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Tea Party no matter What?

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posted on Nov, 27 2009 @ 01:27 AM
I think the tea party should be celebrated every year, no matter who the president, no matter who is in control of congress, or the house. It seems every year we the people have a different problem, and we have the right to assemble. Our rights aren't being celebrated by us, and we are the only ones who are violating our rights.
The tea party should be our non violent was of having our voices heard. American is a two party system, the government has three branches, and unofficially the media is the fourth branch. The tea party may look like it is only getting bigger,but it is really slowly being put to death. I've heard people saying that there is even a whisper campaign going on in an attempt to turn the tea party movement in a party: Like the democrats or the republicans.
This notion is outlandish. Here is what I mean. Real political change in our country isn't going to come from a new party. A new party isn't going to bring real change to our system either. I really think that the tea party movement, our right, is being hijacked and extinguished, and will eventually be delicately put down, and then away. I am very against the movement becoming a party at all.
The media is definitely helping to perpetrate the killing of it. The media prey on our stupidity, or our lack of knowledge. They want us to believe that Ron Paul, or anyone who encompasses the true values of America, can't win the presidency, and won't. They'll make up our minds for you. They want you to put you're numbers into an independent movement that won't fail. Take a look at this:

Ron Paul is the last person anyone in the media, or the government, or the military, or the police, or the shadow government want as president. This could happen to anyone, and I'm only using Ron Paul as an example. It's was quite obvious, and anyone who doesn't go along with the mafia policy of the government is put down quietly. They still have to count on our disapproval alot, and alittle too much. But what are we mad at? It changes so much, but the constants stay the same.
I like this video and I like to think about Thomas Paine and what he' do. He wrote common sense.

The problem with the tea party is it has become a movement, and not an annual event for all americans to celebrate their right to protest. It, I think, is being dismantled by some of the same people who entertain it, move it along, and by those who oppose it as well. The media has shot itself in the foot already. They are proving they count on our anger, and our disapproval everyday. Their cards are all over the floor an we can see them, and it's dangerous that people have already forgotten. War, Taxes, Bailouts, or whatever we want, one thing remains the same, it's our anger. It should not be marginalized yet again by people who weren't even our friends in the first place.
What should be done? If you understand what I mean? I love the idea of a tea party every year. The tea party gatherings should not become another statistic. Politics, and the media need to stay the hell away from the tea parties every year. My outrage isn't going to be minimalized by a campaign or an election. We have values that we hold true. Tea parties cannot be put out and then down quietly. It cannot be minimalized by things like: Obama has too many people who vote for him, or bloomberg pays 100 million for a victory, or Rudy, or Romney aren't going to get a fair shake. All those things make us feel like weak, and like we can't win, and like we won't.
It's horendous, it's a betrail, and it's already being taken away from us. We are Americans, and our angers change as much as a news cycle, daily, and yearly.
What do you think? What can be done about it at this point. We already know common sense isn't going to prevail. Well, anyway everyone or who ever is welcome to address this thread, except for ron paul supporters of course.

[edit on 27-11-2009 by 517.101]

[edit on 27-11-2009 by 517.101]

posted on Nov, 28 2009 @ 04:48 PM

posted on Dec, 5 2009 @ 09:59 PM
Mod, would you please move this thread to political madness. For some reason this thread is in the middle east current discussion forum.

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