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Have I Been Cursed???

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posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:07 AM
Faith is a great magic. It can get ride of that spell if you believe it can help, so go on and start a prayer to God, Yahweh, the tooth fairy, you name it. If you believe that there's someone superior who can help you, just ask. The universe energy would heal you in the name of the one you believe (Or just ask the universe energy if you don't believe in any of the above)

And I agree with Doc Velocity, magic isn't something to play with. If you believe it's real, it can do heavy damage on you and your surroundings. It's a double sided edge, and obviously NOT a toy.

Would you handle a real gun to a 5 y.o. kid? common sense is sometimes the less common of the senses...

And before Melissa 101 comes, yes, I believe in God but no, I'm not going to discuss my faith in a forum. kthxbye

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:10 AM
reply to post by shadow12

I am relieved that you have decided not to do this dangerous thing any more.

Peace to you.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by shadow12
I agree with you on that and just in case you guys are wondering i have stopped. but i dont regret it because ive seen evil and good. and when i saw evil it only proved to me that there was a god. none the less this experience made me not fear evil it made me realize that i shouldve never feared it to begin with.

Well, when we post our objections, we're posting for the sake of other readers out there who might be thinking about "dabbling" in the craft, you know?

My recommendation to people who are curious about witchcraft is to educate yourself in witchcraft, without practicing it. And I mean really educate yourself, follow all the bibliographic leads to all the books to all the original sources, right. This can take years to accomplish, but the Knowledge you gain becomes your Power.

I'm not saying Go be a witch! No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm saying study the Craft as a scientist would study it. You should UNDERSTAND IT completely, but you don't necessarily have to practice it.

Once you have educated yourself in witchcraft or the occult or whatever, THAT'S when to start exercising your new Power — the power of KNOWLEDGE.

Think of the response from your erstwhile friends when they discover that you have a comprehensive knowledge of everything that underlies their childish games. On the one hand you may be revered as a Master, on the other hand they may disdain you for exposing their gnostic secrets, eh?

Knowledge is power, my friends. Arm yourselves!

— Doc Velocity

[edit on 2/16/2010 by Doc Velocity]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:13 AM

Originally posted by Zenlike
reply to post by Melissa101

Yes that made more sense than anything you have previously said, even though I don't believe in Satan or at least not in the same way you do but it still doesn't answer my first question and that was how Buddhism has anything to do with Magic in relation to the OP's question.

The thread has gotten off topic. My statement had nothing to do with the OP's question, it was in relation to whatever we were talking about right before I wrote about Buddhism. I just threw that in there, the point I was trying to make was that everything that is not of God falls under the same ruler; satan. Regardelss if you call it Scientology, Buddhism, Atheism, Wikken, White Magic, Black Magic ect... ect... It all has the same father; Satan. That is what I was trying to accomplish, but because I am tired I did not do a very good job.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:13 AM
reply to post by Melissa101

I just can't let myself go to sleep tonight knowing that I may have let you have the last word.

Yes, Satan, the Dark One, Beelzebub, whatever you want to call him, it, them, etc., is and can be deceptive, as well as his cronies. I have evolved beyond the deception. I know when I'm talking to "Great Aunt Mabel" and "A demonic entity." It's very obvious to me, but probably not to many others. It's not something that I can outright explain. It's just a feeling. Maybe it will come back to bite me in the a$$ someday, but I know how to defend myself, even not being a Christian. Anyway, I bid you adieu, and peace be with you.

Addendum: you are correct. Truth IS relative to the experiences at hand.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by truthseeker1984]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:23 AM

Originally posted by shadow12
reply to post by Melissa101

i agree with you on that and just in case you guys are wondering i have stopped.
but i dont regret it because ive seen evil and good. and when i saw evil it only proved to me that there was a god. none the less this experience made me not fear evil it made me realize that i shouldve never feared it to begin with.

See, there is a reason for everything. Going to the dark side may be all part of preparing you for something greater. I have been there, and I wondered around in it for years, but I came out stronger and have NO fear so I think I now have the ability to aid others. Good for you buddy, you seem like a smart kid and you have the potential to be something pretty amazing. Now put your faith cap on and study your brains out and then go out there and woop some demon azz....

