone to tell me what to think like I'm some sort of sheep, I'm not self obsessed or even obsessed with celebrity's like every damn person under 30. Oh, and most importantly, I know how to spell correctly and use proper grammar- as you can see I don't do that moronic "text typing".

Fu** I hate people. >_<

Ok I'm gonna stop now, I've been up far too long and can't concentrate, I feel like I'm off topic and have no real point to this reply....just the ramblings of a madman.
But for some reason I'm still going to post this reply, lol.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 05:58 AM
reply to post by Full_Vision

yes it is right how you say it not like what others here words mean

the sense of positive freedom is deceived from inferior positive existence repeated appearence in powers on objective realities life

the sense you describe well, is to know how you are not there even in that deception expression means, your distance is for positive truth not an idea about you

what a lot react wrong, is when they see wrong as obvious negative ends infront they conclude their issues being how they are much better, so the objective reality there is just a total mess, under the minimum truth reality which is nothing
elements happy to pretend being positive real substance and others haapy to pretend being superior free of what is inferior prooving how it kills it

i guess the right reaction i saw for myself moves especially when i am against something, is to understand that you are nothing then thre because you mean what is negative existing so you cant exist from

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:07 AM
reply to post by SmokeytheHair

yea right, they dont mean ever the concept of positive, it is always them their bodies or moves looking positive, it is so disgusting in a way i mean for positive concept

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:24 AM
I've noticed this seems increasingly popular and fashionable even I would say lately. Although personally I think a lot of people that ascribe to this sort of tendency can be idiots. One of my friends said his hatred for people started after working at Target when he was 18 or something. Either they don't really know what the true problems are or they don't know how to fix anything, in which case I think they should shut it just a bit since you're unimportant and just confuse the real efforts to solve problems. Some are so lost that that's actually the goal, to create chaotic situations as a way to express their "anger".

Honestly, I don't care what kind of experience you had with people there it wasn't that bad. If you're going to have a general distain for most people, you better have a good reason. This recent friend of mine though is fairly nuts so probably isn't saying much... small slights are blown way out of proportion and held onto as a grudge for a long time, basically just really immature. I think some vegans and that sorta group can have similar attitudes towards meat eaters.... again a consequence of immaturity and stupidity.

As for me... I started reading on here and other sites similar starting when I was 13
So almost a decade. I wasn't the most social when I was in HS since I just felt like quality was hard to find, had more friends than I wanted. But now I'm planning a move and will try to be the person I want to be regardless of how most people are. For me altruism has always been pretty center in my life and it seems easy to stray from that even when giving it all your attention.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:24 AM
I am experiencing this in relation to my four siblings. Discovering 9-11 truth five years ago has made a different person out of me. Becoming a researcher and learning to think critically has separated me from them, because not one of them has a clue about what is going on, nor do they care. I have strong emotions about what's happening to my country, but they don't. I'm a serious person anyway (voted "most serious" girl in my high school senior class), but having my total world view turned upside down by learning that my own (parallel) government attacked us has intensified my tendency to look at life with a no-nonsense-tolerated approach. I don't have the time or the inclination to socialize with them, other than our Christmas and Easter traditional family gatherings. I can do those okay.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 06:59 AM
My God, this seriously hit me so hard. I woke up and after a walk was going to start a thread ON THIS VERY TOPIC. I know were friends but wow that's scary. I've really been experiencing this stuff on a long timeline of about 5 years like you. The period before that was filled with heavy partying and socializing, as my best friends marriages were going through turmoil I was trying to help them with. Dealing with my own broken heart all at the same time. It was a crazy period I had always been highly empathetic, trying to serve a higher purpose. But as time wore on more and more outside of my understanding the users, I myself was pulling away as I realized that many of these individuals weren't like me. For lack of a better term they were sheeple. Things like truth,justice, spirtuality,love,nature meant nothing to these people. They only cared about appearences most nothing more than human trash compacters stuffing as much lies and garbage as possible into our collective. Sorry if I sound bitter,its just I'm a people person that hates people.

In my heart its always lonely cause I don't have my people near me, my universal family is.scattered and it makes things hard chills your bones. I reach out through music, poetry,discussion, in the gym, but outside of that I'm reclusive. I have walked away from friendships in the past year or two no longer willing to invest the effort anymore cause I didn't see the point when they wouldn't invest equal effort to keep it going.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 08:19 AM
reply to post by Full_Vision

Great thread BTW, I have experienced exactly what you are talking about. My husband and I began pulling away from people when things started to go south about 2 years ago. Up until that time we were very social, had a lot of friends, and participated in activities that put us out in the forefront of social situations. Now, not so much. We've limited our circle of friends/family to a select few, and we cultivate those specific friendships/familial relationships. We used the excuse that there wasn't enough money to go around, and that worked well enough.
IMPO this is a product of our current societal situation, people are doing what our government should be doing-looking after their own. People are pulling back into their own territory, and protecting that area of personal space much more than they were before. I think its only natural that isolationism becomes the norm in stressful situations. Its a protection mechanism-reduce the threat from outside the circle.
We do try to mediate the effects though, we have a child who is very social, and a teenager to boot so we have to be involved to some extent. But I have also noticed that she is limiting her social interaction and sticking closer to home, thats one of the reasons I feel it may be an instinctive thing when threatened in any way.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 09:57 AM

Originally posted by Full_Vision
Firstly, for anyone who may not be overly familiar with the term Misanthropy:

From the link:

Misanthropy is a generalized dislike, distrust, disgust, contempt, or hatred of the human species.

