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Why The Hell Would I Want To Become P.O.T.U.S., Really People?

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posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 02:05 PM

I really have to say that I was fuming the first time a friend of mine suggested I become the President of the United States of America. This was about ten years ago that my friend, a self-proclaimed "psychic" suggested I would make an excellent candidate to become the one man that rules the country through the system of checks and balances between what we know as the Executive Branch, Legislative Branch, and Judicial Branch. My friend, being the nice woman she is, is around thirty years my senior,myself being thirty-six now, and at the time she suggested this I was around twenty-five or twenty-six.

Knowing what I do about the United States Government and the often corrupt practices of the people who rule this country through bias, bigotry, and baleful neglect of our rights as citizens, at the time my friend had mentioned this I got mad as Hell at her for suggesting such a thing.


You might be wondering why of course, I would see this as an insult like I did, and I will tell you, it is because knowing what I do of our Government I would have to rub shoulders with some of the slimiest, sleaziest, and salaciously evil and vile people in the world in order to take this post behind that podium with the Presidential Seal of the United States of America. Here's the kicker, and some of you might agree, and I am sure others will disagree as well, that is your choice to do so freely here, I am not talking about rubbing shoulders with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Hugo Chavez, or Kim Jong-Il and the nasty, dictatorial, scumbag types that they represent, but I am instead speaking about the people within our Government itself that I would have to rub shoulders with that would make me want to vomit more each time I look at their face when I was forced to be diplomatic and shake their hands when I know they are siphoning off our political system to idiots in political think-tanks, Lobbyist Groups, and and special interest groups.


To make matters worse, I know the President does not get to make his decisions based upon his principals, ethics, or morals, but has to represent big industry, big business, and the military industrial complex, be a part of organizations like Skull and Bones, the Council on Foreign Relations, and or the Mason's, and I have no desire to sink to those levels of depravity in order to become some bobble-head puppet dictator doing what those people desire and represent instead of what the American citizens want for our beloved nation. I have been approached a thousand and one times by people on the street to run as President of the United of America, or to the Secret Service, POTUS.


I know I am a man of strong moral character, strong ethics, and equally strong knowledge of how the Government is supposed to work, but we as citizens are often short-changed by the people who would bypass our desires for the country, being forced to pick between the lesser of two evils as the saying goes, when I believe if you are forced to pick between only two choices, you are not really getting a fair choice at all you are instead being forced to pick between two candidates that were primed to take a role to keep the country separated between Republican's and Democrat's.


You see, to me when you have two choices, this is a moral, ethical, and psychological dilemma of a false dichotomy, that there are only two choices, either good or bad, righteous or criminal, black or white, choose or do not choose. I know policy, procedure, and protocol as well as I know not to fall into the trap of only having option A and option B.


I am neither a Republican nor a Democrat, I believe both of those parties are illusory in that they are both self-serving and not serving the political, moral, or ethical choices of America, I am in fact a registered Independent as far as politics go, so why would I want to join either side of that political drudgery and rule under a party I see on both sides of the aisle as people who do not care about this country because as you and I both know an Independent will have more problems getting into the White House than I would have in shoving a cactus up SkepticOverlord backside. If you have read any of my threads or posts here on this website you will know and understand that I do not believe in big Government, which I see as a waste of resources, I do not believe in hiding criminal actions through the guises of "terrorism" in "secret evidence", nor do I believe our rights should be stripped, so how would I even get to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to begin with and not end up like John F Kennedy who was killed by the Federal Reserve to keep from having its power stripped and the event blamed on patsy?


It must amuse my friend to torture me by suggesting I become someone I see as nothing more significant than a peon ruled by a hand up his butt, and the strings of power held aloft by the corruption of the system in place which I believe has not served our nation but only failed our citizens in a lack of being held accountable to the injustices by previous Administrations.


For those on this website who have suggested it to me, I do not see your suggestions as insults, for you know I want the right things for our country, but I believe my friend thinks that I would want to be submissive in some cocoon of insular corruption, instead of actually ruling this country as a man of integrity, the suggestion is to rule it as a benevolent tyrant through subjugation of the dominant will of those who would cast aside our Constitution and strip our Rights that were hard won and even harder fought for.


I am not someone to sit behind a desk nor stand behind a podium, I am a man of action, to used to being in charge, and leading from the front, taking on any enemy who comes against me or those I love, or those I have vowed to protect and serve in whatever manner and in whatever way I have, it would be a difficult transition for me to just talk about doing the right thing, instead of actually getting up and doing it myself.

