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I just saw Lights reaching for the Sky !

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posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 06:10 AM
Amazing images posted

posted on Dec, 23 2009 @ 01:45 AM

Originally posted by GypsK
I saw a samelike thing last night when I was driving home from work after dark.
Some sort of white 'light beam' that started in mid-air above the treelines ( from our view)and went all the way up in the sky through the clouds. It must have been miles away because we kept seeing it almost all the way home.
Both me and my husband have no idea what it was, it was to broad for it to be a laser beam and it looked as if it came down not up.

No I didn't have a cam on me and wasn't even going to post on it, till I saw this topic.
I'm in Belgium so it wasn't Northern light. I also didn't find other reports on it in my area.... and that's suprising because it was so clear visible and other people must have seen it aswell.

The above was my prev post.
a lot of people reported this to the Belgium UFO website and a lot of pictures where submitted.

it turned out this 'lightbeam' was the reflection of an industrial flame from the BASF site, that reflected on the ice crystals in the air and so created a 'beam'

follow the link for a picture.

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