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:26 AM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

LOL, we share one trait, stuborness (is that even a word). I like your determination and the fact that you stick to your guns. I do too, I just have bigger guns...

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:43 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
The thread has gotten off topic... the point I was trying to make was that everything that is not of God falls under the same ruler; satan.

And, yet, we know that even Satan was once of the Host of Heaven, God's golden boy, before he was cast down as penalty for trying to stage a rebellion in Heaven.

Right. So, even Satan is of God. Satan is a fallen angel who is given permission to tempt Mankind, to test our Faith.

Look at the Book of Job, the oldest book in the Bible, to get a grasp of God's relationship to Satan. These guys sit around drinking beer together, okay?

Yes, this is quite off-topic. But the purpose of my post was to clarify that Earth is the dominion of Satan. Virtually everything you see in this world is Satan-driven, okay? Everything, with very, very few exceptions.

I mean, the hardcore Catholics even believe that the Vatican itself is corrupted by Satan and Satanic presence. That's just a fact. So, EVERY, EVERYTHING we encounter in this world is of Satan.

Our job is to MAKE THE DECISIONS IN OUR HEARTS to defeat Satan, rise above Satan, and escape the dominion of Satan (which means leaving the Earth).

This is the same thing Jesus Christ did after the Crucifixion, right. He went to Hell, battled Death, battled Satan, and arose triumphant to Heaven. We're supposed to emulate that, right?

All this is made very clear in the Bible. And it's not all allegorical and metaphorical, it's very much as stated. You can take it at face value without reading anything into it.

Anyway, trying to get the thread back on-track, I'm going to say that Satan is playing with the ignorance of our youth, encouraging them to dabble in witchcraft and all sorts of other defiant and aimless behavior.

In this tumultuous social environment,

Yes, you can be cursed.

I'm gonna go ahead and say it. Hell, yeah. Satan is all around you, what's one more curse?

— Doc Velocity

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:07 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
reply to post by alien

PS. The heart is the Devils playground. Following your heart will get you lost. I do not expect you to understand.

(just from my own perspective) Maybe not so much when one gives their *heart* (in our cultural understanding that equates to ones physical self/being/centre) and of course soul/spirit (we term it Wairua...but essentially loosely translated into English refers to ones spiritual self/being/centre) in essence yourself wholly and completely (mind/body/spirit) you can never be lost.
For its then in the keeping of the 'Sheppard'.

Doesn't stop you from getting tempted of course. If anything, well, raise your head on the radar and you might find the tempters and tricksters take a keen interest...but thats par for the course.
Staying the course is the trick.

I do not want to fued over who is right or who is wrong and often God uses other people to tell us what we need to know, one must not harden their heart to that fact. God bless...

indeed he does...and its not any fued, its merely understandings. And sincerely I thank you for sharing yours.
So to - as I must - you too must not harden to your heart to another persons message...lest that person be also a sent messenger.

...whoops...more off-topic.

Slightly on-topic.

I completely agree with others.

Diving into a deep pool when perhaps we don't know how to swim, or what lays below the surface, is NEVER a good idea..

Some things are best left alone for a reason...


[edit on 16-2-2010 by alien]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:52 AM
...a query/question for you.

And please let me assure you I ask it out of sincere and respectful interest - not out of any intent to attack or undermine.

I find it interesting that you've stated such things as "I just have bigger guns..."

I suspect its more just a cultural thing on my part why I find it interesting - as within my culture we tend not to refer to 'self' in regards to whatever work we may do...rather we refer always to that which we may be called to *work* for. (I personally term that God/The Lord)

As mentioned previously, within my culture there are many who see, hear, feel, know, who heal, who (for want of a better term) *ghost-bust* and deal with those little and sometimes not-so-little dark annoying entities...who operate within those *spiritual realms* (which I'm picking you do as well).

Yet we don't refer to ourselves as being the holders as such of any *power*...rather the hands. The servant. The conduit if you like.

So my humble question to you, and again is without malicious intent, is:
"Do you see yourself as being the *holder* of those *guns* (that 'power' if you will)...or is it more a case of being the one 'mandated' to fire them?"


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 10:05 AM

Originally posted by Melissa101
reply to post by truthseeker1984

LOL, we share one trait, stuborness (is that even a word). I like your determination and the fact that you stick to your guns. I do too, I just have bigger guns...