[edit on 16-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:13 PM

Now that you've officially forsworn the candidacy, what are we supposed to do with all the bumper stickers?

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:15 PM

Originally posted by MrDesolate

Now that you've officially forsworn the candidacy, what are we supposed to do with all the bumper stickers?

Very funny.

I never said I had taken my hat out of the ring.

Then again I never said I had tossed it in either.

I just do not know why I would want to become a puppet dictator.

There's zero benefit if I cannot make the choices I believe in.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:39 PM
I would see it as an opportunity, especially for someone like you. Because if it was me:

1) The Fed could kiss their asses goodbye.

2) The CIA would be dismantled, and I'd send a letter to the major powers. "We've now terminated the CIA and all foreign spying. We expect you to do the same. If we catch a single spy after 6 months from the date of this letter, we'll nuke your country." End of story.

3) The FBI would be cleansed completely.

4) The IRS would be abolished, and a REASONABLE national sales tax instituted.

5) A refocus on breaking up national monopolies on critical industries would take place.

6) A new independent investigation of the 9/11 attacks would proceed without prejudice or impedance. We'll get to the bottom of this, BY GOD. Craig, Aldo, Domenick, Steven Jones, Rob Balsamo and Richard Gage, you're all hired to head this up. Expect reasonable salaries.

7) All foreign troops would be recalled immediately.

8) All of congress would be fired, except maybe a choice few like Ron Paul.

9) Term limits for the Supreme Court justices imposed immediately, and btw, you're all fired too. I'll find some honest attorneys somewhere. Where, I don't know, but they must exist.

10) I'd tell the IMF, the UN, the trilateral commission, the CFR and just about everyone else to kiss it.

11) And the bailouts? Immediately return all funds. Never again. Instead, I would bailout all homeowners, and give them a second chance to get on their feet.

12) Huge increase in funding for alternative energy resource developments.

13) I'd hire attorneys (some of those elusive honest ones) to research every single aspect of Federal Government, and wherever possible, absolve involvement, and return those rights to the states where they belong.

14) I'd dissolve any federal agency like the Dept. of Education and return those responsibilities to the states.

15) Veterans care increased dramatically without prejudice, and conditions in all VA's improved dramatically.

16) Reexamination and dismantlement of any national military forces, and where possible, send them back home to their respective states. Need help on the borders? We'll be there in force.

That'd be my orders on the first day. Dictator TA, wahaha! If I managed not to be assassinated on the first day, the second day would be even better. Then I'd walk straight over to NASA and the NSA and we're gonna find out everything they know on UFO, ET's, and everything else. All department heads, FIRED!!! And oh, btw, if I find any that have been in secret collusion with ET's, you'll hang!

My that was fun! I wouldn't dream of being President, but if I had to, that's what I'd do.

[edit on Wed Sep 16th 2009 by TrueAmerican]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by TrueAmerican

Damn it, TA.

Stop reading my policy, procedure, and protocol books for my first 100 days in office.

Yes, I agree with a majority of that, although a President cannot fire Congress.

Checks and Balances.

September 11th would be opened again, this time directing the investigation would be yours truly, and anyone who stands in the way of getting to the bottom of it would be immediately designated as a traitor and committing treason, and would be sitting in the jail cell next to Dick Cheney, the official man behind the curtain on that event.

The Federal Reserve would immediately be dismantled.

The I.R.S. would be required to file all of the citizens paperwork for them, giving leniency to anyone making less than $75,000 a year, and anyone above that bracket will pay an extra 5%.

Sorry, we do need them to some small extent, if for nothing else than to replant all the forests they kill with that ridiculous amount of paperwork, by killing us with paper-cuts.

I would pull us immediately out of the United Nations, and tell those bogus buffoons to pay their own bills, and quit stealing from us.

Communist China, North Korea, Iran, and Venezuela would be put on notice, not because of their oil, but because of their atrocious human rights violations.

Gasoline would be dropped back to 97 cents a gallon, and will never fluctuate more than 10 cents ever again, period, and if the oil companies do not like it, well they can sell their oil to Europe, I will mandate it through Presidential Executive Order that all vehicles will be bio-fuel or alternative fuels by the year 2020.

All houses across America will reeive and be required to install or pay to have installed solar panels, and they will be paid by the electric companies if they have a surplus.

Paris Hilton will be Persona Non Grata in the United States, sorry honey no tramps allowed.

Britney Spears will be told to shape up, or move in with Ms Hilton, back in France.

