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Austin Plane Crash False Flag Related to Homegrown Terrorism Act HR1955

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posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:46 PM
I have been thinking of why this guy did this..

I agree with his message but you know. The only reason someone plays some kinda game in the United States is usually proven to be something behind it.

I think I figured out why this went down..

People keep saying that they want our guns, they wont take our guns.. bla bla..

Well here is how I see this..

Alot of people see this guy as a Terrorist or Freedom Fighter.

We had a bill a couple yrs ago come up called H.R. 1955 called the Homegrown Terrorism Act..

Which Means anyone within the US can be deemed a terrorist..
Point made is here..

Talked about Here

I have been thinking all night and some of today on why this could have happened.. I was thinking it may be a way for the goverment to say that the internet is bad because people got together to talk about what this guy did and they acted on it.

Well I guess this plays out both ways.. Get rid of the net and start rounding people up..

Anyway I will leave it up to you guys to figure this out..

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 05:56 PM
You are right...they tabled that bill over a year ago. I guess they were waiting for the right set of circumstances to push it through. This will become worse than the patriot act if ever passed.

posted on Feb, 19 2010 @ 06:10 PM
SHTF is getting closer and closer isn't it?

Day by day it may not seem like much is changing, then BAM. A single event (most always staged) sets into place a new and greater level of fascism.

The terrorists are in our government.


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