Why do you need guns when the mind is much more powerful than any gun will ever be? This is not meant as a slight, but as a statement. We were all made from the source. We share traits with the source and we can use the same powers the source has. We're just fragments of one whole, and some of us are stronger than others. I don't rely on prayer to get my things done. I take it into my own hands. And I will ALWAYS take it into my own hands, because relying on self is the strongest thing that any human being can do.

And you're right, I'm stubborn.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:53 PM
reply to post by truthseeker1984

I was using the word guns as a metaphor for brains, facts and general knowledge. Silly... Not to be taken litteraly.

[edit on 16-2-2010 by Melissa101]

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 02:58 PM
reply to post by alien

"Do you see yourself as being the *holder* of those *guns* (that 'power' if you will)...or is it more a case of being the one 'mandated' to fire them?"

I honestly see myself as an average human with no special abilities other than what God gives me to use for his work. I am not the power only the tool.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 04:45 PM
reply to post by Melissa101

Thank you for the response Melissa101.

And thanks for sharing of your knowledges too.

Love these types of korero/discussions...far more *real* than the supposed 'real world' as we are so often taught it to be.

Fight the good fight my friend!

To the OP:

As others have said, you've had a taste of that side.
As you've found out from direct experience its not all sweetness and delight, its not all TV-Show fake can (and does) bring with it some pretty harsh lessons if you go delving into places that perhaps you shouldn't.

Whats that saying? 'Know thine enemy'?

As others have also said - perhaps thats also the reason. Some of us learn from being told, some from being shown, others from experiencing it firsthand. Its all learning.

Hope yours brings benefit for you and for others.


posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 05:05 PM
My personal opinion is that you have been infatuated with her and she with you. If she is in fact a practicioner of the craft then perhaps she has used it on you and the reason you can't get her out of your head. Locate that energy cast your way and do away with it. There are many ways to cast it aside. I'm sure you will be able to find ways to do so, if you are christian I suggest the 23 psalm. It is all about protection. Good luck to you. Be well!

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:01 PM
To the OP:
I believe that in these matters we have to consider a paradox, which is that, in body, mind & spirit, we are all more alike than we are different & yet each of us will have a unique path. For that reason, I believe that the only advice that its right to give is that personal truth which we ourselves grew either through or by finding out. I'd say that someone pushing religion either has not progressed very far on their own path or has an agenda, which they may not be entirely aware of themselves.
I had some odd experiences whilst quite young, but I just dismissed them: I was very scientifically minded. In my mid teens, a few highly symbolic experiences got me looking into "the paranormal" & meditation (which my Karate Sensei had been urging on me for years lol). About 16 I began to dabble in magick: experiments in directed will, nothing ritual. Later, I met practicioners, read a few books & began to dabble in more formal stuff: making amulets etc.
I had no idea what I was doing. Still, age 42, looking back, I dont regret it, even tho there were negative as well as positive consequences. There are a few things I'd go back & tell myself if I could, so I'll tell you instead.
Most agree that the will or intent is the driving force behind any working. Thus we must know our own will if we are to predict the results of what we do. This is not that easy at any age, because a great deal of human emotion has all kinds of negative connotations attached & so we often cant admit our own truth to ourselves. Meditation & keeping an honest diary help.
Some workings get talked about as if they're fairly innocuous. However, anything which affects another's will is potentially very powerful. Knowing your own intent is therefore doubly important.
When dabbling, its easy to leave a mess. Workings left unfinished or running on needlessly. Clean up your mess. Banish or release your unnecessary spells. That way they'll not crop up unexpectedly years later.
Dont be afraid of other's fears.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:07 PM
reply to post by shadow12

Have I Been Cursed??? Ok so ive been doing spells lately

Yes. Yes you have been. Now do a spell to uncurse yourself and go to bed.

posted on Feb, 16 2010 @ 11:29 PM

Originally posted by alien
reply to post by Melissa101

Thank you for the response Melissa101.

And thanks for sharing of your knowledges too.

Love these types of korero/discussions...far more *real* than the supposed 'real world' as we are so often taught it to be.

Fight the good fight my friend!


Yes they are more real, it is refreshing to meet someone who understands, so few do. Only because they do not want to. And you are very welcome, thank you for your input too.

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