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posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:04 AM
So i'm making my official introduction with post # 103, but better late then never!

I've been a lurker of ATS since only september, and a member since October, but I mainly wanted to write this to thank all the members for some of the most open and interesting stories & debate's i've seen in years. I'm struggling at the moment with some of the people i'm mates with due to the fact that they refuse to believe anything other then the gospel of perezhilton and MSM news (many people i know have actually volunteered to get the swine flu needle because - gasp - its FREE! - yes, really). I'm loving Fragile Earth forum the most, but everyday i'm reading new threads that are making me realise not everything is as it seems on our little plantet - and it's surrounds (in fact, it's much more interesting!).

So thankyou ATS for giving me a refreshing new outlook, and opening my eyes a little more

[edit on 18/12/2009 by bkaust]

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by bkaust
So thankyou ATS for giving me a refreshing new outlook, and opening my eyes a little more

Good to have you.

Enjoy yourself.



posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:14 AM
That's what A.T.S. is all about. The world is not necessarily as we see it and CERTAINLY NOT as the media portrays it.

It is frustrating how much the average person (of which most of my associates are too) is blind to certain issues and accepts the version offered by popular culture/mainstream media but trying to convince these people otherwise will only leave you frustrated.

There is no black and white just an infinite number of shades of grey and that goes for almost everything.

Keep questioning everything and thinking for yourself!

Oh and welcome!

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 02:47 AM
I also started posting my views and thoughts on ATS very recently. It's fun yeah? The people here are just so fantastic. So much better than the fake world that is the mainstream media.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 04:21 AM
Thanks Slay

Thanks OZ, we are from the same state, go QLD! ;p. Yeah, if chanel 7,9 or 10 isn't reporting it - it's surely not newsworthy to them! the amount of times i read something here and go to see if Courier Mail website will report anything, usually its a no, or some pro Global Warming article, ugh.

It is fun, CaninE.G! i'm loving it. People are just open and unapologetic about their opinions here! no caring about stepping on toes, it's just 'this is my belief, either you agree or you dont' so refreshing.

posted on Dec, 18 2009 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by bkaust

Wow, a fellow Queenslandian! I think you're the first I've come across on this site.

Maybe folks are just more gullible in these here parts.

Maybe it's the fluoride.........

posted on Dec, 19 2009 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by OZtracized

Haha it must be! i've seen a few fellow QLD's on here, not as many as i'd like though! It'd be nice to know some more locals that arent completley blind

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 08:30 PM
i am a vic guy nice to meet you merry christmas

posted on Dec, 20 2009 @ 10:32 PM
reply to post by bkaust

Hi bkaust,

Have to agree, it's great to chat with people who are a little more enlightened than the masses. Looking forward to reading your posts.

If I go outside and shout "Merry Christmas" maybe you will all hear a mumble coming up from Tasmania maybe apart from kellerman he might have to put his hands over his ears.

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