Originally posted by Full_Vision
This morning I have been thinking, and started to wonder if there are others who have noticed an increase in Misanthropic tendencies..either ones self becoming more like this, or any friends/loved ones that have recently been showing signs of being misanthropic (closing themselves off from society and other people the best they can, more so than is normal for their usual personalities for example)..

I've been thinking some more about this thread.

I think that cutting yourself off from people isn't necessarily that you hate people. I guess a true misanthrope does hate people, however, for various reasons - probably really bad experiences.

I don't hate people at all. I love people. It's just that I can't talk to anyone about the things that really matter to me.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:24 AM
i also mean to correct as clarifying more what i said especially the word disgusting doesnt sound right

but i for myself cant stand see something positive not free, limits of objects do make my rejections to admit their existance -so when those limits are living the opposition with truth become too vulgarly obvious

positive is a concept of infinity freedom, you cant consider something positive unless it is from what is more positive then itself, positive is infinite concept reference, it is from up as absolute source definitive values not from down, as more then something less

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:28 AM
i also mean to correct as clarifying more what i said especially the word disgusting doesnt sound right

but i for myself cant stand see something positive not free, limits of objects do make my rejections to admit their existance -so when those limits are living the opposition with truth become too vulgarly obvious

positive is a concept of infinity freedom, you cant consider something positive unless it is from what is more positive then itself, positive is infinite concept reference, it is from up as absolute source definitive values not from down, as more then something less

that is why it is very difficult to me to hate someone unless there are objective considerations that hate it, for what i see too easily the potential in ones as their sources more then what they look like doing
so i always communicate with what is infinite value that i see it making anyone alive of

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by 2theC
Hello, I do understand what you mean..mind numbing, pointless chatter annoys me as well.. most often its about soap operas, bs fashion, getting caught up in local gossip and drama and so on..everyone on Earth has every right to be whoever they want to be, and to act how they wish to, be it that they harm none of course, but in that, also stands that because everyone should have such freedoms, im (and you and others who feel the same at all) free to be annoyed by it.. so many mundane things meant to distract and fog the mind..and it does a grand job.
I am always polite and respectful, as there is no reason not to be in general day to day life and interaction with others.. but i still keep to myself and refrain from un needed interaction with people whenever possible!

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by Rossa

Thank you, very much for your reply.. I've not thought about it in that way before, but it does make a great deal of sense that it would be a psychological defense mechanism of sorts.. Its nice that your husband feels the same way with this topic, mine started backing away with me as well and i would say that helped a great deal.. life is more relaxed now in ways, and we enjoy one another a hell of a lot more.. though we did before this began, i guess it was just in different life aspects.. perhaps it could simply be changing priorities..the wanting to disconnect, and/or unplug from the so called 'system' in a bid for our lives become more and more restricted by the day, more and more choked out.. some are responding to this..
thank you again for your points of view

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by Mary Rose

thank you for your imput on this, its appreciated.. well perhaps i am not the most hard core kinda misanthrope lol, as i find hate to be a strong word for anyone...personally, i feel mine stems more from just observing and experiencing how humanity is, has been and can be..also looking at histories all over the world -i know though, 'Hindsight is always 20/20'!.. can be frustrating.. but i cant think of any really bad or terrible experience in my past, my parents are wonderful people, having a long time interest in psychology, criminal psychology, (serial killers, mass murderers) and humanity as a whole.. cultures, belief systems.. lots of things.. also probably fed this mindset.. humans have got to be one of the most unpredictable creatures on this big blue beautiful planet..

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:18 PM
reply to post by ISHAMAGI
Greetings to you
i dont have time tonight to reply to the U2U, but its great to hear from you again and i certainly will reply in the morning! Thats very freaky that you were thinking the same!! i knew we had things in common, but thats a bit crazy lol.. not a bad thing though, and its really comforting i am not the only one with this, just wanting to hide away and enjoy life quietly.. with a close circle of selected beings in your life.. sadly, society has no place for that and it makes it difficult to make work in some areas, especially areas here in the Western side of the world..
I hope you are doing well friend

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 03:29 PM
Perhaps I should clarify too. I don't hate people I'm always civil and vquitr talkative on topic's that interest me. I just don't think I relate to the average person although we may have some of the same trivial interests. I like alternative, cult,unconventional things and meeting people like that doesn't happen everyday. Most people seem brainwashed in a fog and like it there. Those people I just stay away from.

I have to admit part of it is changing with the world. As the TPTB raise costs and get more technologically advanced. I cut back to necessities and simplify my life, its a balance I refuse to run their rat race, but that's okay because that dream was never mine.

posted on May, 1 2010 @ 04:13 PM
reply to post by 2theC

I can't stand idle chit chat either! All of the disingenuous pleasentries. I frequently find it hard not to take control of the conversation to help someone "GET TO THE POINT"! Of course this was a necessity in a past career....however now I must listen. (My new career demands it) A very wise man once said... "It's all f&%king Bulls&%t", I think it was Tony Soprano? Oh sorry he wasn't a wise man he was a wise guy! Sometimes the BS wants to make you ram your head into a wall out of pure frustration.
It's very easy to get discouraged in this incarnation. Look at the state of the World, hard not to be a misanthrope. You must (my humble suggestion) realize that we are all one. Love everyone. Doesn't mean that you have to LIKE them. I mean do no harm. Wish no harm upon anyone. Many of us are having an increasing need for solitude. People of of different energies now. Its hard to hang around those of a lower frequency. Solitude will recharge your batteries and give you time to think about what is really important, connect to your higher self, meditate, walk in nature, enjoy the present moment.


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