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What's Wrong With Buddhism?

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posted on Jan, 3 2014 @ 04:43 PM
reply to post by Nichiren

Buddhism is not a religion but simply a way of life. There is nothing wrong with it, and all of this Buddhist conspiracy for world perversion is dumb and all of the "Buddhist" that are actually involved in that are not real Buddhist because the Buddha says that sexual acts are ok as long as the are appropriate ( which means no rape, child sex,molestation, and or adultery.

posted on Jan, 4 2014 @ 04:04 PM


I'm a Buddhist of the Nichiren sect.

I'd like to know what is wrong with my belief system.

No, I'm not kidding! I'm genuinely interested what other believers, atheists and agnostics think about Buddhism in general. Why are you not a Buddhist LOL



Buddhism derived from Hinduism, which teaches to go within your consciousness and raise it until you reach Enlightenment and beyond. This is a powerful teaching, lovely and peaceful, yet it also teaches how to find God within. Numerous religions out there teach that God is somewhere out there up in a cloud in Heaven getting angry at humans for sinning. This is a falsehood and a cause of much downfall in man's spiritual progress.

However, although Buddhists don't worship the idols in the temples, I always highly suggest that the idols and statues shouldn't be there. I understand the respect and veneration to those who have already ascended, but those are made from people's hands with clay, metals, and Earth from the ground. It doesn't teach the new initiates the correct way of the Spiritual Path. You must not see and feel with the physical, but with your own mind within. This is Spirit. You can surely communicate with Master Buddha Gautama with your own telepathy through spiritual training, no need to make statues of him.

Hinduism and Buddhism were sponsored by Heavenly Beings thousands of years ago. So the original teachings were Divinely inspired and therefore the Truth of God. But like any path, the human ego can stray from God at any moment.

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