My list is building...

I would launch the Colonize Mar initiative, and anyone who does not like our country, well they can go live on the red planet, or Titan, and never come back, starting with all the terrorists, pedophiles, and rapists, oh wait, I cannot send Congress to Mars...

[edit on 16-9-2009 by SpartanKingLeonidas]

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:07 PM
reply to post by SpartanKingLeonidas

Politics is all just deciding who lives and who dies...everything else is just the wanna-be beauty queens winding up and pitching big woo at WORLD PEACE...but that ain't why they're in those heels...

So, if, as a matter of personal taste, you think that you would enjoy deciding who lives and who dies (not everybody would find it their dream job)...then, to some extent, you, yes you, have a calling to high office...

Externally people tend to mark you out for leadership if you seem to them to be big, personality-wise, showy, theatrical, full-of-yourself, always-big-plans, tin-cans-rattling-tied-to-your-bumper...even if you are frankly repulsive, if they can't take their eyes off of you, you are, truly, the one that they want...even if the highest praise you ever deserve is "Today at least you did nothing criminal or unexpected"...All of which goes to show that other people's opinions don't count and barely exist, pretty much, what do they know?

Plus, they just want to hold you back, because they are jealous. (Man, I so need to do an evil-advice palm-reading booth, at the psychic fair...I will be rich beyond dreams of avarice, yupyup.)

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:11 PM
I am relieved. You have posted previously that you own a significant amount of shares of Verichip(at least for you). I would be afraid that you would chip everyone in order to make your investment pay off.

I would however, reconsider and vote for you if you agreed to divest yourself of all your Verichip stock.

You can withhold your decision on divestment until you choose to run.

I don't want no chips or have Spartan Kings running our country.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by nine-eyed-eel

That's just it, NEE, I had never had a desire to run as President, before this person came along.

I hate making choices I know others will not like, because I always make the responsible choice.

I do not drink.

I do not smoke, regular, or alternatively, yet I could care less about the legality of the second one.

I do not watch sports, I would rather read a good book, play video games, or write on here.

I think people who walk around with their pants hanging off their butt are showing just that, their butt to the rest of the world.

Pull up your damn pants, I don't care about a belt, but I don't want to see your nasty boxers.

I choose to lead by example, not by driving a desk, but out front with my men.

If I were to run as President, the Secret Service would be required to complete S.E.A.L. training, Hell Week, and S.E.R.E. training with me, and there will be no more step-and-fetch-it mentality to that organization.

I can make my own damn sandwich, steak, or salad, and do not guard me, I can guard myself, just carry your weight as part of my team, lead, sit down, or get the Hell out of my way because I have ass to kick.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 04:31 PM

Originally posted by sligtlyskeptical
I am relieved. You have posted previously that you own a significant amount of shares of Verichip(at least for you). I would be afraid that you would chip everyone in order to make your investment pay off.

I would however, reconsider and vote for you if you agreed to divest yourself of all your Verichip stock.

You can withhold your decision on divestment until you choose to run.

I don't want no chips or have Spartan Kings running our country.

You will be further relieved to know I sold a majority of those shares.

I only bought them to find out more about the company from the inside.

I feel our country is headed towards implementation of them though, and my thoughts on them were that they may be the only way they will let us vote as citizens of the United States of America, as well as the rest of the world when they are forced to be chipped.

If I were running, my campaign will revolve around making Government smaller, less information about the people, total transparency, and the bio-chip system would be the first thing I shut down once I get elected.

I keep my campaign promises, period.

The White House will be open for tours daily, not like that pansy Bush who closed it off.

Go on, try to kill me, or shoot me, I can tell when someone is planning something, so I will know, and I will take preventative and or proactive measures to defend my life.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Go on, try to kill me, or shoot me, I can tell when someone is planning something, so I will know, and I will take preventative and or proactive measures to defend my life.

Take it easy there Lenny. No one wants to kill you or do you any harm.

I'm sure you would be a great President.

posted on Sep, 16 2009 @ 07:41 PM

Originally posted by sligtlyskeptical

Originally posted by SpartanKingLeonidas

Go on, try to kill me, or shoot me, I can tell when someone is planning something, so I will know, and I will take preventative and or proactive measures to defend my life.

Take it easy there Lenny. No one wants to kill you or do you any harm.

I'm sure you would be a great President.

I was speaking from the perspective of all these President's who hide behind the Secret Service.

I would rather face my aggressor, but that's just me.

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