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Federal income tax delay?? Is the government broke?

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posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:12 PM
The government will not go broke this tax season because it can always print up more money, which it has been doing as part of the bailout. The question is whether YOU will go broke!

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 05:19 PM
The government is Broke and I will tell you why.

1) back in 1929 the government caused an economic collapse causing the great depression. That depression made lots of money for the bankers, foreclosures, bank take overs, etc.

2) 1933 the new deal was enacted by F.D.R. Which was the beginning of the American people being screwed, again.

The above is just to let everyone know 1933 is when the U.S. government went into recievorship, debt, or AKA Financial Slavery.

3) There is a national debt, come on it is staring you in the face, China has to pay our bills for the moment.

4) The dollar was inflated, look at it now, at the bottom of the super power chain.

*pulls out a dollar* it is funny how something made of paper can fluxuate so much, yet precious metals stay the same.

Inflation is taxation without legislation.

Taxes, what a joke...

posted on Feb, 2 2010 @ 06:00 PM
When money is scarce, it is obvious that reimbursements are being stretched.

My country is sitting up to 5 years on our tax declarations, which is the legal
deadline. We wouldn´t know until then, if we have to still pay more or will
get a reimbursement. Sometimes a batch of 2, 3 or 4 years are finalized at
one time.

It would be our fault, if we had not put some reserves aside to weather a
possible tightness out.

My main concern is filling out the tax forms by May each year. I hate this
obligation. Sometimes it takes me through October to do it without being
reminded though.

Some years ago the German Federal Pension fund did some stretching, too.
They started paying out pensions at the end of the month rather than on
the first day as before.

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