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"When traitors are called heroes, dark times have fallen."

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posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:38 PM
"When traitors are called heroes, dark times have fallen." - The Gunslinger, Stephen King

Pilot Crashes Into Texas Building in Apparent Anti-IRS Suicide

A pilot furious with the Internal Revenue Service crashed his small plane into an Austin, Texas, office building where nearly 200 federal tax employees work on Thursday, igniting a raging fire that sent massive plumes of thick, black smoke rising from the seven-story structure.

We all know about this, and I do realize, it is old news, but I am astonished at the number of ATS members who agree with his acts of violence.

I think this quote can very easily put in today's place. If we don't turn the world around, things are going to get real ugly. More people are going to kill in the sake of what they believe, more people are going to be angry, and I fear bad things will happen. We need to stop this nonsense, government, and non-government people alike.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:46 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

I totally agree. This guy was no hero, but people empathize with him, and they martyr him because at least he did SOMETHING. ANYTHING!

There is a quickly rising sentiment in the population, and most of us are still too content to risk what we have in a show of defiance. Our lives are still a little too good to make a stand.

I certainly do not agree with killing innocent government workers like me!
But, I do understand that too much government, and too many laws, and too much news, and too many advertisements, and so many restrictions are quickly driving our population insane. The government is growing out of control and at its current pace it will soon be the only source of substenance for our people. The closer to that point we get, the more often we will see people lose it. Soon enough the wave will break and everyday citizens will have lost enough comfort to do drastic things.

I work for a State Government, and I don't want people crashing into my building, but when we have taken everything from them and given it to big corporations, or given it to people who will cheat the system . . . I really can't blame them for losing it, and lashing out. I deal with suicide threats and threats of violence against people or government or even kids on a daily basis. It is part of my job, and it is a terrible situation we have gotten this country into.

Hero = no.
Regular guy who felt he was out of options = probably.
A sad reflection of many Americans = Definitely.
The First of many to come = A Sad YES!

[edit on 3-3-2010 by getreadyalready]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 04:56 PM
February 18 is a new holiday. Joe stack is a great American.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by oppaperclip
February 18 is a new holiday. Joe stack is a great American.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:09 PM
The following is my opinion as a member participating in this discussion.

Originally posted by oppaperclip
February 18 is a new holiday. Joe stack is a great American.

Joe stack is a great American because he flew a plane into a building as a protest in an attack on an administration?

Boy, you must be popular at 9/11 rememberance ceremonies.

As an ATS Staff Member, I will not moderate in threads such as this where I have participated as a member.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 05:11 PM
Desperate times breed desperate actions. When hope and change turns to hopelessness and despair and people begin to feel they have more to die for than live for, then this is how that begins to manifest.

One of the reasons places like Iraq and Afghanistan and many other parts of the third world are so prone to violence and war is because of a hopelessness and despair that begins to make death more meaningful than life and despondent people trying to find a meaning in death that they failed to find in life.

That is precisely what happened in this case in that the man wanted his death to have some kind of meaning a kind of definitive meaning that the increasingly frustrating circumstances of our shared world seemed to deny him.

His death will have different meanings to different people and while violence is never the solution it’s a sad testimony to how far and how rapidly America has fallen that we are literally beginning to breed suicide bombers of our own.

While its easy to condemn wanton and heinous acts of seemingly indiscriminate violence this should be a wake up call to us all to be more honest with ourselves about not just our own circumstances and plights here domestically but the circumstances and plights of people in the third world who historically have been even more prone to deliberately lay down their life to make a political and or religious statement as a way to make more meaning to themselves out of their deaths than they could their lives.

The truth is millions of Americans who would like to work simply can’t find a job. Meanwhile the people we are told to trust in to look for solutions are bogged down in petty squabbling and arguments over a plethora of issues that don’t have one thing to do with putting Americans back to work.

Worse still is each part of the partisan and philosophical divide blames the other for thwarting measures and initiatives that often have more to do with their own posterity and vanity and associated special interests that represent only a minute segment of the population and sometimes not even our population at all.

While people suffer and soul search and pound the pavement and wear out shoe leather trying to find some way to eek out a living and sustenance the politicians in Washington are actually insanely debating things like whether a massacre of Armenians in the early 1900’s should be labeled as Genocide or not, with one side of the aisle wanting to pay homage to the sensibility of Armenians here in America and abroad, with another side of the aisle not wanting to risk our strategic military relationship with Turkey abroad!

Truly who amongst us would have wept had Joe Stack chose to instead fly his plane into the Capitol Rotunda and ridded the world of a few of these aimless and feckless politicians who actually think going to work for the American people in troubled times like these includes that kind of agenda.

It’s easy to condemn Joe Stack but the truth is sensible laws, sensible corporations and businesses, and focusing on our real problems domestically is what prevents people like Joe Stack from searching out more meaning in a violent death to make a arguably misguided political point than continuing looking for meaning in life.

The truth is many of us are worn out, weary, frustrated, frightened and confused because so much of what ails us has been brought on by unbridled greed and a total lack of common sense, part of it is the citizens fault, to a large extent for trusting in and listening to a media, a corporate culture and a political structure that truly have become self sustaining entities one and all at the expense of the American people, and wholly out of touch with the American people with no true concern but lip service for the American people.

When hope and change turns to frustration and despair, when leadership fails to lead, and nothing of substance provides a direction to even follow, and life and circumstances boxes a person in this is the end result.

What it really is is the end result of a society, and a government, and a corporate culture that simply has more condemnation and rancor than it does empathy and compassion.

This will get worse before it gets better, and while there are those who are always going to look to vent for feel good solutions and ease their own frustrations, we the people need to start looking for the solutions, while they the politicians decide whether to call something genocide, which politician to name a street after, and whose name to put on a post office between three martini lunches with lobbyists who represent the corporations that are the only entities with real access left to government.

If you don’t like Joe’s solution, crying won’t help you and praying won’t do you no good, better get hot on the job of coming up with some better ones of your own and pretty darn quick because Joe Stack might be the first but at this rate it sure is doubtful he will be the last!

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:04 PM

Originally posted by neformore

Originally posted by oppaperclip
February 18 is a new holiday. Joe stack is a great American.

Joe stack is a great American because he flew a plane into a building as a protest in an attack on an administration?

Boy, you must be popular at 9/11 rememberance ceremonies.

9/11 and poor ol Joe Stack are two different things.

Joe wrote a manifesto so we wouldn't be confused.

The gub ment has inconsistent stories about 9/11.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 06:08 PM
I can understand the frustration that drove him to do this suicide.

He felt he was backed into a corner , and no way out, and like a cornered

animal, he struck out.

But he is no Hero.

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:03 PM
Our traitors, which we seem to hold in high esteem, are in government or in the alternative are manufactured "icons" of government and the international banking community. Mandela is a good example of terrorist cum hero produced through an ad campaign. Obama is another it seems that has come via an ad campaign, but he may just be the reverse, eg. hero cum terrorist. I think we definitely know he's a liar, like all politicians and their handlers. It's interesting that both Obama and Mandela have been "courted" by O'pariah and in both cases had their ad campaigns paid for mainly by the IMF and its associates.

Joe Stack IMHO was just a man, who tried every legal means to effect rational change and when that failed, he gave up and it appears decided to use the only method left to him by a useless government.

Cheers - Dave

[edit on 3/3.2010 by bobs_uruncle]

posted on Mar, 3 2010 @ 07:14 PM
We see a man who went the distance with his beliefs, More of this to come, i am sure. ITS weird everybody respects the war soldier when he is on your side doing the killing, but when he is on somebody elses side its a different story. Killing people is what our government does best. the government killed the suicide plane driver and the innocent worker. The system drove him to it, for i am sure he didnt really want to do it
Hero----yes, to his followers-no more or less then the service man in IRAQ KILLING . MORE

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 04:31 AM
Nelson Mandela and the 'Struggle' set off bombs and killed people in the name of change, because eggs. I dont see to much of a difference except the one was racial suppression and the other is financial.

Im not saying what he did was right, but its always easier to look from a distance at people killing for what they belive. But when its happening on your own back door its not so nice is it?

posted on Mar, 4 2010 @ 09:34 AM
I guess I represent another segment of society because I think of Joe Stack as a victim and in stating the word "VICTIM", many will close their eyes and ears and refuse to consider that what we think we know is a lie, deception, false flag operation intended to do exactly what it has done.

This deception has created those that think that Joe Stack is either a nut case or a hero for standing up for what really mattered to him. All the while the media sells a left right paradigm with the life and supposed actions of Joe Stack. They sell lies and deception and then know exactly what they are doing it and why they are doing it.

I like others in a small minority think otherwise and think that perhaps Joe Stack was used. Yes, I said "USED" and then murdered by those that would use such an incident to then lay blame on a sector of society for political reasons that run secret with agendas that are indeed truly dark and sinister.

Combine the typical left right paradigm of the masses taking sides for pro or con and you have the basis of mind control over the masses. The type of mind control that keeps you on one side or the other. All the while they laugh at having killed an honest to goodness decent American and then using him, killing him and painting his life as a payback for personal reasons associated to the IRS.

How convenient for the government and how convenient that the media sells what the government tells them and always keeps it in the left right paradigm so as not to create "too" many citizens that begin to think on their own and or begin to ask real questions about real problems and crimes going on all around us while the masses sleep and discuss American Idol.

Witnesses and media coverage have shown that numerous Fire trucks and hazmat teams were conveniently waiting around the block from the IRS building before the crash ever took place. How convenient. Add into the facts that Joe Stack worked around NSA, and others secret types associated with Intelligence sources and one could quickly see that something is not right. His supposed suicide note was not anything like the Joe Stack anyone remembers and his family has stated that fact.

Consider the fact that the suicide note was found on his computer and anyone with a brain can deduce that perhaps he did not write what was claimed to be his suicide note since access to his web site was taken over by the FBI, shut down and then his web site was allowed access by the internet world. This is how the supposed proof that was published that as his online suicide note, painting Joe Stack as a disgruntled American fed up with being abused by agencies of the federal government.

It is not right to declare Joe Stack a hero anymore than it is right to call him a suicide nut case that just snapped.

Joe Stack is a victim in my mind and his end of life involvement is something not yet understood, yet it points the way to the fact that his entire episode of events was covertly orchestrated by those that can do such things and have such access and willing ability to use national security as a veil for hiding the truth of their criminal actions. An American sacrificed for political reasons by those that have no conscious and no moral or ethical compasses. To them the life of Joe Stack meant nothing but an means to an end.

If you don't consider the actual facts, and if you cant then conceptualize what you read as information, then you are nothing but an imbecilic flea, staying close to the dog because you like the warmth. To you, I say the truth does not matter as long as you stay warm and stupid while you ride your dog.

I believe Joe Stack is a victim. I will continue to hold to the opinion that Joe Stack is a murder victim and nothing that the government has sold the public is going to change that position because too much evidence infers that Joe Stack was a potential murder victim that was used as a physiological operation needed to sell something coming out of Washington, D.C.

Look at what the federal government wants you to believe and any imbecile can see that it just don't add up to the truth. Not the truth, the whole truth or anything resembling the truth.

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